Write a blog post (100-120 words) about a good or bad experience which you had on holiday

Write a blog post (100-120 words) about a good or bad experience which you had on holiday hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write a blog post (100-120 words) about a good or bad experience which you had on holiday

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Đề bài: Write a blog post (100-120 words) about a good or bad experience which you had on holiday

Paragraph 1: Set the scene. What had happened before the main action started?

Paragraph 2: What were the main events and what was happening in the background?

Paragraph 3: What happened at the end? How did everyone feel?

Write a blog post (100-120 words) about a good or bad experience which you had on holiday - mẫu 1

Holidays are meant to be a time of relaxation and enjoyment, but sometimes they can take an unexpected turn. During my recent vacation to a serene coastal town, I had an unforgettable experience that was a mix of both good and bad moments. The journey began with high hopes and excitement as I arrived at the picturesque destination. The breathtaking beaches and charming local culture instantly captivated me. However, my enthusiasm soon turned into frustration when I encountered some unfortunate events. First, my accommodation had a plumbing issue, leaving me without water for a day. Then, a sudden storm disrupted my plans for a beach picnic. Despite these setbacks, I decided to make the most of my holiday. I explored the town's hidden gems, indulged in delicious local cuisine, and connected with friendly locals.

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Write a blog post (100-120 words) about a good or bad experience which you had on holiday - mẫu 2

Our holiday in the countryside started with excitement and anticipation. We had planned to visit charming villages and enjoy the beauty of nature.

But things didn't go as planned when our car broke down. Stranded in the middle of nowhere, we decided to make the best of it. We went for a walk along a nearby trail and found ourselves surrounded by the peacefulness of nature.

As night approached, we stumbled upon a cozy inn. We were welcomed with warmth and delicious food. Despite the unexpected turn of events, we enjoyed each other's company and shared many laughs.

In the end, our holiday may have had its ups and downs, but it turned out to be an unforgettable adventure. We left feeling grateful for the simple joys of life and the beauty of the countryside.

Write a blog post (100-120 words) about a good or bad experience which you had on holiday - mẫu 3

Last summer, my friends and I went hiking in the mountains. We were excited to explore the trails and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

During our hike, the weather suddenly changed. Dark clouds gathered, and it started to rain heavily. We got drenched and had to find shelter quickly.

We found a small hut and stayed there until the storm passed. We were cold and tired but relieved to be safe. Despite the tough hike, we felt proud of making it through together. It turned out to be an unexpected adventure that taught us to appreciate nature's power and each other's support.

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Write a blog post (100-120 words) about a good or bad experience which you had on holiday - mẫu 4

During spring break, I traveled to a bustling city with my friends. We were eager to explore the famous landmarks and experience the vibrant culture.

We visited museums, tried local foods, and wandered through bustling markets. The city's energy and diversity fascinated us, and we couldn't get enough of the exciting activities.

However, on the last day, we got lost while trying to find a famous landmark. It was stressful, but we eventually found our way back with the help of friendly locals. Despite the hiccups, we laughed about our adventure and returned home with unforgettable memories of our city exploration.

Write a blog post (100-120 words) about a good or bad experience which you had on holiday - mẫu 5

Last summer, I visited a historic town with my family. We were eager to immerse ourselves in its rich history and quaint charm.

We spent our days touring ancient cathedrals, wandering through cobblestone streets lined with centuries-old buildings, and learning about the town's fascinating past in museums.

However, one afternoon, we encountered unexpected road closures due to a local festival. It was chaotic trying to navigate through the crowded streets, but we eventually found a quieter area to explore. Despite the brief inconvenience, we enjoyed discovering hidden gems and returned home with a deeper appreciation for the town's history and vibrant culture.

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