Be used to & get used to trong tiếng Anh

Bài viết Be used to & get used to gồm ngữ pháp Be used to & get used to chi tiết và bài tập Be used to & get used to có lời giải giúp học sinh nắm vững cách sử dụng Be used to & get used to trong tiếng Anh.

Be used to & get used to trong tiếng Anh

Lý thuyết Be used to & get used to

A. Ví dụ be/get used to + Ving trong tiếng Anh

Ví dụ có một tình huống:

Jane là người Mỹ nhưng cô ấy sống ở Anh 3 năm nay. Khi lần đầu tiên lái xe ở Anh, cô cảm thấy bối rối bởi phải chạy xe bên trái thay vì bên phải. Chạy xe bên trái đối với cô thật lạ lùng và khó khăn, bởi vì:

- She wasn't used to it.

(Cô ấy không quen với việc đó.)

- She wasn't used to driving on the left.

(Cô ấy không quen với việc lái xe bên trái.)

Nhưng sau nhiều lần luyện tập, việc chạy xe bên trái đã bớt khó khăn, do đó:

- She got used driving on the left.

(Cô ấy đã quen chạy xe bên trái.)

Và giờ đây sau 3 năm, việc đó đã không còn là vấn đề đối với Jane:

- She is used to driving on the left.

(Cô ấy quen với việc lái xe bên trái.)

Cấu trúc "I'm used to something" = điều đó không mới lạ đối với tôi.

Dưới đây là một số ví dụ khác:

- Frank lives alone. He doesn't mind this because he has lived alone for 15 years. It is not strange for him. He is used to it. He is used to living alone.

(Frank sống một mình. Anh ấy không bận tâm vì điều này bởi vì anh ấy đã sống một mình 15 năm nay. Anh ấy quen với điều đó. Anh ấy quen sống một mình.)

- I bought some new shoes. They felt a bit strange at first becaused I wasn't used to them.

(Tôi vừa mới mua đôi giày mới. Chúng hơi lạ chân vì tôi chưa mang quen.)

- Our new flat is on a very busy street. I expect we'll get used to the noise, but at the moment it's very disturbing.

(Căn hộ mới của chúng tôi nằm trên một phố rất nhộn nhịp. Tôi nghĩ rằng rồi chúng tôi sẽ quen với sự náo nhiệt, nhưng hiện giờ thì quá ồn ào.)

- Diane has a new job. She has to get up much earlier now than before — at 6.30. She finds this difficult because she isn't used to getting up so early.

(Diane có công việc mới. Cô ấy phải dậy rất sớm so với trước đây - lúc 6h30. Cô ấy thấy việc đó rất khó khăn vì cô không quen dậy sớm như vậy.)

- Brenda's husband is often away from home. She doesn't mind this. She is used to him being away.

(Chồng của Brenda thường phải xa nhà. Cô không phiền lòng về điều này. Cô ấy đã quen với việc chồng cô vắng nhà.)

B. Không thể sử dụng nguyên mẫu sau be/get used to

Ví dụ:

- She is used to driving on the left. (KHÔNG nói 'she is used to drive')

(Cô ấy quen với việc chạy xe bên trái.)

Khi ta nói "I am used to ..." thì to là giới từ, chứ không phải là thành phần của động từ nguyên thể.

Ví dụ:

- Frank is used to living alone. (KHÔNG nói 'Frank is used to live alone')

(- Jane had to get used to driving on the left. (KHÔNG nói 'get used to drive'))

D. Sự khác nhau giữa I am used to doing vs I used to do

Đừng nhầm lẫn giữa I am used to doing (be/get used to)I used to do. Chúng khác nhau về cấu trúc và ý nghĩa.

* I am used to (doing) something = điều đó không mới lạ đối với tôi.

- I am used to the weather in this country.

(Tôi đã quen với thời tiết nơi miền quê này.)

- I am used to driving on the left because I've lived in Britain for a long time.

(Tôi quen với việc chạy xe bên trái vì tôi đã sống ở Anh lâu rồi.)

* I used to do something = tôi thường làm điều gì đó trong quá khứ nhưng bây giờ không làm nữa (Bạn tham khảo Used to trong tiếng Anh). Bạn chỉ có thể sử dụng cấu trúc này với những việc trong quá khứ, không sử dụng cho những việc hiện tại.

- I used to drive to work every day, but these days I usually go by bike.

(Tôi (trước đây) vẫn thường lái xe đi làm, nhưng mấy hôm nay tôi hay đi xe đạp.)

- We used to live in a small village, but now we live in London.

(Chúng tôi trước đây đã sống ở một ngôi làng nhỏ, nhưng hiện nay chúng tôi sống ở London.)

Bài tập Be used to & get used to

Task 1. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. When she was a girl, my mum would / used to live in a village.

2. I really can’t be / get used to having a new baby brother.

3. People would / are used to die of diseases in the past that we can cure today.

4. There would / used to be a cinema on this corner, but they knocked it down.

5. It was strange at first, but I’m used to play / playing the bagpipes now.

6. Didn’t you use to / be used to have blonde hair?

7. Christopher was being / getting used to the idea of joining the army.

8. People never would / used to be so worried about crime in this area.

Đáp án:

1. used to

2. get

3. would

4. used to

5. playing

6. use to

7. getting

8. used to

Task 2. Viết lại câu dùng từ gợi ý (khoảng 2-5 từ).

1. People walked more fifty years ago than they do now. would

⮚ Fifty years ago, _________________________ than they do now.

2. My parents wouldn’t let me stay out late when I was young. used

⮚ My parents _________________________ let me stay out late when I was young.

3. Did you know that Carol played basketball for her country? to

⮚ Did you know that Carol _________________________ basketball for her country?

4. Sending messages around the world instantly is no longer unusual. got

⮚ We _________________________ messages around the world instantly.

5. When he was a teacher, my dad often used to get home quite late. would

⮚ When he was a teacher, my dad _________________________ quite late.

6. Do you think you could learn to live without your mobile phone? used

⮚ Do you think you could _________________________ without your mobile phone?

7. In the past, people wouldn’t go as far away on holiday as they do today. use

⮚ In the past, people _________________________ as far away on holiday as they do today.

8. This town has a lot more cinemas than it had in the past. used

⮚ This town _________________________ so many cinemas.

Đáp án:

1. would walk more

2. used not to/ never used to

3. used to play

4. have got used to sending

5. would often get home

6. get used to living

7. didn’t use to go

8. used not to have/ never used to have

Task 3. Tìm từ thừa trong mỗi dòng.


1    Childhood would used to be quite different from what it is today. Young

2    people didn’t use to not have so much leisure time. Today’s children may

3    complain about their schoolwork, but our great-grandparents would to go

4    out to work at a very young age. They had often been left school by

5    the time they were fourteen and were found a job. This meant that they

6    have had little free time for hobbies or leisure activities, especially when

7    they had been working hard all day. Of course, they got themselves used

8    to working long hours eventually, but it would mean that they had to

9    grow up very quickly. Today, we are got used to having some free time to

10  do things we enjoy, a luxury people in the past rarely were had.











Đáp án:

1    Childhood would used to be quite different from what it is today. Young

2    people didn’t use to not have so much leisure time. Today’s children may

3    complain about their schoolwork, but our great-grandparents would to go

4    out to work at a very young age. They had often been left school by

5    the time they were fourteen and were found a job. This meant that they

6    have had little free time for hobbies or leisure activities, especially when

7    they had been working hard all day. Of course, they got themselves used

8    to working long hours eventually, but it would meant that they had to

9    grow up very quickly. Today, we are got used to having some free time to

10  do things we enjoy, a luxury people in the past rarely were had.

Task 4. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. When Matt started to work here, he needed a lot of help, but now he is used to doing/ used to do/ get used to doing all the work on his own.

2. She was used to reading/ used to read/ got used to reading several books a month, but she doesn’t have time anymore.

3. We were surprised to see his driving – he got used to driving/ was used to driving/ didn’t use to drive when we first met him.

4. Don’t worry, it’s a simple game. You are used to/ will get used to/ used to it in no time, I’m sure.

5. When they had to commute to work every day, they used to get up/ used to getting up very early.

6. I’m afraid I will never get used to living/ used to live/ got used to living in this place. I simply don’t like it and never will.

7. Whenever they came to Coventry they always used to stay/ got used to staying in the Central Hotel. They loved it.

8. When Asher was the head of our office, everything got used to be/ used to be/ was used to being well organized. Now it’s total chaos here.

9. Liza was shocked when she joined our busy company because she wasn’t used to/ didn’t used to doing much work every day.

10. At first, the employees didn’t like the new office, but in the end they got used to/ get used to/ are used to it.

Đáp án:

1. is used to doing

2. used to read

3. didn’t use to drive

4. will get used to

5. used to get up

6. get used to living

7. used to stay

8. used to be

9. wasn’t used to

10. got used to



Task 5. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. I __________ all the work by myself although I make mistakes sometimes.

a. am used to doing

b. used to do

c. get used to doing

2. He __________ my shop one a week, but then he didn’t show up any more.

a. was used to visiting

b. got used to visiting

c. used to visit

3. We are surprised to see her skills – she __________ much when we first met her.

a. didn’t use to cook

b. got used to cooking

c. was used to cooking

4. Because Aja has to travel long hours to work every day, she __________ very early.

a. used to get up

b. is used to getting up

c. get used to getting up

5. I __________ this question, sometimes it’s automatic.

a. am so used to answering

b. get so used to answering

c. used to answer

Đáp án:

1. c

2. c

3. a

4. b

5. a

Để làm bài tập Be used to và Get used to, mời bạn click chuột vào chương: Bài tập Be used to và Get used to.

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