A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research. Discuss both views and give your opinion. hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should

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Đề bài: A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 1

It has become a debatable topic about the exploitation of animals by mankind. Some people believed that animals should not be exploited and should be treated fairly by human beings. In contrast, others think animals should be utilised to assist humans in various kinds of ways, such as the source of food or for medical testing. The following essay will discuss both views in detail, but in my opinion, I believe that animals can be used as the source of food or to assist human beings in the proportionate way and humans should treat them properly.

On the one hand, a group of people believe that mankind does not have the right to exploit animals, as they are also living creatures. It is true that animals live by following their instinct, but they have the same feeling as human beings, therefore it would not be fair for mankind to exploit them. In several cases, it has been reported that some of the cows had cried before they were slaughtered in the slaughterhouse, which means that they also had the same feeling as human beings. In another reported cases, some of the animals were treated poorly by their masters, though they had been exploited heavily and made them sick or injured.

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On the other hand, it is undeniable that mankind needs the assistance of animals in various kinds of ways. Firstly, some animals are needed by humans to assist them in producing and providing food. In many countries, cows, buffaloes or horses are used by farmers to cultivate their farming areas, and some dairy farms animals such as chicken and sheep are slaughtered for their meat. Without the existence of these animals, there would be a humanity issue about the lack of food supplies and starvation for mankind. Secondly, some animals are used in certain scientific experiments or medical testing for the sake of humanity. Several new drugs are being tested in some mice or monkeys before they are being tested on human beings. Although it might seem like an inhuman act, these experiments have saved thousands of human lives.

In conclusion, people have different opinions about the exploitation of animals. Some people agree with the statement, but others disagree with it. In my opinion, I think the employment or the usage of animals to help human beings is not a problem, as long as we exploit them in a proportionate way. For example, as many farmers use dogs as their assistant in their field and the dogs should be treated and fed properly.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 2

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There have been lots of debates about animal rights in different societies over the last decade and sometimes we watch or hear from the media that a group of people are protesting in each corner of the world to protect animal rights. However, this group believes that animals should not be endangered by humans, while some others point out that human needs are more important, and people should be allowed to use animals for their different purposes. Therefore, this essay has tried to cover both of the mentioned views and would suggest a good way to solve the issue.

According to most of the history documents, the human has employed animals to have a better life from the time that civilisation has come to existence. In fact, the skin of animals has been considered as the first material for clothing industry and humans have used their meat of them as a delicious food. These days, people spend money for these purposes and in addition scientists conduct most of their biology experiments on animals to find cures for illnesses.

Some people worry about the mentioned trend as many animals’ species have become extinct because of exploitation by humans. Actually, they believe that the God has created animals to live, and human shouldn’t kill them or destroys their life places for his needs. So, if no step is taken for this situation, our planet has no place for animals, and we just can see animals in zoos which will be another way of employing animals by the human.

By contrast, some other argues that the God has created animals for human better life, and it is inevitable that people use animals for their targets. In other words, it is such a life law that always the stronger kill the weaker for continuing the life and in the forest, wild animals kill other for food as human do it for his purposes. Therefore, humans should exploit animals for food, clothes and to develop the science and no other way can be taken.

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I think, therefore, this occasion is such a sophisticated issue and both of views are concerning one aspect of human and animal rights. But perhaps, the realistic solution is balancing human behaviour towards animals. Put another way, humans should try to replace other ways instead of exploiting animals, however; it is not possible to eliminate the role of employing animals in human life.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 3

The animal is one of the living things, like the human. Some people believe that animals should be kept and treated well because they have the same rights as humans. Other people think that animals should be used for food, clothes, education, and research purposes. From my point of view, animals bring many advantages to the human life. But it does not mean humans can treat them badly and even do exploitation.   

As God creature, animals live and they have the same feelings like humans do, like pain, suffering, frustration, happiness, etc. People who advocate animal rights think that animals are equal to humans, so they deserve the same treatment. People must not use animals for their necessity. For instance, using animals for experiments, using them for the entertainment business, killing them for foods or making clothes and many others is inhuman. These activities not only hurt the animals but also may destroy the balance of nature. In this case, people with this point of view believe that exploitation and violence in animals are cruel behaviour. 

In contrast, some people argue that animals are created to fulfil human needs. They have a lot of benefits for human life. Firstly, animals can be used for education. Many scientists utilise animals for their research, like biology or medical study. It can really help people to enrich their knowledge about the earth phenomena and also to find new medications for helping the humans. Secondly, animals are really important as food sources. They can provide human nutrition. For example, fish, crabs, lobsters, and meats contain protein which is needed for human health. 

In conclusion, I believe that animals give many benefits for humans. They can help improve human life, especially providing food. However, people should treat them in good ways. I agree that animals deserve to be treated well but it does not mean that they must be treated as equally as humans.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 4

Since the prehistoric era, animals have been widely used by humans and in different ways to fulfil several needs. They have provided main sources of food, clothes, transportation and other tools largely used for the well-being of humankind. Yet in the modern world, animals still offer an efficient and indispensable mean for scientists to develop killing edge vaccinations. Whether to ban the exploitation of animals in general or to continue profiting from them for the betterment of people's lives is still a matter of dispute. I personally believe that animals' use in our lives should be strictly controlled.

In favour of securing the same rights as humans, some claim that animals should be treated in a moral and ethical way. They consequently require stopping slaughtering sheep and cows, for instance, simply to provide eatable meat. They additionally argue that though animals are driven by instinct rather by brain like humans, they still are living creatures and should enjoy their lives in peace.

On the other side, supporters of exploiting animals for the good of mankind evaluate their use in our lives as essential in different aspects. Firstly, it is suspicious that humans may survive by merely relying on vegetable sources of food even though this is not impossible.

Secondly, it would be quite impossible to keep the pace of development in medicine, especially to counter epidemic diseases, if we restrain the scientists from experiencing on animals. However, testing each and every new drug on humans is unethical and inhuman.

To conclude, despite the unstoppable voices against the exploitation of animals, in general, it would not be easy for humans to evolve without utilising animals, however, humans should control this utilisation and regulate it firmly. Miss using animals like in circuses, zoos or illegal competitions should be completely prohibited since those activities are solely aiming fun and mere financial benefits and disregarding animals' suffering.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 5

Some people believe that animals should be treated in the same way humans are and have similar rights, whereas others think that it is more important to use them as we desire for food and medical research. This essay will discuss both points of view.

With regard to the exploitation of animals, people believe it is acceptable for several reasons. Firstly, they think that humans are the most important beings on the planet, and everything must be done to ensure human survival. If this means experimenting on animals so that we can fight and find cures for diseases, then this takes priority over animal suffering. Furthermore, it is believed by some that animals do not feel pain or loss as humans do, so if we have to kill animals for food or other uses, then this is morally acceptable.

However, I do not believe these arguments stand up to scrutiny. To begin, it has been shown on numerous occasions by secret filming in laboratories via animal rights groups that animals feel as much pain as humans do, and they suffer when they are kept in cages for long periods. In addition, a substantial amount of animal research is done for cosmetics, not to find cures for diseases, so this is unnecessary. Finally, it has also been proven that humans can get all the nutrients and vitamins that they need from green vegetables and fruit. Therefore, again, having to kill animals for food is not an adequate argument.

To sum up, although some people argue killing animals for research and food is ethical, I would argue there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that this is not the case, and, therefore, steps must be taken to improve the rights of animals.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 6

People have different views with regard to animal protection and it is used. While it is believed by some people that humans should not use animals for their own motives, others feel animals are used for various purposes, human-like eating and medical. In my opinion, animal exploitation should not be done because this would disturb the ecological chain, and they also have aesthetic appeal.

On the one hand, those who justify animal exploitation give the following reasons. First, everyone has a unique property; if humans use animals for food, like chickens, then it is necessary because no one can replace others. No nutritionist can provide the replacement of chicken meat for weight gain. For Example, chicken has a property of protein which is useful for weight gain or muscle building. Second, many medical properties can come from experiments on animals. The scientist said that they do not test any medicine on beings directly. Hence, tests on birds and animals are justified.

On the other hand, some feel humans need not use animals for their motives. Firstly, animals have an influence on an ecological chain. If animals or birds are extinct by human exploitation, then humans are also gone forever. Because everything is connected to each other. For instance, insects are eaten by bats, and if insects are increased, then it destroys the crop, which would affect humans directly. Second, every animal has aesthetic appeal. They look beautiful and complete their nature with diversity. Suppose those are gone, then diversity is also lost, which is a hazard to nature. Thus, humans should not become exploitative of the animal for their own use.

In my opinion, in nature, every bird and animal have equal rights, and humans have the power to save the earth’s diversity, so they need not an exploitative animal because they have equal emotions as a human. So that they need not be used for research as other computer-based experimentation options are available.

In conclusion, although some people believe that animals are used for food and research for humans, others feel it is not worthy. In my view, animals need protection due to their importance in the ecological chain and diversity. It is rightly said that animals are gone, plants are gone, and then, ultimately, humans are gone.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 7

The discussion surrounding the treatment of animals is intricate and has diverse viewpoints. Let us consider each viewpoint before I share my perspective.

Some argue that animals should have rights equivalent to humans. They assert that exploiting animals for human necessities, such as food, clothing, and research, is morally unjustifiable. These advocates highlight animals’ cognitive and emotional abilities, suggesting that they can feel pain and pleasure like humans. Granting animals legal rights similar to humans, they argue, is a logical step in acknowledging their moral significance.

Conversely, supporters of using animals for human needs emphasize humanity’s historical dependence on them. They stress the practical need for animals in areas like food, clothing, transportation, and scientific research. They also mention the economic importance of animal-related industries and the potential challenges of transitioning away from them.

As for my own view, I believe in a balanced approach that respects both animal rights and human necessities. While I endorse reducing unnecessary exploitation and cruelty, I understand that immediate abolition of all animal use might not be feasible. Instead, I propose better animal welfare standards, stricter regulations on industries, and promoting alternative research methods where possible.

Furthermore, fostering empathy towards animals is crucial. We should see them not merely as resources but as beings deserving of care. Responsible consumption, sustainable agriculture, and investing in animal-friendly technology are steps in the right direction.

In conclusion, a middle ground is essential, considering both human needs and animal welfare. This requires collaboration among policymakers, industry leaders, scientists, and the public to build a more compassionate and sustainable relationship with animals.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 8

Over the past few decades, animal testing has been fiercely debated due to the ethical problems inherent in this area of science. This essay will explain why it cannot be justified and that alternatives need to be sought.

The people who believe that animal testing is necessary tend to say that there are serious benefits to humanity, such as testing medicines before using them on human beings. They believe that this will help to figure out the cures to many serious illnesses, which will make the world a better place for humans. However, this is wrong for several reasons. Chief among them is the fact that animal testing is not as helpful in developing medicines as people think. Medicines that work on animals do not always work on humans, and vice versa. As such, these trials are not just unnecessary but also profoundly unhelpful. For example, if scientists give a mouse diabetes and then try various drugs to cure the problem, they may find that there are twelve drugs that do not work on the mouse. However, maybe one of those drugs would have worked on a human. As such, animal testing would have caused more problems than it solved.

Part of the reason for animal testing is that there are not many alternatives. Whilst it is obviously cruel and pointless to subject animals to experiments, most people would agree that it is worse to do this to human beings. However, there needs to be some sort of procedure by which testing can move from theoretical to human trials without the need for the evils of animal testing. What this process would be remains to be seen, but it is essential for any humane society.

In conclusion, people may argue that there are benefits that come from experimenting on animals, but in fact there is no good reason to continue doing this. Scientists need to immediately seek an alternative and end this barbaric and pointless practice.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 9

The animal right has been a controversial issue ever since the dawn of industrialisation. Some argue that animals deserve to be treated the same way as humans, while others contend that humans must employ animals to fulfil their numerous needs. Both points of view will be analysed in this essay before a reasoned conclusion is drawn.

On the one hand, fair treatment of animals appears to be the moral thing to do. For example, animal rights activists groups have repeatedly performed studies that demonstrate that animals, when subjected to macabre conditions of slaughterhouses and laboratories, feel the pain in the same manner as human beings. Since most humans would never support the idea of inflicting such pain on their fellow human beings, it is only fair that animals should also be spared from this torment. When looking at this side of the argument, it is obvious why some support this stance.

On the other hand, many people opine that animals should be exploited in order to fulfil a number of human needs including food and research activities. Take pharmaceutical industry, for example, if humans stop testing drugs on animals to ensure their safety for subsequent human use, fatal damage could be caused to human beings as a result of using unsafe medicines. As without such medicines, the life expectancy of humans can fall dramatically, it is understandable why this point of view has garnered support.

Although both sides of this argument have indisputable virtues, it is felt that animal exploitation should only be upheld for medical research purposes. It is hoped that animal sufferings in the laboratories will be minimised in the future.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 10

Many people believe that animals are supposed to be treated in the same way as humans and should have comparable rights. While other people believe that it is vital to utilize them as we want for purposes such as food, flesh, and research work. In this essay, I will elaborate on both the viewpoints along with my opinion.

As to the abuse of creatures, many understand that it is considered for a few reasons. Firstly, they believe that humans are the most essential creatures on earth, and their survival should be ensured as a priority. If it requires sacrificing other creatures for discovering solutions for infections or for food, humans have the right to do so. Moreover, it is accepted by some that animals don't feel torment, pain, or loss as humans do, hence the killing of animals for human needs is justified and ethically worthy.

There are many people who have studied animal behaviors closely and have opposing ideas. As per many such people, animals should have their own rights, and must not be abused or sacrificed for human requirements. It has been proven through numerous laboratory experiments that animals are capable of feelings and emotions, and feel pain as much as humans do. In addition, a considerable measure of creature research is accomplished for beauty care products and not to discover remedies for ailments which is unnecessary. Finally, it has also been proven that humans can get all the nutrients and vitamins that they need from green vegetables and fruit. Therefore, again, having to kill animals for food is not an adequate argument.

In my opinion, the arguments against animal rights do not stand up to scrutiny. To sum up, although a few people contend murdering animals for research and sustenance is moral, I would say that there is adequate proof to show the contrary, and steps must be taken to improve the privileges of creatures.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 11

Humans, for thousands of years, have been exploiting animals for their personal needs. Nowadays, debates on whether animals deserve the same treatment as humans have risen. Some people argue that animals should have the same rights as humans do whilst others think that the utilization of animals is necessary for the good of humanity. This essay will dive into both sides of the argument.

Regarding why animals should be treated the same as humans, people argue that animals, unlike humans, cannot give consent. Furthermore, similarly to humans, animals have the ability to feel pain. Hence, the usage of animals can be considered not only an exploitation but also highly unethical. In addition, some claim that with the advancement in technology, humanity does not need animals for their food source. For instance, meats made from plants, such as soybeans, can be substituted in the place of actual meats. Due to these reasons, people think that the same human rights should be applied to animals.

On the other hand, others feel that there are good arguments against this. First and foremost, although animals can feel pain, they are vital in experiments that can affect a human. Take the creation of vaccines as a prime example, animals, such as rats are required to be tested with the new vaccine before human trials. This is done to ensure that all side effects are known. Moreover, in some underdeveloped countries, animals play a critical role in the lives of the locals. They are used in farming and some even in transportation. Therefore, giving the same rights the humans have to animals will put the lives of humans at more risk and will disrupt if not destroy the livelihood of some people.

In conclusion, despite some people claiming that the exploitation of animals for human needs, such as food and research is unethical, I personally believe that the use of animals is necessary. Even though plant-based diets can replace actual meat, the amount of nutrients that an actual meat contains is irreplaceable. I also think that the lives of humans are more significant than those of animals. Additionally, most animals that are used for research are mainly bred in laboratories, so the risk of extinction is little to none.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 12

Animals are a part of nature, as humans are. However, in recent times the exploitation of animals has increased, causing animals to become extinct. Some people believe that humans have the right to exploit animals for their own benefit, while others disagree.

There are several reasons for people believing that animals can be used for the benefit of mankind. Firstly, there is a common belief that humans are the highest of the species in hierarchy. This means that if by experimenting on animals we can fight and find cures for diseases, then this takes priority over animal suffering. Secondly, animals are assumed to feel no pain or suffering as humans do, and therefore to kill animals is morally acceptable.

However, some people are of the opinion that animals are very much a part of nature as we humans are. To prove this fact, several experiments have been done on animals which clearly prove that they feel the same amount of suffering and loss as humans do. Even more, a considerable amount of research on animals is done for cosmetics, rather than diseases, so it must be avoided. Also, it has been proved that humans can get all the vitamins and minerals from green vegetables, which makes eating or exploiting animals avoidable.

Overall, although some people argue killing animals for research and food is ethical, in my opinion, exploiting animals will extinct them and cause imbalance in nature.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should - mẫu 13

Animals have been playing a very prominent role in human life, since the origin of life on this planet. Animals are being used in each and every field accounting form food to sports including transport, as pets etc. However, their use is extensively exploiting these days, despite having alternates for animals.

Today, the abounding use of animals in every field has snatched their liberty and they are deprived of their own natural life. This, in fact, is so much pain which cannot be expressed in words. Sports like horse riding, for instance, are meant for entertainment and excitement among people whereas the animal’s life for these kinds of sports is made miserable, pathetic and abusive too.

A circus is another example of exploitation of animals’ life, caging them to present in some kind of shows for people amusement abducting their real life, traits, and characters they are born with yet, bounding and enslaving to live a shackled life, which is inconceivable for humans. With such a diverse flora people rely on animals for food, though. In recent times with the help of social sites, it has been successful to reveal to the masses the reality of cruelty on the animals before slaughtering for meat, which is way ahead than their exploitation.

In conclusion, this is worth highlighting that although the civilization has taken the man to other planets but the notion of accroach and commandeering life of animals will persist forever, though unjustified.

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