Aircrafts have been increasingly used to transport fruits and vegetables to some countries

Aircrafts have been increasingly used to transport fruits and vegetables to some countries where such plants hardly grow or are out of season. Some people consider it a good trend, but some people oppose it. Discuss both views and give your opinion hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Aircrafts have been increasingly used to transport fruits and vegetables to some countries

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Đề bài: Aircrafts have been increasingly used to transport fruits and vegetables to some countries where such plants hardly grow or are out of season. Some people consider it a good trend, but some people oppose it. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Aircrafts have been increasingly used to transport fruits and vegetables to some countries - mẫu 1

In the contemporary world, the popularity of air freight has led to a growing reliance on it for transporting agricultural products. While some individuals view this trend as advantageous, others argue for its restriction. This essay will examine both perspectives and provide additional examples.

One significant benefit of this approach is the provision of a more consistent supply of fresh fruits and vegetables to the host country. This is particularly relevant in areas where weather conditions and cultivated land are not optimal for growing certain crops. Importantly, air transportation can compensate for the shortfall in locally produced products, thereby sustaining the market. For instance, Vietnam, despite being an agricultural country, imports fruits like apples, pears, and kiwi by air due to their challenging domestic cultivation. Consequently, this not only diversifies the range of available products but also ensures a steady supply chain for the food processing industry, contributing to the nation’s economic stability.

However, there are inevitable negative consequences associated with this trend. Firstly, as countries increasingly rely on external sources, there is a risk of discouraging domestic crop production. This, in turn, has various impacts on the farming system, including the erosion and degradation of farmland, the limited development of tools and cultivation methods, and a reduction in skilled agricultural workforce. To illustrate, Vietnam’s heavy reliance on imports prevents it from achieving self-sufficiency in agriculture, leading to a focus on specific crops like rice and tropical fruits.

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In conclusion, while the growing trend of air freight for agricultural products helps stabilize the availability of fruits and vegetables against seasonal and climatic factors, it also poses a threat to the agricultural structure of the host country. Consequently, it is imperative for governments to implement appropriate strategies to maximize the benefits while minimizing potential damages.

Aircrafts have been increasingly used to transport fruits and vegetables to some countries - mẫu 2

Food is a basic necessity for all humans. The transportation of food is a controversial topic that often sparks debate. Some argue that it is beneficial to export food to regions where it is difficult to grow it. On the other hand, some believe that this practice has negative environmental impacts.

On one hand, there are regions in the world where growing certain plants is nearly impossible due to unfavorable climatic conditions. To meet the food demand, these countries need to import fruits and vegetables from agriculturally rich countries. For example, some areas in Africa struggle to cultivate and harvest food due to harsh environmental conditions. Additionally, natural disasters like floods or earthquakes can disrupt food production. For instance, in the Sindh province of Pakistan, annual floods often destroy agricultural fields, necessitating food imports to prevent shortages.

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On the other hand, transporting food over long distances contributes to environmental pollution. The use of aircraft, trucks, and ships for transportation burns fuel and releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, exacerbating climate change. Moreover, importing food can be costly, leading to higher prices for consumers. For example, when Pakistan imported wheat from Iran, the cost of flour doubled, placing a financial burden on citizens who had to pay more for essential goods.

In my opinion, while importing food can be necessary to ensure food security, it should be minimized. Governments should invest in advanced agricultural technologies and practices to improve local food production. By using methods such as greenhouse farming and hydroponics, countries can grow a wider variety of crops locally, reducing the need for imports.

To sum up, importing food can be essential in certain situations to prevent hunger and ensure food availability. However, it is also important to consider the environmental impact and economic costs. Governments should strive to enhance local food production through sustainable practices, thereby reducing reliance on food imports.

Aircrafts have been increasingly used to transport fruits and vegetables to some countries - mẫu 3

There has been a steady increase in the demand for imports throughout the world in recent years, including perishable items, such as fruits and vegetables.

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Despite the boom in this business, importing agricultural products is very often criticised as unnecessary and extravagant, especially when air freight is involved. The criticism was correct in the past, but at the present time, there are indications that this trade activity has brought various benefits.

First, it is important to note that contrary to popular belief, imports are now increasingly affordable to the general population. Thanks to the rapid development of the freight transport industry, air travel has become an economical mode of transport, resulting in the subsequent decrease in the cost of importing. Meanwhile, technical advances in the food processing industry have made it much easier to preserve fresh fruits and vegetables over a long-haul air flight. Because of the wide availability of imported crops, there are more varieties in the food market, leading to the drop in the price of imports. The supply of products in the market is less likely to be influenced by seasonal factors, and an adequate intake of nutrition is guaranteed for the general population throughout the year.

Another fact to note is that import and export normally go hand in hand, and a country that imports goods from other countries does not necessarily suffer a loss. Trade is not unilateral but bilateral. Some countries are noted for an agrarian economy, while others specialise in manufacturing industrial products. Countries differ in their product structures because they have dissimilar natural resources, climates, and geographical features. By adopting an enlightened policy and promoting trade activities with other countries, a country can facilitate the exchange of goods, services and capital with the rest of the world and promote economic development.

On the negative side, some countries might become addicted to importing goods and overlook the possibility of developing a self-contained economy. Scarcity of resources or lack of technology might prevent a country from producing crops to feed its population, but it cannot be taken as an excuse for relying heavily on imports. Government funding in scientific research can make it possible to achieve a breakthrough and increase the yield, thereby resolving the food supply crisis.

Countries are therefore advised to promote international trade and to develop their own industries simultaneously. Positive attitudes toward importing goods from other countries demonstrate a government's stance on the international trade, although the government should also prevent itself from relying on imported goods.

Aircrafts have been increasingly used to transport fruits and vegetables to some countries - mẫu 4

Globalisation has revolutionized our world in many aspects. Now, we don’t belong to a big planet Earth. We belong to a small global village. Everything is available everywhere. There are many advantages and disadvantages of transporting fruits and vegetables over a long distance by air. In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

On the positive side, transporting goods over a long distance gives us a lot of choices. We can taste a variety of fruits and vegetables from all parts of the world. For example, about ten years ago, we hardly saw kiwi fruit which is from New Zealand. But now it has a place on every fruit stand. Moreover, delivery by air is quick. Seasonal fruits and vegetables that are grown in faraway countries can be delivered as soon as possible by keeping the quality and taste unchanged. Only air transport can cover so long a distance in such a short time to achieve this goal. The United States, Canada and Western Europe all import tropical agricultural products that grow in tropical climates by air.

Secondly, many people get employment in this field. Small farmers have a chance to expand globally, and it increases the overall economy of the country. Finally, it helps in developing good relations between countries, which helps in international cooperation and peace. If countries are dependent upon one another’s economic success, then armed conflict would be less likely.

On the downside, importing foods can have a negative effect on local culture. This can be seen in countries such as Japan where imported food has become more popular than traditional, local produce, eroding people’s understanding of their own food traditions. A second major disadvantage is pollution. When goods are transported thousands of miles by road, sea and air, it increases pollution from exhaust fumes.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, importing foods by air has both merits and demerits but the pros outweigh the cons.

Aircrafts have been increasingly used to transport fruits and vegetables to some countries - mẫu 5

The airline has its popularity significantly risen in the transmission of many nations' fruit and vegetable industry, and especially used to deliver to areas lacking these products. While many people find this usage of aircraft reasonable, others suggest that this means of delivery is unnecessary. My essay will explain why many encourage this tendency and some believe that there are other methods that are also more relevant for transference.

Airliners are known for their incredible speed of commuting from one point to another, which can be utilized not only for human travelling but also for transporting goods and cargoes. This means that when an area or region has to suffer from famine or weather that is unsuitable for their crops, transmission by air would be the most appropriate method to tackle the problem. Additionally, many countries like the United Nation, China, and Russia have numerous airlines only for exchanging and exporting products. For instance, in China only, where various kinds of weather can be found, spends less attention on agricultural issues due to the convenience of an aircraft that contributes a remarkable part in solving these concerns.

Advantageous as the airline is, the airline itself requires tonnes of fuel like coal, oil, gas to activate the engines. Therefore, this is the main reason why many people reject using aircraft as a means of transportation regardless of its favourable attributes. A research at the environmental institute in California shows that 27% of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, affecting the air quality of numerous countries are what airline are responsible for. This immense amount of toxic chemical substances emitted into the air is what needs to be considered more than famine and crop losses.

In general, although airline makes good transportation, does not mean that it should be overused. Otherwise, the world will have to face more serious environmental problems in the next decade leading to much more significant consequences.

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