Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase

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Đề bài: Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 1

Nowadays, the crime rate is accelerating according to many surveys. To rein this situation, there should be a mechanism in place like jail for lifetime and death penalty based on the severity of the crime. The government should enforce such laws to create a high alert around society and endorse a secure ruling to its people.

Many incidents are the best examples of imbalanced society values in the recent days. Those are like killing someone's own mother or a plan to murder the best friend due to immaturity. If there is no mechanism to stop such kind of incidents would severely impact the society livelihood. Hence, capital punishment is mandatory to implicate fear among the people who create such violence, ensuring a peaceful life for innocent people.

In fact, I believe the death penalty is the only way to punish the criminals as they commit serious crimes which directly aid in controlling the violence at least to some extent. For instance, recently a group of five men brutally raped and murdered a woman in the broad daylight. Due to that, the high court had punished death penalty to that group which has created a sensation as the capital punishment is very rare in my country and social volunteers said the crime rate is gradually decreasing after that incident. Thus, violence is effectively controlled if capital punishment is endorsed by society.

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In some societies, the crime is so violent and severe that the government and the law enforcing authority have to handle that strictly. As a result, they do not have any alternative other than imposing capital punishment.  Capital punishment gives a message that you won’t be given any second chance if you commit a serious crime like murdering someone. This message is strongly needed in some societies to control the crime rate. Without capital punishment, you can’t ensure that the same criminal won’t commit the crime again. You can’t actually control crime and severe lawbreaking with minor punishment in all of the countries. The theme is that someone who murdered another human will regret it someday and after a few years would lead a dignified and free life when the relatives and family members of the victim would remorse forever. What punishment do you have in your mind if someone is a psychopathic killer and is out of redemption? Minor punishment and reformation facility? This does not just make sense.

To summarise, capital punishment is important to bring down the crime ratio and to also provide a secure life. Otherwise, ambience in the society will disturb which is not recommended for the common man. Hence, it is advisable to imply such punishment which leads to a peaceful life with less violence in these days and also in the future.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 2

Before talking about the essential role of the death penalty, you have to think about the meaning, and the purpose, of any kind of punishment. If you consider that the purpose is to prevent the guilty from being nasty again, you can be seduced by an argumentation in favour of the suppression of capital punishment.

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But you have to think about another aspect of the problem: a punishment is also useful to impress people, to make them fear the law. In fact, let's take the example of a young misfit, which has grown in a violent atmosphere, influenced by older delinquents, etc.  He lives on the streets; he's got no aim but to survive. This is the kind of person who could possibly kill someone for money, or even for fun. Why would he fear prison? Life would be easier for him there. In addition, in many cases, when you behave normally, you can benefit from penalty reductions. This young misfit needs to be impressed; he needs to know that the law is a frontier. When you cross it, you can lose your life. That is why capital punishment helps keep a distance between robbery and murder. If you abolish it, you suppress the difference between these two types of crime, which are completely different.

But there is also a limit to define: even if the death penalty is unavoidable, it would be a crime to apply it to inadequate cases. If there is no premeditation or past facts which can justify such a punishment, it is far too strict to apply the death penalty. That is why the lawmakers have to establish precisely the context in which capital punishment car being pronounced. That is the price to pay to limit violence without using excessive violence.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 3

The argument about the capital punishment or death penalty is a very controversial one. Some people think that without death penalty it is impossible to retain the law and order in a country while others stand totally against the capital punishment and describe it as inhuman. Both sides have their logic to support their opinion. In my opinion, capital punishment should be only used in a situation where there is no other alternative. Otherwise, penalties rather than death should be tried to punish anyone.

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Sometimes the law and order of a country become so fragile and out of control that the Government and law enforcing agencies must show the mass people that a criminal is punished severely and other should not dare to do the same crime. In these cases, many criminals are hung till death or even send to the electronic chairs and there really left no alternative rather than that. Again, there come situations even in a very peaceful society that all the people show contempt to the criminal and expect some exemplary punishment. For example, all the people expect a terrible penalty for a serial killer or a lunatic rapist. Most of these killers and criminals are severely damaged psychologically and the possibility of their being normal again is almost zero. This kind of person who has taken other people's lives and dignity should be punished with the highest penalty like death to make the society a better place to live in. Finally, those who betray with the country and compromise with the enemy with the freedom of the motherland should be hung till death in another word should be given capital punishment because of their heinous act.

But we must consider that we cannot create a living being and we never have the right to take the lives of a living being. So, if we punish even a single innocent soul with the punishment, he/she does not deserve then the whole system will be corrupted. If an innocent citizen is imprisoned and proved not guilty at a later time, we can at least take him/her out from the prison but what if we've already killed him/her? There would be no way to remorse and the whole law would be condemned. Moreover, if there are chances that a criminal will remorse for what he/she has done and will lead a normal and peaceful life, then he/she should be given a chance.

I believe that some criminals are simply dangerous for the society and will always be no matter how much opportunities and support they are given, and they should be given the death penalty. But if there is the slightest chance that the criminal was a victim of the situation and tried to save his/herself or any logic in favour of the crime, should be given chance at least once. And capital punishment should be used only in some extreme cases rather than using it as the law prevailing policy.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 4

Capital punishment is the process of killing the offenders for the crimes they have committed. Capital punishment was very prominent in the old days but these days capital punishment is diminishing, and the authorities are opting for a less barbaric way to punish the criminals. I too agree with the alternative way of punishment which is less severe than death. There are various arguments for supporting or opposing it which I will be discussing in this essay.

Opponents of the death penalty, like me, say that capital punishment is not a solution. First of all, the human has no right to kill another human for any reason, no matter how severe the crime is. My second argument against this is some crimes are committed by mentally sick people. Those people are not responsible for their deeds. They can be put in safer hospitals for the rest of their life. Moreover, it may happen that the offender has been convicted and executed wrongly. Later upon further investigation, he is proved to be innocent. We don't have any way to roll this back. Somebody might lose their precious life which is not at all acceptable. In London, a criminal was proved not guilty after 15 years; if he had been executed nobody could have done justice to his life. Finally, there are various alternatives available, for instance, life sentences. These alternatives also serve the similar purpose of making criminals realise their mistakes.

However, proponents say that criminals should be shot dead for their mistakes. Why should the government bear the expenses of criminals in the jails? The criminals should not be granted anything less than this death punishment.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 5

With the increasing number of crimes like murder, terrorism and drug trafficking, capital punishment is often assumed to curb these offences. Controlling offenders through severe punishment is laudable but I don't agree fully and believe there are other alternatives to control brutal acts in society.

There are many plausible arguments in favour of capital punishment. People believe that death sentences are vital in maintaining peace and controlling hostility in society. Capital punishments like hanging, electric chair, gas-room, firing squad and so on create fear in criminals in committing severe crimes. For instance, recent attack by militants on Schools in Pakistan where they killed children urged the government to revoke the moratorium on the death penalty which resulted in reducing the growing number of attacks. People believe that it is the best way to avenge the life of victim's beloved ones. Fear of execution will keep them at distance from committing brutal crimes. For instance, increased drug trafficking in UAE was controlled after the government imposed the death penalty on the offenders.

On the other hand, we have no right to take the life of another human being. There are many alternatives which can control violence in societies. For instance, Rehabilitation programs can help criminal to become better citizens of a society. Community services and counselling sessions can aim to develop love and affection for mankind. Capital punishment can also result in instances where other gang members of the offender try to avenge the life of their friend, which poses a serious threat to the victim’s family. There are many countries that have ended capital punishment, for instance, Portugal.

To conclude, capital chastisement might not help in curbing brutal and hostile acts in societies and government should implement other forms of punishment like life imprisonment.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 6

Many people believe that death penalties are necessary to keep law and order under control in our society. While there are some drawbacks of capital punishment, I agree with the view that without capital punishment we will become more vulnerable to violence.

The death penalty could be an uncivilised law in some cases. We have no rights to kill another human. It can be a violation of human rights to kill someone by poisonous injections, hanging or by electrocution. Besides, some innocent people could be convicted and executed for crimes they never did. For example, sometimes the law and administration are not efficient, and the police might capture the innocent citizens by mistake during an investigation process. Therefore, the death penalty is argued to be a barbaric and savage approach.

However, I believe that many times it has become essential to enforce capital punishment in society. Firstly, it is an effective deterrent to major crimes. If there are stricter punishments, people will be afraid of committing offences. For example, Pakistan has controlled the rate of terrorism in the country by enforcing death penalties for the members of terrorist organisations. Secondly, the government spends an ample sum of the national budget on the maintenance of prisoners with lifetime sentences. So, by capital punishment the administration can get rid of criminals who are involved in major crimes, such as murders, terrorists, drug smuggling, rape, and consequently, can avoid the amount spends on imprisonment.

In conclusion, although capital punishment could be seen as an aggressive rule in some cases, I believe that it is an extremely important law that can control many violent crimes of society.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 7

The topic of capital punishment has been a contentious issue for decades, with opinions divided on its necessity and effectiveness. Some argue that without the death penalty, society becomes more vulnerable and violent crimes increase. They believe that capital punishment is crucial for maintaining order and deterring serious crimes. This essay will argue against this viewpoint, highlighting why the death penalty is not essential for societal security.

Proponents of capital punishment assert that it serves as a powerful deterrent against violent crimes. They claim that the fear of execution prevents individuals from committing serious offences. For instance, countries with strict enforcement of the death penalty, like Saudi Arabia, often cite low crime rates as evidence of its effectiveness. These supporters believe that the death penalty is necessary to ensure public safety and justice for victims.

However, substantial research contradicts the deterrent effect of capital punishment. Studies comparing crime rates in regions with and without the death penalty show no significant difference in violent crime rates. For example, in the United States, states that have abolished the death penalty, such as New York, have not experienced an increase in homicide rates compared to states that retain it. Moreover, the possibility of wrongful execution poses a severe ethical dilemma, as innocent lives may be unjustly taken, thus undermining the moral foundation of the justice system.

In conclusion, the death penalty does not significantly deter crime, and the risk of executing innocent individuals raises profound ethical concerns. Therefore, it is recommended that societies invest in more effective crime prevention strategies, such as improved law enforcement, rehabilitation programmes, and addressing the root causes of crime.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 8

Punishment in any form, when it is given to the offenders, must bring modification in behaviour. So, in the absence of the death sentence, human beings’ lives are at risk, and it can escalate brutality. So, it is considered that execution is indispensable in order to curb ferocity in society. I completely agree with the statement because it is a must to maintain law and order in society. Moreover, rebuilding the faith of people in a government makes it necessary to execute criminals.

First off, if criminals do not get punished for their crimes, then people feel insecure. Because they think offenders can harm them as well. So, it is essential to control the activities of the guilty people and deter violence in society. In this way, law and order can be maintained. Criminals will think twice before committing any abdominal activity. As a result, people would have a secure life. So, for the smooth running of governmental activities, it is indispensable to give the death penalty to criminals. However, it must be given by seeing the severity of the crime. For instance, many minor girls were raped and murdered. Thus, innocent children lose their lives without any fault, and those who survive confront psychological trauma. So, here in such cases, a death warrant is mandatory.

Moving further, Now, people have lost their faith in government. They consider that the government is doing nothing and culprits that free on bail. So, to rebuild the trust of the masses, it is compulsory to punish criminals. Many times, it has been shown that people do not get justice even after so many years. They believe that justice delay means justice denied. So, it is a must for rulers to get the trust of individuals; otherwise, people would have no other alternative but to migrate overseas for their safety. So, it is a stigma on the fair name of any country. Consequently, any government will lose its reputation.

To conclude, thus capital punishment is essential to maintain law and order and deter people from committing criminal activities. Only then people can lead a secure life. Moreover, individuals would trust their government, and they will be ready to contribute to the betterment of their nation.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 9

Capital punishment is one of the severe forms of punishing crimes of high intensity. It is believed that enforcing such brutal punishment is absolutely necessary to curb violent crimes without which the ferocity cannot be controlled, making the lives unshielded. In my opinion death penalty is mandatory to ensure law abiding populace because of the fear it creates in them.

The major impact of implementation of capital punishment is the deterrent effect it has on the society. Death penalty averts a person from committing crimes. Because of the fear of losing one’s life, the urge to indulge in crimes of violence is nipped in the bud. For example, since death penalty is implemented stringently in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the rate of violent crimes is minimal in this nation.

In addition, we can say that death penalty and crime rate are directly proportional. Lack of death penalty is directly proportional to increase in crime rates. It is the basic right of every citizen to have a safe and peaceful life. If the intensity of the punishment is not sufficient to create fear in the criminals, they may commit brutal crimes because of the weak punishment system. The crime rate against women and children in India is on a higher scale in the recent days because of the lack of efficient punishment system. Therefore, it is almost imperative to have capital punishment in place.

However, one of the concerns associated with capital punishment is that it may not help to eliminate some types of crimes like terrorism wherein there is no fear of death.

To conclude, death sentence has been in practice only in a few countries. In my perspective, death penalty is the best way to punish malefactors of vicious crime.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 10

The question of whether the death penalty or capital punishment, is necessary to preserve social order and lower violent crime has been controversial. This essay explores the complex arguments supporting different strategies while examining whether the death penalty is necessary to reduce violence in society.

First and foremost, potential criminals are deterred from conducting violent acts by the threat of the death penalty. However, empirical studies have frequently yielded conflicting findings, making it difficult to determine a direct link between lower rates of violent crime and the death sentence, making other criteria, like socioeconomic status and access to education more important in preventing crime.

Additionally, it is also important to take into account the moral and ethical issues raised by the death penalty. Particularly, a serious concern is the possibility of cruel and inhumane treatment during executions, while it is vital to protect human life and avoid the long-lasting effects of unjustified executions. Not only this, it cannot be denied that witnesses, executioners, and the relatives of the victims experience emotional distress.

Lastly, the death penalty involves costly legal procedures that put a heavy financial strain on governments. To justify this, the funds used to uphold the death penalty might be better used to combat the underlying reasons for criminal behavior, prevent crime, and provide rehabilitation.

To recapitulate from the above discourse, it can be deduced that the death sentence is not an appropriate way to deal with violent crime because of the moral and ethical issues it raises as well as the difficulties it has in actually being implemented.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 11

Capital punishment is an extremely sensitive matter to many countries. It is certainly true that many people are against the death penalty especially the catholic society. In my point of view and based on my experience in our country, the death penalty has a great impact on peace and order of the state.

During the early years of the Philippine government, wherein the death penalty still part of the justice system, the crime rate is minimal. News about violence and heinous crimes are barely seen on television or read in the newspapers. In fact, crimes like kidnap, rape, and murder are only famous in movie scene. Furthermore, drug or human trafficking are not prevalent. It seems that people are threatened by capital punishment. I even heard this story from my grandfather that one of our past presidents was seen roaming around in public places without any presidential securities. This clearly shows how safe and peaceful the Philippines at that time. Thus, I believe that the death penalty is an effective way to achieve peace and order in our country.

The reason behind that argument is based on my evaluation of the current justice system of our new government. Nowadays, most of the news headlines are pertaining to crime and violence. Abduction and murder have been happening even in their own vicinity. Cases about drug and human trafficking are rampant. Even the government officials are not confident about the security in our own country. It is apparent in the number of security guards that surround them, particularly when they are outside the government offices. This scenario is evidence of how unsecured the Philippines environment at the present time. The increase of reports of infringement provides strong support about the negative impact of death penalty abolition.

In my opinion, capital punishment plays an important role in minimizing the crimes and imparts further assurance of security in the surroundings. Therefore, I strongly agree that it should be imposed by the Philippine government and should be considered by other nations.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 12

The topic of capital punishment elicits strong emotions and diverse viewpoints, and some opine that without capital punishment, our society is prone to more crime and violence. I believe that there are more effective and humane ways to address crime and ensure public safety rather than implementing capital punishment.

Firstly, the claim that capital punishment deters crimes of violence is not strongly supported by empirical evidence. Numerous studies have shown that the presence or absence of the death penalty does not significantly affect crime rates. Factors such as socioeconomic conditions, education, and effective law enforcement play more substantial roles in preventing crime. Therefore, relying on capital punishment as a means to control violence may be misguided and overlook more comprehensive approaches to crime prevention.

Furthermore, the application of capital punishment raises ethical concerns. The irreversible nature of the death penalty means that any errors or miscarriages of justice cannot be rectified. There have been cases where innocent individuals have been wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death, only to be exonerated years later. Such occurrences highlight the inherent fallibility of the justice system and the irreversible consequences of capital punishment.

Rather than relying on capital punishment, societies can focus on implementing more effective crime prevention measures and rehabilitation programmes. Investing in education, social support systems, and rehabilitation initiatives can address the root causes of criminal behaviour and help reintegrate individuals back into society. Moreover, a shift towards restorative justice approaches can offer a more compassionate and meaningful response to crime. Restorative justice focuses on repairing the harm caused by crime, promoting accountability, and facilitating the healing and reconciliation of all parties involved.

In conclusion, the evidence does not convincingly support the claim that the death penalty serves as an effective deterrent for crime. Moreover, ethical concerns, the potential for wrongful convictions, and the irreversibility of the punishment call into question its legitimacy. Instead, I believe that focusing on crime prevention, rehabilitation, and restorative justice can lead to more equitable, humane, and secure societies.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 13

Many people believe that the death penalty is necessary for serious offenders to keep our society safe and for the country to function and advance. While such punishments might seem cruel and inhuman to some, I sincerely believe that without capital punishment, our society will become unsafe for ordinary citizens and vulnerable to brutality and crime.

To begin with, our society has laws and punishments so that ordinary citizens can live without fear and violent individuals are kept away from creating havoc. Thus, when we talk about a burglar who has stolen more than once, we have a prison sentence for such a crime, and he is given an opportunity to repent and come clean after he serves the prison time. However, when we talk about a pathological criminal who is a serial killer or has an obsessive-compulsive disorder to rape a child, they are beyond correction and should never be allowed to be able to harm a single innocent soul on our watch. For such capital offences, we need to have capital punishment to make our society secure and safe.

Moreover, I believe that capital punishment is necessary as it is an effective deterrent to many major offences. According to many, the best method to keep crimes under a tolerable level is to show people the consequences of their misconduct and felonies. For example, many Asian countries, including Singapore, have controlled drug trafficking and drug dealing by enforcing death penalties for such offenders. The result of it was astounding and all of those countries have alleviated the drug trafficking and drug dealing problems to a staggering lower level.

To conclude, despite some sentiments against capital punishment, I believe that it proves out to be the best method to make our society a far better place to live in.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase - mẫu 14

Many people believe that the death sentence is necessary to counter the violence and maintain peace in society. However, I believe that there are better alternatives to curb the crime rates and the death penalty is inhumane in a civilised world.

According to many, the death sentence is the only way to make an example to deter others from committing heinous crimes. They believe that serious offenders are like worms in a righteous society and should not be given a second chance. However, for both ideas - in and against capital punishment, several research works have been conducted, and the findings indicate the contrary. It is interesting to note that countries that have implemented capital punishment still have a higher crime rate than those countries that have abolished it. Besides, I personally believe that we do not have the right to kill a human being as this would be another crime.

Thus, it is only rational to suggest that counselling and educating criminals in prisons could be a great way to convert criminals into good human beings. Norway, where the crime rate is lower than most other countries in the world, is a great example of how proper counselling can change criminals. Moreover, we have to deal with the core factors of crimes and their backgrounds, give people economic freedom and tackle pressing issues in society to reduce crime rates. A society with a strong economy and educated members has lower crime rates and that is what we should be working on to achieve. Finally, we can replace capital punishment with life imprisonment for repeat offenders and heinous criminals who are beyond correction.

To conclude, persuaded by what has been discussed as well as compelled by what I have learnt and experienced, I would like to reiterate that capital punishment cannot reduce the crime rate in the long run and it is inhumane to kill someone for his/her crime.

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