It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together. hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be

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Đề bài: It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be - mẫu 1

There is much discussion nowadays as to whether or not the relationship between family members is as close as before. Diverse contributing factors can be identified. In the following, I would like to present my point of view.

Great changes have taken place in family life along with the development of society. One of them is that the once-extended family tends to become smaller and smaller. Many children have to leave their parents at an early age to study or work elsewhere. As time passes, children become emotionally estranged from their parents.

Compared with the past, social competition is becoming increasingly fierce. People are urged to concentrate their efforts on their work so that they can achieve success or at least a good standard of living. As a result, they can’t afford to spend their leisure hours with their families. The importance of bonds of kinship is gradually fading from their minds.

In addition, the availability of various kinds of recreational facilities also diverts people from enjoying chats with the members of their families. Their free time is mostly occupied by watching TV, surfing the Internet or playing video games. They come to lose interest in communicating with the other members of their families. In view of such alienation within families, urgent steps must be taken, in my opinion. For members of families who live away from one another, regular contact on the phone can bring them the care that they need. Family reunions on holidays or other important occasions can make a difference as well. For those living together, it is a good idea to take some time off work or recreation periods to spend more time with each other.

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In the final analysis, a close family relationship can surely be maintained as long as we realise the significant role it plays in our lives, and we attach importance to it.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be - mẫu 2

In the past, people mostly preferred to stay in extended families. Today, it is observed that many individuals have their own nuclear families. In this essay, we will discuss how professional commitments forced people to opt for this kind of families. To tackle this, an organisation’s role will be analysed.

To begin with, individuals focus on their career development to a greater extent. A good illustration of this is the group of professionals who spend most of their time in their companies. As a result, they do not have much time for themselves and hence, prefer staying in small families with less contact with other members. Thus, it is obvious that they are not much involved with other family members leading to the lack of closeness with them.

To overcome this, companies can play a crucial role. The first step which a firm can take is to provide the work from home access to the employees. By doing this, they will allow their staff to spend more time with their families. The other steps which can be taken include declaring holidays on all festivals and organising family day in a company. This will allow them to spend more periods with their families and hence, can help them to recuperate their relationships.

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From the above, it is clear that hectic work schedule act as a major hindrance for creating close bonds with family. Therefore, the companies should allow remote work, increase holidays and announce family days at workplaces for enforcing individuals to concentrate towards their relationships.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be - mẫu 3

Most people favoured to live with their extended families in the past. Many people now choose to have their own nuclear families. This essay will discuss how work obligations compelled people to choose these families. We will examine the role of an organization in order to address this.

First, people devote more of their attention to developing their careers. An excellent example of this is the professional group that works in their companies for the majority of their workdays. They prefer living in small families with limited interaction with other family members because they have less time for themselves as a result. As a result, it is clear that their lack of involvement with other family members contributes to their distance from them.

Companies can play a critical role in overcoming this. Enabling employees to work from home is the first action a company can take. They will enable their employees to spend more time with their families by taking this action. Taking other actions involves planning a family day at work and declaring holidays for all festivals. They will be able to spend more time with their families as a result, which may aid in the healing of their relationships.

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As we can see from the preceding discussion, a demanding work schedule significantly interferes with the development of strong family ties. Consequently, in order to force people to focus on their relationships, businesses ought to permit remote work, extend holidays, and declare family days at work.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be - mẫu 4

It is a widely acknowledged fact that families are not as close as they used to be. Parents and their kids hardly communicate with each other in most families. Young people may talk to their mom three times a day, but they talk to their friends all day long. Mom is the least of their contacts. In this essay, I will explore the possible reasons and solutions to this problem.

There are several reasons for this tendency. First of all, crowded modern life makes being alone a luxury enjoyment. When working under pressure every day, people want to be alone in their scarce spare time, they are sick of discussions and arguments more and more. Moreover, nowadays there are more choices in entertainment and amusement, which can be enjoyed on one’s own, which makes conversation unnecessary at home. Thirdly, the generation gap also contributes to this trend.

How can family members create a better common topic at home? First of all, improving communication skills is one of the solutions. We should be supportive, but not over-bearing: incisive, but not judgmental towards our family members. Parents should try to talk the same talk with their children. Most importantly, people in the same family should always temper their criticism. Parents should not offer too much-unsolicited advice to adult children. A parent’s voice, even when whispered, is louder than anyone else’s voice in their children’s ears.

Home is a place where we can rest, and a close family relationship can surely be maintained as long as we realize the significant role it plays in our daily life.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be - mẫu 5

Gone are the days when families used to stay close. Four main causes have primarily contributed to the phenomenon of family detachment. I, however, personally believe that a few factors still can strengthen family ties.

Estrangement depends on several factors, like different expectations, mismatch in values, emotional abuse and urban lifestyle. Financial factors coupled with other factors, for example, education, also fuel it up. In simple words, highly educated family members with financial independence are not dependent on each other, thereby they are likely to live separately. Research has shown that highly educated adults are associated with higher rates of family breakdown.

Besides, a mismatch in values is another prominent reason. If a father has a deeply entrenched belief in male superiority and the daughter violates that, the father views it as offensive. And, how one can forget about extramarital affairs as many women in the USA, for instance, often mention it as the reason for their estrangement from their husbands. Finally, with the emergence of urban lifestyles, people no longer have joint families. This has made their bond with close family members like grandparents, uncles and aunts very distant.

However, some factors can foster closeness – priority, expert opinion, regular interactions and forgiveness, for instance. The first factor that can promote closeness is giving children priority. That is to say that parents ought to spend sufficient time with their children. When children see their parents sacrificing for them, they will possibly never leave their parents in old homes. The next factor that can ameliorate relationships is expert opinion. People should seek help from psychologists who can advise them on how to avoid pitfalls in a relationship. Finally, regular interaction and forgiveness can flourish closeness to a great extent.

To conclude, a family’s chance to drift apart is high in modern days. Several factors such as independence, mismatch in values, and extramarital affairs, need to be considered when the family gets broken. However, priority, expert opinion and forgiveness are the key to reconciliation.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be - mẫu 6

The family was the kernel of people’s lives, and a strong family bond was a common phenomenon in the past. But sadly, we have shifted to a more self-centred urban lifestyle where we are busy outside. We think little about our kinship and interact less with our relatives, which has unfixed our bonds to a great extent. A few useful measures can, however, still improve it.

To begin with, a growing percentage of the population now lives in cities and many of them work hard to make ends meet. Others are busy making their fortune. Both of these groups have become selfish enough to sail away from their family and live on their own. They have little time to think about their family members either because they can’t or they won’t! For instance, the number of joint families in suburban and rural areas was quite high but with a city-centric lifestyle, we do not take our grandparents, uncles or aunts to live with us, and even leave our parents after we get a job and thus the nuclear family has become the norm in the modern era. Devastatingly enough, people do not have time for their own children and when those children grow up, they feel little connection to their families. This is an atrocious circle that floats us away from our family relationship.

Perhaps the best way to strengthen our family bonds is to get back to a traditional lifestyle away from cities. But since it is not practically possible, we should still prioritise our family over everything else. We can interact more often with our close relatives, spend quality time with our family members, sacrifice our luxury for them, be loyal to them and teach them how to value the importance of family. Perhaps then we would have a much stronger family connection. Research indicates that the divorce rate is high in cities among busy executives who prioritise their careers over their families. We still have time to build a career for the family, not the other way around.

In conclusion, a family is perhaps the single most important thing in this world, and we should take every possible initiative to keep it intact and strong before it is too late for us.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be - mẫu 7

In recent times, there has been a transformation in the way families used to be formed in the past, and families, the most fundamental constituency in society, are no longer as closely bonded as they used to be in our ancestor’s time. This essay will discuss the reasons for this change and suggest ways in which families can be brought closer together.

One of the primary reasons for the breakdown in family relationships is the advent of modern technology. With smartphones, social media platforms, and video games, individuals spend more time in isolation with their gadgets than in the company of their family members. In addition, long working hours, commuting times, and social commitments take up much of the time that would have been spent interacting with family members.

Another reason for the lack of closeness in families is the fact that people today are more career-driven and independent. With more job opportunities and better educational prospects, people are no longer tied to their hometowns and often relocate to different cities or countries, leading to a lack of proximity and interaction with extended family members.

To bring families closer together, a conscious effort needs to be made by all members. This can be achieved through regular communication, setting aside time for family activities, and celebrating family traditions and occasions. For instance, a family can plan a regular game or movie night, take annual vacations together, or gather to celebrate birthdays and festivals.

In conclusion, the breakdown of family relationships is a multifaceted issue that has emerged due to the advent of modern technology and changing social dynamics. However, by making a conscious effort to spend quality time together, participate in joint activities, and cherish family traditions, families can be brought closer together.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be - mẫu 8

The perceived decline in the closeness of families is a widely acknowledged phenomenon. The objective of this essay is to examine the impact of societal changes and technological progress on the decline of family closeness, as well as the potential of promoting open communication and quality time to enhance familial ties.

Firstly, changing lifestyles and societal norms have led to increased time pressures and individual pursuits. To brief, amidst the rapid pace of contemporary life, families frequently encounter the challenge of balancing numerous obligations and engagements, leaving little room for collective pursuits and substantial exchanges, ultimately leading to the gradual deterioration of familial ties and a diminished scope for cherished moments spent together. Additionally, the prevalence of technology has resulted in a decline in meaningful personal interactions. Overdependence on digital gadgets and social platforms can impede authentic familial bonds by disregarding the significance of in-person connections and emotional attachments.

However, prioritizing open and meaningful communication within the family is crucial. Promoting regular conversations where family members actively listen to one another and express their thoughts and emotions can strengthen understanding and empathy. Moreover, allocating dedicated quality time for shared activities is essential. Encouraging engagement in activities that promote bonding and creating lasting memories, including family outings, cooking together, or family vacations, can bring families closer together, reinforcing emotional bonds and a sense of togetherness.

In conclusion, the decrease in familial bonds stems from contemporary life's rapid pace and ubiquity of technological advents; nevertheless, by stimulating meaningful dialogues and assigning specific time for group activities among family members, the stated challenges can be mitigated.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be - mẫu 9

There has been a trend over recent decades for families to become less close than they were in the past and this situation is largely accepted in society. This essay will discuss the reasons for this and examine the benefits and drawbacks of this development.

One of the first reasons for a decline in the closeness of families is connected to the busy lifestyles that we now lead. Most people have to work longer hours and often both parents work, so they simply do not have as much time to spend with each other as they did in the past. Another factor is the materialistic and consumer-driven culture we now live in, which has led to less value being placed on family relationships. Modern technology also means that people are more interested in their online life than interacting with their family in their free time.

It could be argued that this has benefits. If people are not so close with their family, they are free to pursue their own dreams and aspirations, and to focus on improving their own lifestyle. However, I believe that there are far more negative outcomes. The most important factors leading to a fulfilled and happy life are emotional security and comfort. Without these we are in danger of feeling lost. It is a difficult world we live in, and we need the support of people close to us to cope with modern life. We are seeing a rise in mental health problems in many countries, and this may well be a factor in this.

To conclude, busy modern lifestyles, changing cultural values and modern technology are causing families to become less close. We should try to halt this trend as it has more negative than positive outcomes.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be - mẫu 10

Today’s family life has changed a lot. Many parents are divorced, and a lot of mothers and fathers have jobs far away from home. As a result, children are often alone and lonely. But what are the reasons for this happening?

First of all, I think that modern technology is one of the main reasons for this problem. Many parents work in their nearest cities from their home. They work with the computer in big offices and came home late at night. However, they have no time to look after their children.

In the past, families used to work as a family. Every member worked hard and helped the family to survive, for example, farmers. Furthermore, the education used to be controlled by the parents, not like today’s day-schools with teachers and professors. On the other hand, there must be a solution to bring separated families together. at my point of view, families should spend their free time together. I am thinking about weekends or the time after work. children need their parents even when they are older.  to give a reasonable example: I often go out with my parents, mostly for a dinner. Then my brother and I speak about our future plans or something else. An intensive conversation is a possible solution. A similar way is to divide your job into half-part worktimes and spend your free time leftover with your loved persons. A point against this statement is to have financial problems.

In conclusion, I wish that every family is as close as possible with each other if they like that.

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