Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars)

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars)

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Đề bài: Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid?

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 1

It is often said that people in the entertainment industry mint money and they are loaded! Although we cannot generalise this for everyone who enters the business, it is arguably true. I believe there are several factors to advocate that they deserve what they earn. 

Entertainment is a very important part of our lives. In our day-to-day mundane routine, it is movies, music and sports that rescue us from boredom and monotony. They inspire us, motivate us and it makes us hope for better by giving a vivid experience which is often larger than life, through films, songs, concerts and games. However, people who bring these stories to life, who put in months to connect the lyrics and pair it with the right notes and people who go through extreme training to bring out the best sport for us are often thought to be just ‘lucky’! I honestly believe that the people who strive to bring quality to our entertainment deserve to be paid well. Besides, usually careers of sportsmen, actresses or musicians last for a shorter span of time than that of teachers, doctors and engineers. Thus, if they earn more money for the risk they take, the amount of dedication they put, and the performance they show, seems quite justified to me. 

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Having said that, I also think that there are few other professions other than film, music and sports industries in the realm of entertainment, should also be highly paid. People who devote their lives to their jobs, army officials, for instance, ought to be paid well as a small appreciation of what they do for the civilians. Also, jobs which involve a high level of responsibilities and pressure also deserve high pay. Professions like doctor, politics and teaching are the jobs that require people with a high level of perception and proficiency. Thus, to attract such talent to these jobs, it is important to pay them well.

In conclusion, all the above points fortify my opinion that people in the entertainment business receive a payment that they deserve. Nonetheless, other professions which involve high risk, responsibilities and skills, should also be paid well so as to attract and keep the required talent motivated enough to choose these fields as their possible career.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 2

In the past, the field of entertainment was not developed and hence, people from this field were paid very less. However, with the improvement in technology, the income of celebrities increased to a greater extent. I personally believe that these people are gaining money in excess. In this essay, we will analyse the reasons for this and also discuss the professions which deserve such high income.

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To begin with, celebrities such as actors, musicians and sports people are being paid based upon their fame among the people. A good illustration for this is the Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan who is said to be charging money in crores for signing a single film. In other words, he has been paid such a huge amount just with the hope that the film will run successfully. But it is also true that society will not be harmed even in the absence of such films and actors.

Instead, I feel that people working in the industry with the aim of the well-being of the society should be offered such pay. For instance, doctors or security personnel should be paid a good amount because they always help the people of the country by protecting them. Moreover, they invest a lot of money and the time for obtaining their degrees and once they receive the degree, they oath to be available for the people at any time of the day. Hence, it is apparent that jobs that focus on safeguarding the people should be heavily paid.

In conclusion, it is seen that paying huge amounts to famous people is equivalent to wasting the resources which can be utilised in a better way. Instead, this amount should be paid to the people in life-saving professions such as doctors or police officers. It is thus hoped that the government will regulate the salaries of the people based upon their importance and role played in society.

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Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 3

Many people believe that actors, athletes and musicians are overpaid nowadays. I personally agree with the statement since there are other occupations which are more important and vital for human beings. The following essay will discuss in detail the disagreement and a brief explanation about jobs that should be highly paid.

It is a fact that a lot of entertainers such as movie stars, pop singers or professional sports players are highly paid. It can be seen from their night lifestyles, luxurious properties and sports cars. A lot of people believe that they are overpaid since the function of their jobs is only to entertain the public and they are not categorised as vital jobs. There are other jobs which are more important for societies, and they should be well paid. Firstly, many people do not realise that the existence of firefighters is crucial for the neighbourhood as they could save many people's lives. Besides that, their jobs are also considered high-risk ones, since they could be seriously hurt or injured.

Secondly, as a leader of a nation, the president or prime minister has a lot of responsibilities. He/she must be meticulous, prudent and wise in taking decisions, since his/her decisions might have a serious impact on the public. And then, becoming a country's leader also faces the terror of being murdered or kidnapped by terrorists. Therefore, these professions should be well compensated in accordance with the risk and responsibilities.

In conclusion, it is believed that famous entertainers are overly paid these days. I strongly agree with the opinion, since entertainment is not the basic need of human beings. I do believe that there are other jobs which should be highly paid since they are high risk, and their existences are essential for mankind.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 4

I strongly agree with the notion that entertainers, today, are paid an excessive amount of money. In current times, science and technology have taken major strides for the betterment of our society. Our focus should be on facilitating such endeavours rather than on entertainment.

I believe all the biological scientists like pharmacists, biochemists, microbiologists etc. in our society should be paid more than the people in the entertainment business. These people or as we dub them ‘nerds’ spend valuable hours in their lives discovering a new molecule that might be used to make our lives better. Their goal is to discover novel ideas and to create innovative techniques. Thus, rather than spending their time with their families or an evening in the theatre, they immerse themselves in their laboratories working night after night too, maybe, discovering a new drug. For such sacrifices, these scientists should get their due remuneration. However, a discrepancy can be seen in our society. We tend to value people in the entertainment business more than the scientists who might be working on the Ebola virus vaccine.

I do not devalue the hard work of an actor or a football player. They had to reach their stardom after endless practice sessions and failures. However, if we make an objective comparison, at the end of the day, it is the work of a microbiologist or a biochemist that helps us to live a healthy and disease-free life. So, our money should be spent on those individuals who strive to bring about a healthier and comfortable society.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 5

Another controversial issue related to the salaries being paid to different professionals has been aroused among people in recent years. Some thinkers think that professionals like pop stars, actors or sports people are being paid far higher than they deserve. There are several other professions that also deserve a handsome amount of salary. However, this essay will look into both aspects before giving a one-sided conclusion.

First of all, there is no such profession that is more deserving or higher than another. Every type of work, whether be it acting, playing or hospitality job is different and valuable in its own way. Talking about the amount of money that is being paid to entertainers, I think they deserve this. Though they are not serving people, they play an important role in serving the country. These people work harder and harder each day to master their skills and amuse people. They play for the country and represent it in the world. For example, our Indian cricket team give its fullest to win the game at national as well as international level so as to raise the name of the country. Another example that can be given is film stars, they struggle a lot to get into this field and eventually, when they are successful and famous, people remember our country by their names. Therefore, it cannot be said that these jobs do not deserve money. They are paid for their determination and hard work.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that jobs like doctors, teachers or community workers are paid considerably less amount in comparison to above professions. These fields of expertise should also be paid generously depending on their performance and the knowledge they possess. They are equally important to us as entertainers. These people serve the country sometimes not just physically but also using their mental capabilities.

To sum up, from the aforementioned, it is totally justified that no work is high or low. Every profession has its own value, and everyone deserves the best. However, I recommend that instead of reducing salaries of the entertainers, people and government could think of increasing the wages of other professionals too.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 6

There is no denying that entertainers like film actors, pop musicians and sports stars are paid too much money. I really do agree with this statement. However, some people think there are several jobs that should be highly paid as well. In this essay, before presenting my point of view I would like to discuss the job culture.

Nowadays there is news about the celebrities who are earning more money through their profession like acting, singing, dancing and sports etc. some of the celebrities like sportsmen and actors are earning extra money through advertising and becoming brand ambassadors of the particular brand. There is not any difference in work like sweeping, machining, teaching and in medicine, every work requires effort and the reason for earning money for the sake of survival.

A person becomes an actor because he likes that profession the same way singer, doctor, designer and scientist. But some people are unfortunate to get a proper education or because of laziness or because of lack of scope they sacrifice their dream and do some different work which society considers it as a low-level work. I think no work is small or big, every work requires effort and passion. We should respect one another, and we should practice equality. My mother always tells us “Big or small, there is no such kind of difference, and it is only made by us”.

In conclusion, I do not think any work is big or small, it is the difference created by us and I think now the time has come to stop differentiating people through their work and everybody should be paid equally for their work.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 7

It is often said that people who work in the entertainment industry such as movie stars, musicians, and sports stars are being overpaid. This essay discusses why I think they are paid too much money and then I will describe other occupations that I think should receive higher salaries.

The main reason I strongly feel that the salaries are too high is that the entertainers’ income does not reflect the amount of work they do. For instance, a top star movie like Angelina Jolie can easily make one million dollars by acting in a single film. This amount may never be reached by many people during their life no matter how hard-working they are. In addition, if we base people’s income on their relative contribution to society the incomes of entertainers seem too high. This is because entertainment is not as important to our society as much as other fields such as science and technology.

There are other professions that deserve to be paid well for their work. More specifically, people like doctors who make a big contribution to society should be rewarded. Since doctors can save lives and give people hope, they should receive a high amount to reflect the meaningful contributions they make. Another type of occupation deserving of a good salary is teachers because they have a huge responsibility to contribute to the education of the next generation. Surely people we entrust with such a task should be rewarded accordingly.

In conclusion, I reiterate my strong belief that entertainers are overpaid as they do not offer anything greater than other people who are working in other industries. It is advocated that people who make a significant contribution to society such as medical practitioners and teachers should be rewarded appropriately. I recommend that steps should be taken to address this disparity.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 8

The entertainment world is very glamorous, and successful performers are earning hefty amounts. A modest crowd believes this is true for all celebrities. I, however, partially agree with it. Other professions that should receive a more generous salary include teachers, medical personnel, and so on.

Both industries, be it entertainment or sports, are exceptionally vast and have numerous artists. Some have succeeded and carved out a niche for themselves. However, not all of them are successful and struggle to make ends meet. Therefore, assuming all of them earn so much is not correct. While few actors like Shah Rukh Khan receive a big paycheck, this is certainly not the case for other artists, especially those who are considered outsiders in the industry. The fact that Khan has cemented his brand in the public's eye by collecting larger checks means that this may be untrue for other performers engaged as well.

All the celebrities work hard and produce the finished product that the viewers see. They deserve the pay that they earn. However, the extravagant amounts that some receive are unjust, as all the people involved contributed equally. Massive sums being received by only a few and disregarding others' work is unfair. Teachers, medical staff, including physicians and nurses, the military forces, and other professions have a role in the population's future and health. Teachers shape the nation’s future, but they are unappreciated and not paid well. They deserve to be paid more and better.

To sum up, it is partial to assume that all entertainers are compensated handsomely. And those receiving these amounts are not entirely undeserving. Other jobs, like those of teachers, doctors, militants, and many more, deserve a higher paycheck.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 9

All businesses, including the entertainment industry, have evolved and attained new heights over time. A few people believe that actors, musicians, and athletes are overpaid. I completely agree with them being paid more. Jobs like police, army, navy, air force, and so on deserve more pay than they are receiving.

It is a fact that entertainers fall under the category of higher-class income because of the money they receive from both the producers and the sponsors. They also charge exorbitant fees for endorsements for a variety of businesses. This industry does not contribute to the nation's productive and necessary economy. Hence, these huge payments to them are partial and unjust for the layman. Their contributions are not life-changing enough for them to be compensated with such remuneration.

The employees working in the armed services, that is, police, soldiers, navy officials, and air force officers, deserve to be paid higher salaries than what they receive. They leave behind the comfort and peace of their houses and go far beyond to serve the nation. They defend the boundaries and ensure the safety of the citizens. Along with them, teachers should be paid higher wages. Teaching is difficult in and of itself because each student has a distinct personality and understanding. Therefore, it should compensate them properly with higher wages.

In conclusion, entertainers do not require immoderate quantities paid to them due to the fact They are not inflicting an impact for the betterment of the nation however, rather for enjoyment.  Jobs like the ones of police officers, militants, teachers, and so on, must be paid more.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 10

The monotony of our ordinary routines might be broken up by entertainment. A minor portion of the populace believes that celebrities who work in this field receive exorbitant salaries. They do not merit the compensation they receive, in my opinion. Armed forces, physicians, and many more professions merit increased pay.

The entertainers work hard to produce the end result that the audience views. They work months before the actual timeline to enable the perfect portrayal of the character they play and give justice to the script they are performing. In similar ways, the athletes train terribly arduously to qualify for national and international sports. They represent the nation, such as the Asian Games, the Olympic Games, and so on. It is unfair to disregard their hard work by merely suggesting they are overpaid.

Other occupations, such as doctors, the armed forces, and so on, undoubtedly deserve better pay than that of entertainers. Doctors work extremely hard and with exceptional dedication to provide services to the public. To epitomise, during the recent global pandemic, they were the frontline workers dealing with the virus and helping the infected without hesitating about their personal safety. Their services should be appreciated and paid for in the form of more substantial monetary benefits.

To sum up, the pay received by stars and athletes is justified as they work hard to display the characteristics of the imaginary character. They also represent the nation all over the world. Professionals like doctors, members of the armed forces, and so on, should be paid higher amounts to compensate for their noble services.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 11

The entertainment sector has been an ambition for many, owing to the name and fame that comes along with it. The fortune one makes from being in this industry has been a driving force for the people to shoot up for this industry. Some people put forth that the stars and musicians are paid a lot of money, which I agree with. However, there are other professions that should be paid more. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall be putting forth my views on this topic.

When we talk about the paycheque of the film stars, I agree that they are certainly on an elevated note. The entertainment industry has always hoarded all the limelight as well as the cash ever since it emerged into existence. Right from the endorsements to being the face of the brands, the reel stars have always bagged a stockpile of money. Even from the perspective of politics, many a time, these stars have been seen branding and promulgating the political parties. Right from advertisements to altruism to being the principal stalwart of various causes, these personalities are paid a handsome sum of money because of their gigantic viewership and a massive following. Consequentially, these celebrities have a huge knoll of cash flow to accrue and enjoy the sumptuous luxuries of life. Hence, I completely second the opinion that people associated with showbiz earn a lot.

However, there are indisputably a plethora of professions that rightfully deserve to be paid more. The national heroes in the army, navy and airforce, who peril their lives and put their fortune at stake to safeguard our nation are most certainly much worthier of having a capital bolstering. Their family members who are left bereft in the cases of their casualty could be much comforted at times when they are disconcerted, maybe not entirely but to some extent. Apart from that, the medical professionals who are considered next to God are paid much less as compared to the reel heroes. Moreover, the research professionals and scientists who form the backbone of any nation should be much more attended to in terms of capital. I believe that the entertainment industry can be done well away with, but these principal professions should be in the main streamline.

Conclusively, we may say that the entertainment industry makes a lot of money, and there is no wobbliness about it. However, there are other sectors that are inevitable to the development of society and should be paid more attention and money with regards to their insurmountable roles.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 12

Some folks often say that actors, athletes and singers are overpaid, and the other professional jobs are not efficiently paid. I agree with the thought mentioned above that there is vivid discrimination in the payments according to the job profiles and celebrity’s stardom.

Celebrities in the entertainment business are phenomenally popular. Usually, they earn a substantial sum of money compared with other important domains, but the question is whether they should deserve overpayment or an assessment of the nature of their work is required to decide the pay. Some people argue that the entertainment industry does not give something valuable to the audiences except for their performances which are enjoyable for some time; however, let’s take the example of teachers who play a significant role in shaping our careers but are not paid up to their expectations and are considered to be underpaid.

Moving on, I also believe frontline workers such as the Army and Police do their duty day and night to protect the civilians, and they deserve to get paid much more than they are currently getting from the government. The scientists and researchers are also vital in enhancing our community and the nation’s progress. Their efforts have elevated the standards of living of the people.

To conclude, celebrities have uncertain and performance-based careers. Therefore, they deserve love and fame according to their entertainment value addition, whereas the people in other occupations, who are contributing their skills and knowledge for the betterment of the community, should be paid wealthy.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 13

It is undeniable that entertainment is of paramount benefit to people’s lives. However, some believe that music artists and sports stars gain high financial benefits, which should not be. This essay discusses why I disagree with this opinion, as entertainment positively affects people’s moods and has a shorter number of years for their career compared to other jobs. This essay shall also discuss other similar kinds of jobs which should be paid huge sums of money.

To commence with, people who work in the entertainment sector should be compensated with huge sums of money because their scope of work brings an unimaginable positive effect on people’s moods. Although not everybody finds their source of happiness in entertainment activities, many people gain great happiness and relaxation by watching a movie, listening to their favourite music and watching a football match. For instance, the majority of people worldwide completely forget about their pressing issues when they spend time enjoying entertaining programs. As such, because of the great difference it makes in people’s lives, stars deserve huge financial benefits as compensation.

Moreover, their jobs are most dangerous and normally require a shorter number of years to retire compared to other jobs like nursing, teaching, engineering, and so on, which normally require sixty or sixty-five years of practice depending on the country. They can also get hurt, which can make it unlikely for them to work again. To buttress this point, dangerous sports like Boxing, wrestling, rock climbing and skiing can easily claim participants’ lives or even lead to irreparable consequences. Hence, entertaining personnel deserve huge salaries.

In conclusion, I reiterate my opinion that even though individuals working in the entertainment industry are given huge sums of money, they deserve this as their job description has an immense psychological effect on the general public and can be fatal in some cases.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 14

Superstars of television, film and other media are given a big amount of money, and it has become a controversial issue in the entire world. I am also in agreement with it, and I would suggest that skilled workers also should be paid more. They are also real heroes of our societies. In the following paragraphs, I am going to discuss some of the reasons why we should not give too much money to the stars only for their fame.

On the first place, in order to validate my thoughts, there are several reasons. Firstly, it is understood that if the government and public give more money to the cricketers or to film stars, it may happen that they can use that money in the wrong ways. Secondly, the government should also understand that giving too much money to celebrities is good but whether they can use it for social good causes like education of children, charity works etc. For example, they can use it to ensure a good education for poor people.

Thirdly, those stars have good publicity and their own business so it is possible that they would have enough money. Individuals should create a fund where so many celebrities can donate their money to poor people's food or housing related issues and also, they must ask to assist from that stars and also if developed countries do this so it can be beneficial to undeveloped countries.
Another point of this essay is that to whom the government should give more salary? So, I would mention that more and more skilled workers also should be given more money because they provide many facilities for the people. It has also been seen that so many doctors, nurses and even teachers are migrating from undeveloped countries to developed countries to have a better life and earn more. That’s why it may affect the economy of a country. The government should give them good salaries, so they don't have to migrate to other countries.

To conclude, I would opine that celebrities should be given money but to some extent that should be restricted, and they should be bound to take part in charity and social welfare related tasks so that we can use that fund on poor people as I have written above.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 15

It is a well-known fact that certain professions get paid more than others. Celebrities are especially known to receive high remuneration, which is sometimes argued to be excessively high. Nevertheless, I agree that stars should be paid a large sum of money.

There are a number of reasons why this should be the case. Firstly, they will carry a heavy burden by being constantly under the spotlight. While there are those who enjoy such attention, living under public scrutiny can be quite stressful for others. On top of that, it is quite likely that they will have no privacy, even in regard to their personal lives. Therefore, there should be an equal trade-off in the form of money for those sacrifices. Besides, their appearances are often broadcast all over the world. For instance, the movie they starred in might be screened at hundreds of cinemas. Thus, the movie earnings itself would be high, so it would only make sense that they get high pay for playing in it.

Even so, there are other professions that should also get high salaries. One of these is the type of work that involves a great risk, such as miners who are at risk of being trapped inside a mine. In addition, jobs, where people's health is at stake, should also be rewarded with a reasonably high amount of money. For instance, doctors and psychologists who handle people's wellbeing or even lives should obtain high pay. This is because it might be demanding and exhausting to work in such professions.

In conclusion, I agree that entertainers should be well-paid. On the other hand, other jobs that involve great harm to people's health should have a relatively high salary too.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 16

It is certainly true that people in the glamour industry as well as sports people, get a very high remuneration. However, I opine that occupations such as teachers, scientists, social activists, etc. must be paid a large amount as well.

There are myriad reasons to support this argument. Firstly, high endorsements to famous personalities would discourage the common people and they may develop negative thoughts about less paid jobs. This creates a deterring effect on society. Secondly, youngsters become imaginatively affected and sometimes may be carried away from their actual goals. However, entertainers also face certain vexes; one among them is they can work for a limited age only (about 30-35 years) and they get retired earlier. Therefore, it becomes essential for them to secure their further future for which money is required.

On the other hand, if we consider less paid jobs, for instance, the people in teaching field play a vital role because they lay down the foundation for children and in turn produce skill full citizens of a country. Moreover, scientists indulge their valuable time in various discoveries and inventions to provide comfort to mankind. Furthermore, social workers bring awareness to society, which helps a country to develop. Owing to the above reasons, it is clear that people in the above-mentioned fields are important for a common man and a society. Hence, they must be highly paid.

In conclusion, I believe that the jobs that deal with the betterment of denizens should not be ignored, and they must be paid more so as to inculcate an interest in people to opt for such fields.

Some people feel that entertainers (e.g., film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) - mẫu 17

Most famous people, especially entertainers, are rich and own a lot of highly expensive properties, because of that some people think they are paid high salaries, and I agree with them. On the other side, there are other jobs that are more important and should be highly paid.

Entertainers are a part of our society, but they are treated differently. I believe that they are paid more than normal people, and this appears in their lifestyle. They live in big houses which contain gardens and many facilities such as pools and gymnasiums. In addition to that, they hire assistants to help them to do some tasks at home instead of them, like cooking, cleaning and raising kids. Moreover, they always have the latest models of the most expensive cars in the world.

In my opinion, there are other types of jobs that should be paid more than entertainers such as scientists, teachers, and doctors. Scientists improve our life and think about solutions for the entire world’s problems, so they should be rewarded well to encourage them to still in their important field. Teachers are also important for every society; they teach the students who will be the leaders of the future. Doctors, though, are a highly important and critical job, they help people be healthy and recover from dangerous diseases so they must have good salaries too.

In conclusion, entertainers are paid high salaries because they are famous, but I think there are other jobs that should be paid more to bring more benefits to the whole society.

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