Think about a film with a happy or surprising ending. Write the story, using past narrative tenses

Think about a film with a happy or surprising ending. Write the story, using past narrative tenses hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Think about a film with a happy or surprising ending. Write the story, using past narrative tenses

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Think about a film with a happy or surprising ending. Write the story, using past narrative tenses - mẫu 1

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young girl named Ella. She was kind-hearted and had a gentle spirit, despite the hardships she faced after her father's untimely death.

Ella’s stepmother, Lady Tremaine, and her two stepsisters, Anastasia and Drizella, treated her as a servant in her own home. They forced her to do all the household chores while they lived a life of luxury and indulgence.

One day, news spread throughout the kingdom that a grand ball would be held at the palace. Every eligible maiden was invited, as the prince sought a bride. Ella's stepsisters were thrilled at the prospect of attending, but Ella knew she would never be allowed to go.

As the day of the ball approached, Ella’s fairy godmother appeared, granting her a beautiful gown, glass slippers, and a magical carriage. With a wave of her wand, she transformed Ella into a vision of grace and beauty.

Ella arrived at the ball, capturing the attention of everyone in the room, including the prince himself. They danced and talked, and for a brief moment, Ella felt like a princess. But as midnight struck, she remembered her fairy godmother’s warning and rushed away, leaving behind one of her glass slippers.

The prince was determined to find the mysterious maiden who had captured his heart. He traveled throughout the kingdom, searching for the girl whose foot would fit the glass slipper. Many tried, but none succeeded.

Finally, the prince arrived at Ella’s home. Her stepsisters eagerly tried to squeeze their feet into the delicate slipper, but it was too small for them. As a last resort, Ella’s stepmother reluctantly allowed her to try it on.

To everyone’s astonishment, the slippers fit perfectly. Ella’s true identity was revealed, and she was whisked away to the palace to marry the prince. The kingdom rejoiced, and Ella’s life was forever changed.

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In her new role as princess, Ella used her position to bring kindness and compassion to the kingdom. She advocated for the less fortunate and worked tirelessly to make the kingdom a better place.

And so, Ella’s story of resilience and love became a legend in the kingdom. She showed the world that true beauty lies within, and that kindness and courage can overcome any adversity.

Cinderella’s tale serves as a reminder that dreams can come true, and that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

Think about a film with a happy or surprising ending. Write the story, using past narrative tenses - mẫu 2

Once upon a time in the cozy town of Willow Creek, there lived a girl named Lily. Lily was always cheerful and believed that good things could happen even in tough times.

One sunny day, Lily found an old bookstore. Inside, she discovered a dusty book called "The Secret Garden of Dreams." She started reading and got lost in the magical story. It was about hope, love, and how dreams can come true.

Lily kept going back to the bookstore to read more. Every page made her feel happier and more hopeful.

One night, as Lily finished the book, she made a wish upon a shooting star. The next morning, something amazing happened: her dull garden was now full of beautiful flowers and plants!

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Lily realized that the magic from the book had come to life in her own garden. From then on, she believed in the power of dreams and promised to always stay hopeful.

And so, Lily's story teaches us that wonderful things can happen when we least expect them.

Think about a film with a happy or surprising ending. Write the story, using past narrative tenses - mẫu 3

Once upon a time, in a small seaside town, there lived a young girl named Emma. She loved the sea and spent her days exploring the beach and collecting seashells. One summer, a new family moved into the old house on the cliff. They had a son named Jack, who was about Emma's age. Unlike Emma, Jack liked staying inside, reading books, and playing with his gadgets.

Emma was curious about her new neighbor and decided to meet him. She knocked on their door one sunny afternoon, and Jack’s mother welcomed her in. Jack was sitting in the living room, reading. When he saw Emma, he gave a shy smile. Emma invited him to the beach, but Jack said he wasn’t interested.

Days turned into weeks, and Emma kept visiting Jack, trying to get him to come outside. Little by little, Jack started to like Emma's company. He joined her for short walks and, eventually, agreed to go to the beach. Emma showed him her favorite spots, taught him how to find the best seashells, and introduced him to swimming in the ocean.

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As the summer went on, Jack became more adventurous. He and Emma spent hours exploring the shore, finding hidden caves, and watching the sunset together. They became close friends, sharing stories and secrets. Jack’s shyness disappeared, and he began to laugh and play freely.

One day, while exploring a new cave, they found a chest buried in the sand. Excited, they opened it and discovered old coins, jewelry, and a map. It was a treasure left by pirates who had once sailed near their town. This discovery made their adventures even more exciting.

Summer was ending, and Jack’s family had to move again. Emma was sad to see her friend go, but they promised to stay in touch. On their last day together, they went to their favorite spot on the beach to watch the sunset. Jack gave Emma a small box. Inside was a beautiful necklace made from a seashell they had found together. Emma was very touched by this gift.

Years later, Emma and Jack kept their promise and stayed in touch. They visited each other whenever they could, and their friendship grew stronger. Their friendship, which started unexpectedly, became a source of joy for both of them.

The story of Emma and Jack shows that sometimes, the best things in life come from unexpected places. Their friendship, made by the sea, was a happy and surprising end to a summer that started with curiosity and uncertainty.

Think about a film with a happy or surprising ending. Write the story, using past narrative tenses - mẫu 4

In a busy city, there was a small, forgotten amusement park hidden away. Among its attractions was an old carousel with colorful horses that seemed to come alive under the twinkling lights.

One summer day, a girl named Sarah found the deserted park while exploring. Intrigued, she entered and was drawn to the carousel. Despite its age, Sarah felt a special connection to it.

As Sarah climbed onto one of the horses, a breeze swept through the park, and the carousel began to spin faster. Suddenly, Sarah found herself whisked away into a world of magic.

The carousel took Sarah on an amazing journey through enchanted forests, sparkling lakes, and grand castles. Along the way, she met talking animals and friendly fairies who helped her overcome challenges and learn important lessons about kindness and bravery.

Sarah also discovered that the carousel had the power to grant wishes. She met people with their own dreams and saw how believing in oneself could make dreams come true.

After her incredible adventure, Sarah made a wish to always remember the magic she had experienced. The carousel gently slowed down, bringing her back to the quiet park where she had started.

Filled with wonder, Sarah left the amusement park with memories of her magical journey. She knew that magic could be found in unexpected places and hoped to share her story to inspire others to believe in their dreams.

Sarah's tale teaches us that sometimes, a bit of imagination and belief can lead to extraordinary adventures and discoveries.

Think about a film with a happy or surprising ending. Write the story, using past narrative tenses - mẫu 5

In a quiet village, there was a small, old forest that everyone said was magical. The trees were tall, and the paths were hidden by thick bushes. One sunny afternoon, a girl named Mia decided to explore the forest. She had always heard stories about its magic but had never dared to go in.

As Mia walked deeper into the forest, she saw bright flowers and heard the sound of birds singing. Suddenly, she found a small, sparkling pond. Curious, she bent down to look at her reflection. To her surprise, the pond began to glow, and a soft voice spoke, “Welcome, Mia. You have found the magic of the forest.”

Mia was amazed and a little scared. The voice told her that the forest would show her its magic if she believed in it. As Mia walked further, she saw animals talking to each other and trees that seemed to move. A friendly deer approached her and said, “Follow me, Mia. I will show you the heart of the forest.”

The deer led Mia to a large, ancient tree with a door carved into its trunk. The tree opened, revealing a glowing path inside. Mia stepped in and found herself in a beautiful, magical world with floating lights and sweet music. She saw fairies dancing and flowers that sparkled like jewels.

The fairies welcomed Mia and showed her their secret world. They taught her how to make flowers bloom with a touch and how to sing with the birds. Mia had so much fun, but soon she knew it was time to go home. The fairies gave her a small, glowing stone and said, “This stone will remind you of the magic you found here.”

Mia thanked the fairies and returned to the village, carrying the glowing stone. From that day on, Mia often visited the forest, where she felt happy and free. She knew that as long as she believed in the magic, the forest would always be her special place.

Mia’s story shows us that magic is everywhere if we believe in it. The forest taught her that with a little courage and a lot of imagination, amazing things can happen.

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