When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless

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Đề bài: When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 1

The issue with the development of the technology traditional skills and the conventional lifestyle die’ is a controversial one and needs deeper argument before supporting or opposing the issue. Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed; I would like to begin by pointing out that ‘traditional skills and ways of life’ have not totally vanished from one country, culture or community because of the introduction of technology.

In many ways, the history of civilisation is the history of technology: from the discovery of fire to the invention of the wheel to the development of the Internet we have been moving on from previous ways of doing things. Some technologies, such as weapons of mass destruction, are of negative impact. Others, such as medical advances, positively help people to live better or longer, and so very much help traditional ways of life. Surely, few people would seek to preserve such traditions as living in caves. Technology will always follow its own footsteps no matter what we, some people think about it. Technology advances because we need it. So, there is no way to prevent the advancement of technology, but we should embrace it positively. The generation of a country is responsible for preserving their own custom and tradition and if people feel eager to save a tradition, then there is no way technological advancement will destroy it. There are many cases where technology replaces human labour to create certain things, for example, handmade sari, which is still popular in many countries. Technology, in this case, has not destroyed the old tradition but has introduced faster and less expensive ways to create the same thing.   

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Interestingly, technology can positively contribute to the keeping alive of traditional skills and ways of life. For example, the populations of some islands are too small to have normal schools. Rather than breaking up families by sending children to the mainland, education authorities have been able to use the Internet to deliver schooling online. In addition, the Internet, and modern refrigeration techniques are being used to keep alive the traditional skills of producing salmon; it can now be ordered from, and delivered to, anywhere in the world.

In conclusion, without suggesting that all technology is necessarily good, I think it is by no means ‘pointless’, in any way, to try to keep traditions alive with technology. We should not ignore technology because it can be our friend and support our way of life.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 2

The technological revolution affects all countries around the world in many ways significantly. It seems that the traditional skills and the ways life used to be present have disappeared. This essay will discuss how technology has led to this case and whether it is worth attempting to save people's traditional life or not.

To begin with, there are various reasons why traditional skills no longer exist as it was many years ago. One major reason is the development of technology. For illustrations, modern technology has been used for many tasks such as agriculture, industries, and machines have replaced people’s manual tasks in most cases. Moreover, the internet alters the way of communication dramatically; instead of visiting family these days, for example, people speak with each other over the phone or chat using social media like Facebook or Twitter. Perhaps, that is why the traditional skills are expiring with the demand of time and modernization.

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Let's move to another point in the statement: some people argue that the traditional experience shouldn't be saved. The principal reason for their opinion is that global advertising encourages everyone to buy the same products. For instance, people wear similar clothes, rather than traditional costumes, and eat from the same types of restaurants such as KFC and Mac Donald and their branches are present all over the world. This shows that it does not make sense to keep the traditional skills alive.

To conclude, this essay has looked at the possible reasons for dying out of traditional life, such as the revolution in technology and popularity of the internet, and also the reason why it is aimless to keep them alive.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 3

Increasingly technological developments are aggressively pushing traditional lifestyle and skills out of the picture. Some believe that this diminishing process is too extraordinary to stop or reverse. However, I believe that valuable traditions will be preserved in particular ways by providing alternative ways of living and being inspirations for modern technological developments.

First of all, traditional lifestyle and skills are gradually becoming popular recently, particularly among young people who live in busy urban areas, by offering alternative ways of life. For instance, a cozy country style Thai restaurant where traditional cooking herbs and vegetables are freshly harvested from its own backyard garden, and spices are 100% homemade with traditional spicy preserving skills, has drawn much attention and popularity from people who are bored of mass-produced food and the highly industrialised environment. Such traditional skills and way of life would continue to have their place in this modern era.

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Furthermore, conventional skills can be a great source of inspiration for modern technologies development. Evidence has shown that engineers and designers of modern times are still constantly inspired by the traditional skills. For example, sparked by a traditional bamboo braiding skills from a rural Asian area, a world widely famous furniture designer, working with equally talented engineers, invented production lines to manufacture designed modern furniture that however has that particular traditional braid style touch. Such inspiration has boosted the business, therefore, in turn, would result in more money allocated for preserving those valuable skills for further development.

To conclude, although it is hard to stop most of our traditional skills and ways of life vanishing from this modern world, some traditional skills and lifestyle would not just survive, but also thrive by proving alternative ways of living and being innovative for modern technology.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 4

Nowadays, technological advancement and their rapid and wide applications are having a significant impact on a nation's traditional skills and ways of life. Some argue that such impact is so extraordinary that it would make conventional skills and lifestyles obsolete. However, I believe they would continue to thrive by providing alternatives to modern ways of life, and innovative ideas for modern technologies.

First of all, traditional skills and ways of life are becoming an alternative solution to the problems caused by "mainstreamed" ways of life which are greatly influenced by modern technologies. For instance, a cozy restaurant where traditional, home-brewed beer is served, offers another experience to people who are bored with branded beers that have the same flavour and come out of mass production with new technologies. It is in such a venue where traditional skills are preserved, people become relaxed and educated. Providing diversity and thus enriching modern ways of life, such traditional skills and ways of life would continue to have their place.

Furthermore, conventional skills provide innovative ideas for the development of modern technologies. For example, sparkled by how the word "Love" is traditionally knitted into a sweater by some ethnic minority women in some parts of Asia, some business managers from textile industry have developed some production lines by applying the traditional skills to Computer-Aided Designs (CAD). The products have boosted the companies' sales which in turn have increased their investment in preserving traditional skills for further developing their technologies.

To conclude, traditional skills and lifestyles are increasingly becoming a useful alternative to the homogeneity brought by global applications of modern technologies. However, the evolution of technologies is a selection process, whereby some would become obsolete, but there is no doubt that some would thrive when their roles are appreciated.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 5

During the last century, science and technology have expanded to a great extent. As a nation focuses more on technology, it is true that the conventional skills and previous lifestyle vanishes. I strongly agree that there is no point in retaining them. This can be proven by analysing how technology can save a lot of time as well as be accurate enough.

It is apparent that the latest machines can do a lot of work with minimal time. For instance, in a construction industry, a crane can lift a block of heavy materials within a fraction of a minute. By using the traditional skills, it will take at least a day to uplift bulky items to the top of a building. Thus, it is obvious that it makes no sense to focus on previous skills and ways. Similarly, when automated machines can sew more than thousands of clothes, there is no point to involve manual labour to produce only hundred per day!

It is a fact that almost all industries prefer computers for account related tasks as they are very much accurate and faster. For example, consider a bank which has to calculate the turnover for its past decade. By using a software, it would be possible to get the exact value. Even though there are a lot of algorithms used by the old generation, it is not guaranteed that the calculation will be so precise and faster. Hence it is clear that there is not much benefit in focusing on traditional expertise.

By analysing how science has helped in getting the work done faster with precise results, it is very clear that there is not much advantage in retaining old skills and lifestyle. It is considered that the community will create this awareness among the masses.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 6

Many people think that traditional cultures will vanish due to the rapid development of new technology. Therefore, it is useless to spend some time preserving the traditional ways of life. To a certain point, I would agree that modern technology has brought some benefits to our life. But I disagree if we should abandon all the old-fashioned cultures, as I believe that some traditional ways are still beneficial for us.

It is a fact that many traditional ways have disappeared due to the existence of new technology. Many people have abandoned their traditional ways and equipment, as they become more productive with modern tools. For example, instead of using carts and manpower, many farmers in develop countries are using tractors and bulldozers to cultivate their plants these days. By using these machines, it saves a lot of time, money and energy. Therefore, many people prefer to use modern technology than to maintain the traditional ways.

Despite the benefits of modern technology, some traditional ways of life are still important and valid for our lives nowadays. One of the examples is that people in the past were concerned about honesty and integrity. In the olden days, people did business based on trust and respect, as they had no contracts and due to the lack of paper resources. In the modern world, legalised agreements have become an essential part of a business deal due to some parties might do any illegal and inappropriate act. These kinds of traditional cultures should be preserved and carried forward to the future generation.

In conclusion, to a certain extent, I would agree that some traditional cultures should be abandoned and replaced with technology and modern ways. But some of the traditional ways are still valid and applicable to the modern world, and it is necessary to maintain and preserve them.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 7

Old traditional skills and lifestyles are dying due to technological advances. It is a contentious issue. Many individuals believe that it is pointless to put too much effort into saving it. In my opinion, I don’t agree that it’s pointless saving the traditional skills and techniques. In the following paragraphs, I shall explain my point of view and provide supporting reasons.

Many traditions and talents throughout the world are being abandoned and replaced by machines in this new technological era. One of the most prominent instances of this phenomenon is the worldwide decline in hand-made fabrics. Today, factories create millions of machine-printed fabrics, which have replaced hand-knitted fabrics. The production costs are reduced, and designs appeal to the majority of buyers throughout the world, due to which many artists have lost their jobs. Local marketplaces are dwindling in popularity and people are suffering.

Besides that, life is becoming computerized, forcing ancient practices to become obsolete. Conventional skills provide innovative ideas for the development of modern technologies. Our predecessors’ invisible thread of old traditional skills and practices connect us with them. It helps us learn how things are created better to understand our culture, community, and nationality. These talents and skills help define and communicate a group’s beliefs and abilities, as well as how they interact with their environment.

However, technology has indeed made the life of people simpler. Almost everything nowadays is done with contemporary technology, which makes physical labour easier. Yet, one cannot overlook the wealth of knowledge that individuals gain from traditional skills and techniques.

Overall, traditional skills and practices are undeniably dwindling. One must acknowledge that traditional skills and techniques are a means of tying people together and educating them about their culture, society, country, and many other topics.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 8

Technology is an integral part of everybody’s lives, and it clearly assists us in adapting to consistent developments. I disagree with the perception that traditional skills should disappear with the technological development in a nation. There are two major reasons that I shall discuss in the forthcoming paragraphs.

On the one hand, traditional skills are considered the heritage that we have taken over from our ancestors. Thus, it is our responsibility to preserve them and pass them on to the next generation. The technological development is an enormous benefit for traditional skills. With the help of technology, we can enhance our skills and introduce innovations by combining technology and traditional skills. For example, handmade painting is a traditional skill. With the help of technology-induced Photoshop, people can give it a unique, more appropriate touch. The combination between photoshop and handmade painting could be a considerable innovation. People cannot just create wonders but earn massively as well.

On the other hand, though technology is developing at a sharp rate, the traditional skill used products still have a high position in the market. For instance, Indian traditional products, including handcrafted decor items, are still being sold at a global level. There are thousands of artisans earning their bread and butter by selling these handmade items to foreign tourists and established companies. It proves that traditional products still have higher demand in the market.

While the traditions that are not being used by a lot of people won’t make a difference if extinct, on a larger scale, improvements in these traditions can always be beneficial.

To sum it up, traditional skills are alive, even though the technology is increasing dramatically. It has a special place in everyone’s lives. Also, the popularity of traditional skills can enhance if the combination with technology is tried and tested at a larger scale.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 9

In recent times, technology has played a pivotal role in the transformation of present processes. Some individuals believe that as a nation's technology progresses, its traditional skills and ways of life fade. Therefore, there is no justification for their continued existence. I strongly disagree with this assertion, and my preference will be explained further.

To embark with, in our technological environment, ancient skills and practices nevertheless maintain a special place. Moreover, despite the fact that technology has replaced many things, traditional abilities cannot be replaced. Using Patan city as an example, a study revealed that the city is renowned for its traditional textiles, which, despite attempts at mechanical production, cannot replace the skill of human hands. Therefore, not everything can be replaced by technology.

Furthermore, old methods and rituals constantly retain their origins. In addition, it presents significance to the next generation for the benefit of their lives. If the present generation obtains an understanding of historic practices, they will be able to adopt them to improve living and also learn to respect our traditions. Therefore, to preserve our traditions, it is vital to share these abilities with the world.

However, I would not disregard that technology is always advancing and every approach and employment sector is evolving. Since technology is at its pinnacle, it has made all labour far simpler than in the past. Additionally, individuals are spending less on conventional skills and more on technology. Thus, over a period of time, no one may be able to block old practices and abilities.

To conclude, despite the advancement of technology, it is more vital to retain our traditional abilities, since this preserves the roots connected to their origin.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 10

Nowadays, traditional skills and ways are almost getting lost. Some people think that if a country develops its technology, then traditional abilities and methods will be lost, and there is no point in keeping those alive. However, I partially agree with this opinion, and my preference will be addressed further.

To begin with, technology perpetually distances us from culture and tradition. As technology advances, individuals devote less attention to cultural pursuits and remain perpetually preoccupied with contemporary life. For instance, according to a report, the majority of youngsters are unaware of their traditional attire since they wore only western clothing. Therefore, we must safeguard the traditions against technology in order to preserve them.

Additionally, traditional skills and practices are crucial to our nations because they reflect them and carry unique significance. If a country promotes its culture, it will entice individuals from other nations to learn more about it; as a consequence, it will aid in connecting and socialising with those of diverse cultures. Thus, traditional skills and practises not only serve to symbolise the nation, but also to unite its people.

However, technology is also highly useful since it provides immediate response and alleviation in the battle against any sickness, while older methods need time to produce results. As medical technology has advanced, individuals have begun to favour it over traditional practices. Therefore, technology is necessary for quick outcomes.

To conclude, although technology benefits us by giving instant results, traditional skills and methods are more essential to know our culture better, and also to socialise more.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 11

Nowadays, technology and cultural traditions are perennially controversial issues of conversation. Some individuals believe that old methods and abilities are vanishing owing to technological innovation. Moreover, protecting them is futile. I mostly agree with the viewpoint, and my preferences will be explained further.

To begin with, technology is at its pinnacle in every industry today. As a result of the advancement of technology, individuals choose to use it over conventional talents. Moreover, technology greatly simplifies all jobs. For instance, there are lots of sewing machines that have been developed; while, in earlier times, people were using hands to sew, which was time consuming and tough work. Thus, technology makes each task simpler and quicker.

In addition, technology has improved to the point that individuals may now post their professional profiles on internet platforms and get better employment. Additionally, it might enable them to share their work and network with other experts. Individuals may obtain pleasure and tranquilly as well as prosperity if they share their strengths and skills. Therefore, technology offers several advantages over conventional methods.

However, I would not avoid the fact that traditional talents are very distinctive and useful, since they aid in identifying communities and history, therefore connecting the origins of civilizations. In addition, if individuals lose the identity of their communities, they will lose their own. Therefore, it is essential to preserve old practices and abilities.

In conclusion, despite the fact that traditional skills and traditions assist in defining a community, technology is more vital since it makes labour simpler and more useful.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 12

Digital advancements are the hallmark of the 21st century. Today, nearly every nation across the globe has felt the impact of this wave of technological innovation and has adapted to this phenomenon in some way or the other. However, this occurrence poses an imminent threat to a modest and conventional way of life. It is widely believed that avoiding this change and safeguarding the old ways is impractical. I am a strong supporter of this notion. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will elaborate on the topic and justify my views with relevant instances.

It is indeed important to acknowledge the various indigenous trades that are present in every nation. The traditional skills prevalent in a region are an intrinsic part of the local culture. Such abilities and ensuing products, although unique, are expensive and require more time and financial investment. Also, the quality standards of such commodities are inconsistent due to the absence of sophisticated machine-based manufacturing techniques.

Furthermore, the chief benefit enjoyed with the employment of technological facilities is the degree of convenience. The reduction of human effort is the prime goal of digital modernization. Today, an individual can access and fulfil all of their necessities and demands at the tip of their fingertips, owing to the advent of the Internet and its subsequent services. The availability of nearly all kinds of domestic and luxurious commodities online has led to such a measure of comfort that was previously unimaginable. Thus, avoiding such resources and following an archaic lifestyle is illogical in this day and age.

Nevertheless, we must also address the fact that a basic manner of living is less stressful and mentally undemanding. However, the level of inefficiency faced, as a consequence, is detrimental to the survivability of an individual regularly.

Finally, progress is a natural occurrence in human civilization, and we have to adapt to the reforms as and when they happen. Therefore, it is prudent to accept such technological transformations rather than going against the majority.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 13

The significant predicament with the development of technology influencing the traditional skills and conventional lifestyle is quite a controversial topic and requires a profound argument. At a glance, I disagree with the opinion expressed on the topic as technology doesn’t have enough power to completely eradicate the traditional skills from a community, culture or a country. I shall highlight my perception in the following paragraphs.

In a lot of ways, the history of civilisation is interlinked with the history of technology, keeping in mind the discovery of fire, the invention of the wheel and the latest evolution of the internet. We are constantly moving forward, bringing efficient and better ways of living to the world. Definitely, most of the people would want to preserve such traditions. Technology will always be following in its footsteps, regardless of what people think. The advancements in technology are the sheer requirements of people. Thus, preventing or abolishing technological advancement would not be a possibility. Rather, people should embrace the trends positively. Intriguingly, technology can contribute positively to keeping the traditional skills alive. For instance, the population of certain islands is quite restricted to having a regular schooling system. Instead of compelling families to send children to the mainland, authorities have commenced online education for school children.

When it comes to preserving the traditions and customs, the generation of a country is liable for it. If people are willing to save a tradition, technological advancements, in no way, can destroy it. For instance, people found more benefits in machinery and the latest equipment as they could save tons of time and effort. Hence, they let a few traditions die out to bring technology, such as handmade fabric, ploughing of fields in some areas, and more.

Sure, there are certain technologies that have overtaken traditional skills, such as machinery being used to manufacture some fabric that was earlier handmade. However, it also has to be noted that technology is not backed up enough to eliminate every traditional skill altogether.

Concluding the essay, it can be stated that the evolution of technology is not pointless in any way and we, as people, should keep our traditions alive to support our standard of living.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 14

The argument against preserving traditional skills and lifestyles in the face of technological advancements is compelling, as it suggests that clinging to outdated practices may hinder progress and limit individuals’ ability to adapt to modern advancements. Firstly, maintaining skills that are no longer relevant in the context of technological evolution seems impractical. For instance, the obsolete knowledge required to repair VHS players is rendered useless with the advent of DVD players, emphasizing the natural progression toward more efficient technologies.

Moreover, the argument contends that an excessively traditional lifestyle can impede societal development. Embracing past customs might discourage innovation and hinder the creation of new, improved ways of living. By adhering strictly to traditional values, individuals may miss out on the opportunities presented by technological advancements, hindering the overall advancement of human civilization. This viewpoint suggests that embracing change and welcoming new technologies can lead to a more dynamic and progressive society.

Additionally, the argument highlights how sticking to traditional ways may confine individuals to their comfort zones, preventing them from exploring beyond conventional viewpoints. This limitation could stifle creativity and impede the development of novel ideas. By encouraging people to embrace new technologies and ways of living, society can foster an environment that promotes innovation and adaptability.

In conclusion, the perspective presented argues that traditional skills and lifestyles become unnecessary when superior alternatives are available through technological advancements. The call to anticipate and embrace new ways of living and skill sets is an active stance that encourages individuals to stay open-minded and receptive to progress.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 15

There is much discussion surrounding the claim that traditional skills and ways of life will eventually go extinct as a result of technological innovation. While it is true that certain practises may become obsolete due to technological improvements, I think it is crucial to preserve traditional skills and ways of life for the sake of cultural preservation and societal well-being.

Innovative techniques are frequently introduced by technological advancement and replace conventional practises, making them less useful or efficient. For instance, labour-intensive craftsmanship can be replaced by sophisticated machinery and automation, which would lead to a loss of traditional artisanal abilities. Additionally, technological advancements such as worldwide networking and information transmission have hastened cultural homogenization and undermined unique cultural practises and customs.

However, maintaining old ways of life and skills is of enormous cultural and social importance. A community's history, morals, and identity are typically deeply established in its customs. They serve as a bridge across generations, fostering a sense of continuity and belonging. Traditional skills also represent the variety of cultural expressions and artistic styles that add to the wealth and diversity of the human legacy.

Preserving ancient ways of life can also be advantageous economically. Cultural tourism and a desire for traditional handicrafts create opportunities for economic expansion and job creation. The transmission of specific knowledge and competence is ensured by maintaining traditional skills and protecting traditional industries and their cultural and economic value.

Instead of viewing technology and tradition as mutually exclusive, a balanced approach is needed. Harmonious coexistence can be achieved by embracing modern advancements while appreciating and preserving traditional skills and ways of life. This can be done by integrating technology into conventional methods, increasing their effectiveness and sustainability while retaining the essential elements of cultural heritage.

Despite the fact that technological improvements may endanger traditional skills and ways of living, it is crucial to acknowledge the cultural and sociological worth of these practises. Traditionalism fosters cultural identity, variety, and economic development. The continuity of cultural heritage and the well-being of society are guaranteed by the adoption of a balanced strategy that combines technological development with the preservation of traditional skills.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 16

There is little room for doubt that the last 15 years have seen more development in modern technology than the previous 30 years. I, like many others, believe that people forget to use traditional skills whenever a country develops a new technology, as they think that modern products can be easily handled as well as economical to purchase.

Indeed, there are numerous upsides to using modern technologies. One of the most important is time-saving, meaning that using the latest products on a daily basis assists people to save their precious time. Additionally, modern goods are convenient to use because they require the best effort of a person as well as operate automatically by clicking one button. According to the survey conducted by The Times of India, 70% of industries in the USA use modernized machines for manufacturing clothes, as they believe that using these machines helps them to save a sum amount of money along with efforts. Hence, many countries are moving forward to use the latest goods.

There is no denying the fact that traditional skills have their own benefits. One of the most important ones is that they are handmade. To put it another way, most items are manufactured without using any technology. For instance, Kashmiri shawls are stitched by using hands and traditional equipment. Moreover, people love to buy these shawls because they are very premium as well as warm. Therefore, many foreigners purchase Kashmiri shawls whenever they visit India.

To conclude, it seems to me that modern technology is very convenient and economical to use for those who have recently started their businesses.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 17

When a nation advances technologically, it inevitably takes a toll on the conventional skill set and lifestyle. In my opinion, traditional competencies and values of life are not important to be maintained as technology changes society in a transient manner and solves problems for the people who live in it.

To commence with, there is no rationale for preserving traditional skills that have no practical need for a better lifestyle. Powerful technology makes these skills useless as the proliferation of cutting-edge technologies supersedes the old ones each day as time goes by. In fact, technological changes determine the conditions under which we live. Let’s clarify this with an example. DVDs players are obsolete VHS players, and the skills required to mend VHS players are no longer useful. When the technology has offered even more powerful storage solutions, keeping the backdated ones is just pointless.

Likewise, maintaining a rigorously conventional lifestyle can limit the progress of human civilization. That is to say that the traditional way of life promotes one to remain the same, retaining the same custom, which in turn may dissuade men from inventing new ways of life to make it easier and superior. It keeps people trying to live in the past; thereby they distance themselves from the blessings stemming from technological development. On top of that, the traditional lifestyle confines people in their comfort zone. To put it another way, they cannot push themselves to think outside the box with traditional views.

It would be reasonable enough to draw a conclusion that traditional skills and lifestyle often make no sense at all when there are better alternatives. Therefore, we should be looking forward to embracing the new manners of life and new skill set.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 18

Conventional skill sets and lifestyles in society are fading away with the advancement of technology. Many believe that the need to maintain a traditional set of skills and ideas is worthless. Such a view is, however, seriously mistaken. This is because traditional skill sets and lifestyles can bring considerable benefits to the environment and the community as well.

Traditional competencies have been forged over hundreds of years of human experience and they are crucial to the environment. These skills were devised with empirical observations about its inhabitants and the ecosystem as a whole. The convention on biological diversity, for example, finds that many indigenous communities have been using biodiversity and cultivating it in a sustainable manner for hundreds of years. Thus, in times like this environmental chaos, traditional skills are of profound importance more than ever.

Similarly, the traditional lifestyle is just as noteworthy as common skills. By maintaining it, people can build a healthy community. In a traditional value system, collectivism takes the centre stage at every level of life. Individuals determine themselves as members of groups and place the priorities of their collective priorities ahead of their personal preferences. In short, individuals aim to satisfy others’ requirements rather than their own demands. On the contrary, today’s individualistic society pays attention to the needs of the individuals over the needs of the group as a whole, which in turn very often provokes bitter conflicts and widens the gaps between the poor and rich.

In fine, traditional skills and ways of life are not only good for the environment but equally are important for the welfare of our society. We should keep alive traditional skills and lifestyles because these can resurrect a healthy environment and a harmonious society for all.

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless - mẫu 19

There is no doubt that with the advancement of technology, many traditional skills and ways of life are becoming obsolete. However, I strongly disagree with the opinion that it is pointless to try and keep them alive. In my view, it is essential to preserve traditional skills and ways of life because they are an integral part of a country’s culture and heritage.

Firstly, traditional skills and ways of life provide a connection to a country’s past and identity. They give us an insight into how our ancestors lived and worked, and how they contributed to the country’s growth and development. By preserving these skills and ways of life, we can maintain a link to our history and heritage and pass it on to future generations.

Secondly, traditional skills and ways of life can be a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration for modern technology. Many of these skills have been refined over centuries and can offer unique perspectives and solutions to contemporary problems. For instance, traditional methods of agriculture or handicrafts can provide insights into sustainable and eco-friendly practices that can benefit modern industries.

Moreover, preserving traditional skills and ways of life can help to promote cultural diversity and maintain a sense of community identity. These practices often reflect the customs, values, and beliefs of a particular community, and their preservation can help to promote social cohesion and understanding.

In conclusion, it is crucial to recognize the value of traditional skills and ways of life and work towards their preservation. They provide a connection to our past, offer valuable insights into modern-day problems, and promote cultural diversity and social cohesion. It is not purposeless to try and keep them alive, and we should do our best to ensure that they are not lost in the march of technological progress.

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