Bài tập Unit 12 lớp 12 có đáp án, chọn lọc

Unit 12 lớp 12: Water Sports

Bài tập Unit 12 lớp 12

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:

1. a. exhaust   b. height   c. honest   d. heir

2. a. knee   b. kennel   c. khan   d. kiosk

3. a. handcraft   b. handbook   c. handkerchief   d. handbag

4. a. overboard   b. above   c. handball   d. climbing

5. a. post   b. island   c. sprint   d. aspect

II. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

6. a. eject   b. crossbar   c. except   d. commit

7. a. canoeing   b. opponent   c. windsurfing   d. defensive

8. a. interfere   b. memory   c. personal   d. vertical

9. a. award   b. defeat   c. refer   d. scuba

10. a. water   b. football   c. begin   d. meter

III. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase:

11. They are going to _______ this pool to 1.8 meter.

a. deep   b. depth   c. deepen   d. deeply

12. The referee had no hesitation in awarding the visiting team a _______.

a. penalty   b. penalize   c. penal   d. penalization

13. The crowd cheered as the goalie deflected the _______.

a. shoot   b. shooting   c. shooter   d. shot

14. _______ defense, the players work to regain possession of the ball and prevent a goal

a. About   b. Over   c. Without   d. On

15. Players can move the ball by throwing it _______ a teammate.

a. for   b. into   c. to   d. from

16. Shots usually succeed when the goalkeeper is out _______ position.

a. into   b. for   c. of   d. off

17. In water polo, a shot is successful if the ball completely passes between the goal posts and underneath the _______.

a. net   b. crossbar   c. ball   d. goalie

18. A defender may only hold, block or pull a/an _______ who is touching or holding the ball.

a. teammate   b. referee   c. goalie   d. opponent

19. If a defender _______ a foul within the five meter area that prevents a likely goal, the attacking team is awarded a penalty throw or shot.

a. commits   b. interferes     c. punches   d. shoots

20. The more goals the players _______ , the more exciting the match became.

a. marked    b. made     c. scored   d. won

21. After a tie, there are two overtime periods of three minutes each.

a. win   b. draw   c. score   d. lose

22. _______ is the activity of swimming underwater using special breathing equipment.

a. Synchronized swimming   b. Rowing

c. Water polo   d. Scuba diving

23. I _______ think that scuba diving is more of danger than adventure.

a. person   b. personal   c. personally   d. personalize

24. What kind of sport one chooses to play mostly depends _______ his preference and health.

a. with   b. for   c. in   d. on

25. Most referees often wears _______ black.

a. in   b. for   c. with   d. on

IV. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences:

26. Vehicles of over 3 metres in __________ pay an additional toll. (long)

27. There is no need to be so ____________. I just asked how to get to the bus-stop. (defend)

28. Tyson knocked his __________ out in the first round. (oppose)

29. We stood and watched the dancers’ graceful ____________. (move)

30. The player didn’t agree with the referee’s __________. (decide)

V. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer:

Water sports are as challenging as they are fun. Although water sports are not as popular as basketball or football, activities such as parasailing, water skiing, water polo, wakeboarding, jet skiing and competitive swimming interest many people. Ail water sports have an element of danger involved, which is why it is important to follow these safety tips before you dive in.

Step 1: Learn how to swim. Sure, it seems obvious, but it is also extremely important. Do not even think about skiing, tubing, wakeboarding or water polo if you cannot stay afloat in water deeper than your height.

Step 2: Check your equipment and your life safety tools. Count your life vests and have floatation devices nearby. If you are engaging in a sport that requires a lot of equipment, such as wakeboarding, go over every piece to ensure proper functioning.

Step 3: Be physically fit. Put your pride aside and get in shape. Most water sports are incredibly strenuous and require the player to have physical endurance. It can be dangerous to participate in a water sport, such as water skiing or wakeboarding, when your body isn’t ready.

Step 4: Save the tricks for the professionals. If you are an amateur, do not attempt water sport tricks. It is tempting to push to the next level with sports like skiing and sailing, but train heavily first.

Step 5: Recruit a spotter. When you do water sports, always have an extra person on hand to spot for you. This includes indoor sports like water polo, diving and competitive swimming.

(*) Từ mới:

parasail: nhảy dù;

afloat: nổi lênh đênh (trên mặt nước);

strenuous: hăm hở, tích cực;

amateur: nghiệp dư, không chuyên;

recruit: tuyển mộ;

31. Water sports are much more popular than basket ball and football.

a. True   b. False   c. Not given

32. Sometimes it is dangerous to play a water sport.

a. True   b. False   c. Not given

33. The first thing you have to do is to learn how to swim if you want to take up a water sport.

a. True   b. False   c. Not given

34. You need to have a boat right beside all the time if you want to take up a water sport.

a. True   b. False   c. Not given

35. There are tricks which amateur players cannot play.

a. True   b. False   c. Not given

VI. Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one:

36. He could escape from hurt because he was wearing protective clothes.

a. Thanks to his protective clothes, he could escape from hurt.

b. His protective clothes made him hurt.

c. Due to his protective clothes, he was hurt.

d. His being hurt made his unable to wear protective clothes.

37. We were unable to type the contract because the computer malfunctioned.

a. Despite a computer malfunction, we managed to finish typing the contract.

b. The computer malfunction helped us complete the contract.

c. The fact that the computer malfunction prevented us from typing the contract.

d. Thanks to the computer malfunction, we could type the contract.

38. The roads were slippery because it snowed heavily.

a. It snowed too heavily to make the roads slippery.

b. The heavy snow prevented the roads from-being slippery.

c. Thanks to the slip of the roads, it snowed heavily.

d. The heavy snow made the roads slippery.

39. The accident happened because she was careless.

a. The accident was prevented due to her carelessness.

b. Her carelessness was responsible for the accident.

c. It was the accident that made her careless.

d. The more careless she was, the less accident happened.

40. I did not understand what the lecturer was saying because I had not read his book.

a. What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me to understand.

b. The lecturer's book which I had not read was difficult to understand.

c. I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer said in his book.

d. I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read his book.

Đáp án

CâuGhi chúCâuGhi chú
1. b/h/, còn lại “h” câm21. btie = draw: trận hòa;
2. a“k” câm, còn lại: /k/22. d
3. c“d” câm, còn lại: /d/23. c
4. d“b” câm, còn lại: /b/24. d
5. b“s” câm, còn lại: /s/25. a
6. b/ˈkrɒsbɑː(r)/26. length
7. c/ˈwɪndsɜːfɪŋ/27. defensive
8. a/ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r)/28. opponent
9. d/ˈskuːbə/29. movements
10. c/bɪˈɡɪn/30. decision
11. cdeepen: làm sâu hơn; đào sâu thêm;31. bDẫn chứng: “Although water sports are not as popular as basketball or football…”
12. apenalty: quả phạt đền;32. aDẫn chứng: “Ail water sports have an element of danger involved…”
13. ddeflect: làm chệch hướng; shot: cú sút, pha dứt điểm; 33. aDẫn chứng: “Step 1: Learn how to swim. Sure, it seems obvious, but it is also extremely important…”
14. d34. c
15. c35. aDẫn chứng: “Step 4: Save the tricks for the professionals. If you are an amateur, do not attempt water sport tricks…”
16. cgoalie: thủ môn;36. a
17. b37. c
18. d38. d
19. acommit a foul: phạm lỗi;39. b
20. c40. d

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