Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh 6 học kì 2 (Đề 14)

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Sau khi làm xong bài tập ở mỗi bài, các em vào Hiển thị đáp án để so sánh kết quả.

Quảng cáo

Bài 1: Đặt câu hỏi cho phần gạch chân. (1 điểm)

1. His grandmother usually tells him stories in the evening.
2. Our mother buys us new clothes at that clothing store.
3. This man brings us milk in the morning.
4. They always have dinner at home.
5. I feel tired now.
1. What does his grandmother usually tell him in the evening?
2. What does your mother buy you at that clothing store?
3. When does this man bring you milk?
4. Who always have dinner at home?
5. How do you feel now?
Quảng cáo

Bài 2: Ghép câu trả lời ở cột B tương ứng với câu hỏi ở cột A. (1 điểm)

                   A                      |         B
1. Does your mother often buy you cakes?  |  a. The teacher does.
2. What does your sister teacher you?     |  b. Yes, she does.
3. When does their grandfather often tell |  c. She teaches me French.
   them stories?                          |
4. Who usually gives you new books?       |  d. In the evening.
5. How often do you go swimming?          |  e. Sometimes.
1b      2c      3d      4a      5e

Bài 3: Tìm và sửa lỗi. (2 điểm)

1. I'm not go to the cinema every mornings.
2. I don't want go to the theater.
3. There are much egg in this store.
4. You wearing dirty clothe at the moment.
5. Lan's day start at 4 o'clock.
6. The rain very heavy.
7. She's eats her breakfast now.
8. She want to a cup of coffee.
1. I don't go to the cinema every morning.
2. I don't want to go to the theatre.
3. There are many eggs in this store.
4. You are wearing dirty clothes at the moment.
5. Lan's day starts at 4 o'clock.
6. The rain is very heavy.
7. She is eating her breakfast now.
8. She wants a cup of coffee.

Bài 4: Điền từ vào chỗ trống rồi trả lời câu hỏi. (3 điểm)

   Selina lives (1).... a village in Africa. Her day starts(2)....
4 o'clock. She gets up and she walks three kilometers (3).... the river.
She collects some water, and she carries it back (4).... her house. The
water is very heavy. It isn't clean but there isn't any water in the
village. Selina doesn't go (5).... school. She can't read or write. She
helps her mother (6).... the house.
1. Where does Selina live?
2. What does Selina do after she gets up?
3. Is the water clean?
4. Can Selina read?
5. Where does Selina help her mother?
6. What does she collect?
7. Does Selina go to school?
8. Is the water very heavy?
1. in     2. at     3. to     4. to     5. to     6. in
1. Selina lives in a village in Africa.
2. She walks three kilometers to the river.
   She collects some water and carries it back to her house.
3. No, it isn't.
4. No, she can't.
5. She helps her mother in the house.
6. She collects some water.
7. No, she doesn't.
8. Yes, it is.
Quảng cáo

Bài 5: Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống. (1 điểm)

   Every morning, I get (1).... at 6 o'clock. I (2).... breakfast at 7
o'clock. And then, I (3).... to school. I (4).... home at 5 o'clock in
the afternoon. At seven o'clock, I do (5).... homework. At nine o'clock,
I watch (6).... . I go to (7).... at ten o'clock.
1. up     2. have     3. go     4. come
5. my     6. TV       7. bed

Bài 6: Trả lời các câu hỏi sau. (1 điểm)

1. Where is your school?
2. What is the weather like in the summer?
3. Do you like your teacher?
4. What are you doing now?
5. Are you a good student?
1. My school is on Nguyen Thai Son Street.
2. It's very hot.
3. Yes, I do.
4. I'm doing the housework now.
5. Yes, I am.

Bài 7: Chuyển các câu sau sang dạng phủ định và nghi vấn. (1 điểm)

1. Thu likes some orange juice.
2. Nam and Ba go swimming every morning.
3. You should go to the cinema with her.
4. That boy can ride a bike.
5. I want some cheese.
1. Thu doesn't like any orange juice.
   Does Thu like any orange juice?
2. Nam and Ba don't go swimming .... .
   Do Nam and Ba go swimming .... ?
3. You shouldn't go to the cinema .... .
   Should you go to the cinema .... ?
4. That boy can't ride .... .
   Can that boy ride .... ?
5. I don't want any cheese.
   Do you want any cheese?

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