Ngữ pháp, Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 2 Global Success (có đáp án)

Tổng hợp Ngữ pháp & Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 2: Humans And The Environment sách Global Success 10 (bộ sách Kết nối tri thức) được trình bày theo từng Unit giúp học sinh học tốt Tiếng Anh 10.

Ngữ pháp, Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 2 Global Success (có đáp án)

Quảng cáo

Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 2 Global Success

I. Phân biệt “will” và “be going to”

1. Cách dùng


Be going to

1. Diễn đạt một quyết định ngay tại thời điểm nói.

Oh, I’ve left the door open. I will go and shut it.

2. Diễn đạt lời dự đoán không có căn cứ.

- People won’t go to Jupiter before the 22nd century.

- Who do you think will get the job?

3. Dùng trong câu đề nghị.

- Will you shut the door?

- Shall I open the window?

- Shall we dance?

4. Câu hứa hẹn

I promise I will call you as soon as I arrive.

1. Diễn đạt một kế hoạch, dự định.

- I have won $1,000. I am going to buy a new TV.

- When are you going to go on holiday?

2. Diễn đạt một lời dự đoán dựa vào bằng chứng ở hiện tại.

- The sky is very black. It is going to snow.

- I crashed the company car. My boss isn’t going to be very happy!

Quảng cáo

2. Cấu trúc

S + will + Vinf.

S + be going to + Vinf.

Ví dụ:

- Tom: My bicycle has a flat tyre. Can

you repair it for me?

- Tony: Okay, but I can’t do it right

now. I will repair it tomorrow.


- Tom: Xe đạp của tôi bị xẹp lốp. Bạn có thể sửa chữa nó cho tôi chứ?

- Tony: Được rồi, nhưng tôi không thể làm điều đó ngay bây giờ. Tôi sẽ sửa chữa nó vào ngày mai.

Ví dụ:

- Mother: Can you repair Tom’s bicycle?

It has a flat tyre.

- Father: Yes, I know. He told me. I’m

going to repair it tomorrow.


- Mẹ: Anh có thể sửa xe đạp của Tom không? Nó bị xẹp lốp.

- Cha: Ừ, anh biết. Nó có nói với anh. Anh sẽ sửa chữa nó vào ngày mai.

Quảng cáo

3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết


Be going to


next day/week/month...



as soon as


Để xác định được thì tương lai gần, cần dựa

vào ngữ cảnh và các bằng chứng ở hiện tại.

II. Passive voice (Câu bị động)

1. Cách dùng câu bị động

- Câu bị động được dùng khi bạn muốn nhấn mạnh vào hành động trong câu, không muốn nhấn mạnh vào tác nhân gây ra hành động

- Thể bị động được dùng khi ta muốn tỏ ra lịch sự hơn trong một số tình huống

Quảng cáo

2. Thành lập câu bị động

Cấu trúc câu bị động theo các thì:


Cấu trúc câu bị động

Ví dụ câu bị động

Thì hiện tại đơn 

S + am/is/are + PP + (by +O).

Ex: He waters flowers everyday.

-> Flowers are watered everyday.

Thì quá khứ đơn

S + was/were + PP +(by +O).

Ex: The storm destroyed the city last night.

-> The city was destroyed by the storm last night.

Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

S + am/is/are + being + PP + (by +O).

Ex: We are taking the kids to the zoo.

-> The kids are being taken to the zoo.

Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn

S + was/were + being + PP + (by +O).

Ex: They were decorating the house when we came -> The house was being decorated when we came.

Thì hiện tại hoàn thành 

S + have/has + been + PP + (by +O).

Ex: We have used this TV for 2 years.

-> This TV has been used for 2 years.

Thì quá khứ hoàn thành 

S + had + been + PP + (by +O).

Ex: They had done the exercises.

-> The exercises had been done.

Thì tương lai đơn

S + will + be + PP + (by +O).

Ex: They will cut the grass tomorrow.

-> The grass will be cut tomorrow.

Thì tương lai tiếp diễn

S + will + be + being + PP + (by +O).

Ex: She will be cooking dinner when you come here tomorrow.

-> Dinner will be being cooked (by her) when you come here tomorrow.

Thì tương lai hoàn thành

S + will + have + been + PP + (by +O).

Ex: They will have finished the course by the end of this month.

-> The course will have been finished by the end of this month.

3. Cách chuyển câu chủ động sang câu bị động

- Xác định các thành phần của câu chủ động, thì thời của câu bị động 

- Tiến hành xác định chủ ngữ mới, tân ngữ mới

- Tiến hành chia động từ cho câu bị động

- Tiến hành ghép thành câu hoàn chỉnh

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 2 Global Success

A. Phonetics and Speaking

Question 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

A. blanket

B. calorie

C. donate

D. allergy

Question 2. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

A. help

B. benefit

C. elderly

D. garden

Question 3. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

A. volunteer

B. collage

C. commUnity

D. doctor

Question 4. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

A. provide

B. individual

C. situation

D. children

Question 5. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

A. tutor

B. student

C. university

D. discuss

Question 6. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

A. volunteer

B. committee

C. guarantee

D. degree

Question 7. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

A. layer

B. frame

C. artisan

D. place

Question 8. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

A. museum

B. cultural

C. drum

D. sculpture

Question 9. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

A. tablecloth

B. authenticity

C. through

D. although

Question 10. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

A. attraction

B. surface

C. lacquerware

D. artisan

Question 11. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

A. weave

B. treat

C. deal

D. drumhead

Question 12. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

A. she

B. mushroom

C. action

D. Asian

Question 13. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

A. ensure

B. revision

C. information

D. ancient

Question 14. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

A. patient

B. station

C. casual

D. mission

Question 15. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

A. division

B. conclusion

C. exposure

D. machine

Question 16. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

A. artefact

B. embroider

C. carpentry

D. conical

Question 17. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

A. complicated

B. experience

C. prosperity

D. traditional

Question 18. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

A. historical

B. embroidery

C. authority

D. architecture

Question 19. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

A. effective

B. natural

C. atmosphere

D. plentiful

Question 20. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the other.

A. solution

B. increasing

C. recommend

D. abundant

B. Vocabulary and Grammar

Question 1. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below

The driver was ________.

A. serious injured

B. injure seriously

C. seriously injured

D. injured seriously

Question 2. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below

You haven’t written to her_________, have you?

A. recently

B. never

C. late

D. recent

Question 3. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below

The boy likes ________ games but hates ___________ his lessons.

A. play / study

B. playing / study

C. play / studying

D. playing / studying

Question 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each question

We must admit that people are heavily polluting the environment.

A. decline

B. rebut

C. deny

D. accept

Question 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each question

Most people admit that they contribute to global warming.

A. be partly responsible for

B. disapprove

C. neglect

D. cause

Question 6. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below

_________ air is one of the many problems we have to solve.

A. Pure

B. Polluted

C. Dust

D. Pleasant

Question 7. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below

I’m disappointed _________ people have spoiled this area.

A. that

B. when

C. if

D. how

Question 8. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below

We couldn’t go on a picnic as planned __________ it was raining.

A. however

B. but

C. because

D. so

Question 9. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below

If he ________ hard today, can he have a holiday tomorrow?

A. works

B. will work

C. worked

D. would work

Question 10. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below

The factory was accused ____ having caused higher level of pollution to the environment.

A. about

B. on

C. of

D. for

Question 11. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each question

In the past, a lot of countries denied having contributed to global warming

A. agreed

B. refused

C. approved

D. avoided

Question 12. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each question

Land erosion is mainly caused by widespread deforestation.

A. afforestation

B. reforestation

C. logging

D. lawn mowing

Question 13. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each question

Global warming has severe impact on water supplies.

A. very good

B. very bad

C. normal

D. long-lasting

Question 14. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each question

We need to cut down on the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

A. intake B. retake C. uptake D. discharge

Question 15. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each question

Deforestation is one of the biggest environmental threats to the ecological balance in the world.

A. sureties

B. certainties

C. dangers

D. safety

Question 16. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each question

With clear evidence, his company couldn't deny having dump a large quantity of toxins into the sea.

A. clear evidence

B. deny

C. having dump

D. into the sea

Question 17. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each question

These companies were accused on having released a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

A. These companies

B. accused on

C. having released

D. into the atmosphere

Question 18. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each question

Having been warn about the relationship between climate change and the spread of infectious diseases, everyone should get vaccinated.

A. Having been warn

B. between climate change

C. the spread of infectious diseases

D. get vaccinated

Question 19. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each question

Having denied the responsibility for the environmental it caused, the factory was forced to close down.

A. Having denied

B. responsibility

C. environmental

D. was forced to

Question 20. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each question

Humans now have to suffer the effects of global warming due to having treat the environment irresponsibly.

A. have to

B. effects of global warming

C. due to

D. treat the environment

Lưu trữ: Ngữ pháp, Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 2 (sách cũ)

Bài tập bổ sung

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the word given.

1. What (buy/ you) ________ for Mary at her birthday party tomorrow?

2. I think you (get) ________ the job.

3. Helen (be) ________ 24 next Thursday.

4. Look at the clouds. I think it (rain) ________.

5. It is getting hot. I (take off) ________ my coat.

6. Thank you! I (call) ________ you later.

7. Next year, my family (travel) ________ to New York.

Đáp án:

1. are you going to buy

2. will get

3. will be

4. is going to rain

5. will take off

6. will call

7. is going to travel

Exercise 2. Choose the correct answers.

1. Tonight, we _______ stay at the resort.

A. are

B. will

C. are going to

2. The film _______ start at 6:00 p.m.

A. will

B. are going to

C. is going to

3. I feel exhausted. I _______ go to bed early tonight.

A. am going to

B. will

C. A and B

4. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We _______ help you.

A. are going to

B. will

C. are

5. Ask me, I _______ answer you.

A. will

B. am going to

C. am

Đáp án:

1. B

2. C

3. B

4. B

5. A

Exercise 3. Using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

1. Tam (do) _________ that exercise at 8 p.m tomorrow.

2. Linda (go) _________ to school early.

3. I think they (marry) _________ next year.

4. A: Go and tidy your bedroom.

    B: I (not/ do) _________ it.

5. A: Why don’t we meet at the office on Monday afternoon?

    B: Sorry, I can’t. I (see) _________ the doctor then.

6. ‘My best friend had an accident yesterday.’ - ‘Oh! I see I (visit) _________ her.’

7. They (stay) _________ here until he answers them.

8. She’s sure that her boss (understand) _________ her problem.

9. Don’t worry! I (drive) _________ carefully.

10. He (walk) _________ to her. Very soon he (talk) _________ to her.

Đáp án:

1. is going to do

2. will go

3. will marry

4. won’t do

5. am going to see

6. will visit

7. will stay

8. will understand

9. am going to drive

10. is going to walk/ will talk

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the correct form “will” or “be going to”.

1. A: _________ you open the window, please?

    B: No, it’s too cold in here.

2. A: Do you want to go to the park this afternoon?

    B: I can’t. I _________ visit my grandparents.

3. A: This box is very heavy!

    B: I _________ carry it for you.

4. A: Have you finished your homework yet?

    B: No, but I _________ stay up late and finish it.

5. A: What do you want to do when you finish school?

    B: I _________ be a dancer.

Đáp án:

1. Will

2. am going to

3. will

4. am going to

5. am going to

Exercise 5. Rewrite the sentences using passive voice.

1. She opens the book.

2. She buys a lot of alcohol.

3. They set the table.

4. I take a photo.

5. We wear blue skirts.

6. He doesn’t buy the cooker.

7. They don’t help me.

8. You do not write the essay.

9. Does that man rob the bank?

10. Does your dad pick you up?

Đáp án:

1. The book is opened by her.

2. A lot of alcohol is bought by her.

3. The table is set by them.

4. A photo is taken by me.

5. Blue skirts are worn by us.

6. The cooker isn’t bought by him.

7. I am not helped by them.

8. The essay is not written by you.

9. Is the bank robbed by that man?

10. Are you picked up by your dad?

Exercise 6. Rewrite the sentences using passive voice without changing their meaning.

1. The girls are singing a folk song.

2. Mr. Thompson and his son are playing table tennis at the moment.

3. My sister is baking a cake.

4. The waitress is serving three lunches now.

5. My dad is reading the newspaper at this time.

6. They are selling cookies for Christmas right now.

7. The dog is eating its snack.

8. I am sweeping the floor.

9. Anna is throwing the ball into a basket.

10. Jimmy is choosing a present for his best friend's birthday.

Đáp án:

1. A folk song is being sung by the girls.

2. Table tennis is being played by Mr. Thompson and his son at the moment.

3. A cake is being baked by my sister.

4. Three lunches are being served by the waitress now.

5. The newspaper is being read by my dad at this time.

6. Cookies are being sold for Christmas right now.

7. Snack is being eaten by the dog.

8. The floor is being swept by me.

9. The ball is being thrown into a basket by Anna.

10. A present is being chosen by Jimmy for his best friend's birthday.

Exercise 7. Write the correct forms of the words given.

1. The war ­­­­________ next week. (DECLARE)

2. Your homework ________ by tomorrow afternoon. (MUST FINISH)

3. That house ________ since I was a child. (NOT PAINT)

4. Smoking ________ in this hotel. (NOT ALLOW)

5. After all the flights ________, the tourists checked in at the airport hotel. (CANCEL)

6. The car ________ for over a week. (NOT WASH)

7. He ________ a new contract last year. (GIVE)

8. This song ________ by the Beatles in 1967. (WRITE)

9. The earth ________ if we try hard enough to do something. (CAN SAVE)

10. The new bridge ________ at the moment. (BUILD)

Đáp án:

1. is going to be declared

2. must be finished

3. has not been painted

4. is not allowed

5. had been cancelled

6. has not been washed

7. was given

8. was written

9. can be saved

10. is being built

Exercise 8. Choose the correct answer.

1. A letter to aunt Molly ________ a few hours ago.

A. has been sent

B. was sent

C. is sent

D. had been sent

2. Grandpa ________ by his grandson, Andy.

A. is often helped

B. is often helping

C. often is helped

D. often helps

3. The car ________ this afternoon.

A. would be washed

B. is washed

C. will be washed

D. was washed

4. I ________ by car to school every day.

A. was driven

B. am driven

C. are driven

D. were driven

5. Homework ________ by students yesterday.

A. wasn’t done

B. wasn’t made

C. hasn’t been done

D. isn’t done

6. Their house ________ every year.

A. is painting

B. was painted

C. is painted

D. has been painted

7. Bananas ________ in India.

A. are growing

B. are grown

C. have grown

D. was grown

8. Thousands of cars ________ every year.

A. are produced

B. producing

C. produced

D. were producing

9. Our house ________ by solar power.

A. heats

B. is heating

C. is heated

D. was heated

10. I am sorry, I can't come with you. I ________ that party.

A. don't invite

B. am invited

C. invited

D. wasn't invited

11. Some of my books ________ by my friends.

A. are borrowing

B. were borrowed

C. borrow

D. borrowed

12. A huge amount of money ________ for that house.

A. was paid

B. pays

C. paid

D. were paid

13. William Shakespeare ________ as one of the greatest writers in English literature history.

A. is known

B. knew

C. was known

D. has known

14. Mona Lisa ________ by Leonardo Da Vinci.

A. painted

B. is painted

C. paints

D. was painted

15. Wine ________ from grapes.

A. makes

B. is make

C. is made

D. was made

Đáp án:

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. D

11. B

12. A

13. A

14. D

15. C

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