Động từ + giới từ trong tiếng Anh (Phần 1)

A. Động từ + at trong tiếng Anh

Quảng cáo

• look / have a look / stare / glance ... AT...

- Why are you looking at me like that?

(Tại sao bạn lại nhìn tôi như thế?)

• laugh / smile AT...:

- I look stupid with this haircut. Everybody will laugh at me.

(Trông tôi có vẻ ngố với kiểu cắt tóc này. Mọi người sẽ cười tôi mất thôi.)

• aim / point (something) AT..., shoot / fire (a gun) AT... (= in the direction of)

- Don't point that knife at me. It's dangerous.

(Đừng chĩa con dao đó vào tôi. Điều đó nguy hiểm lắm.)

- We saw some people with guns shooting at birds.

(Chúng tôi đã nhìn thấy mấy người có súng đang bắn chim.)

B. Động từ + to trong tiếng Anh

• talk / speak TO (somebody) (with cũng dùng được nhưng không thường dùng lắm):

- Who was that man you were talking to?

(Người bạn đang nói chuyện với là ai vậy?)

- Can I speak to Jane, please?

(Tôi có thể nói chuyện với Jane được không?)

• listen TO...:

- We spent the evening listening to music. (không nói 'listening music')

(Vào buổi tối chúng tôi nghe nhạc.)

• write (a letter) TO...:

- Sorry I haven't written to you for such a long time.

(Tôi xin lỗi đã không viết thư thăm bạn lâu như vậy.)

• invite (somebody) TO (a party/a wedding, ...):

- They only invited a few people to their wedding.

(Họ chỉ mời vài người tới dự đám cưới của họ.)

• apologise To somebody (for...):

- The apologised to me for what happended.

(Họ xin lỗi tôi về những gì đã xảy ra.)

• explain something TO somebody:

- Can you explain this word to me?

(Bạn có thể giải thích từ này cho mình được không?)

• explain/describe (to somebody) what/how/why...:

- I explained to them why I was worried.

(Tôi đã giải thích cho ho tại sao tôi lo lắng.)

- Let me describe to you what I saw.

(Để tôi miêu tả cho bạn những gì tôi nhìn thấy.)

C. Không sử dụng TO với các động từ sau:

• phone/ telephone/ call somebody:

- Did you phone your father yesterday? (KHÔNG nói phone to your father)

(Hôm qua bạn gọi điện cho cha của bạn à?)

• answer somebody/something:

- He refused to answer my question. (KHÔNG nói answer to my question)

(Anh ta từ chối trả lời câu hỏi của tôi.)

• ask somebody:

- Can I ask you a question? (KHÔNG nói ask to you)

(Tôi có thể hỏi bạn một câu hỏi không?)

• thank somebody (for something):

- He thanked me for helping him. (KHÔNG nói He thanked to me)

(Anh ta đã cảm ơn tôi vì đã giúp anh ta.)

D. Động từ + at/to với ý nghĩa khác nhau

Một số động từ có thể được theo sau bởi giới từ at hoặc giới từ to nhưng lại mang nghĩa khác nhau. Dưới đây là một số ví dụ.

• shout AT somebody (khi bạn đang giận):

- She got very angry and started shouting at me.

(Cô ấy trở nên rất giận và bắt đầu la tôi.)

shout TO somebody (để người khác có thể nghe thấy bạn):

- She shouted to me from the other side of the street.

(Cô ấy đã hét gọi tôi từ bên kia đường.)

• throw something AT somebody/something (nhằm đụng người khác):

- Somebody threw an egg at the minister.

(Có ai đó đã ném một quả trứng vào ông bộ trưởng.)

throw something TO somebody (để người khác bắt lấy):

- Judy shouted "catch!" and threw the key to me from the window.

Judy hô "Bắt lấy!" và ném cho tôi chiếc chìa khóa từ trên cửa sổ.

Bài tập

Exercise 1. Choose the best answer.

1. It was the third time in six months that the bank had been held _______.

A. over

B. down

C. up

D. out

2. I always run _______ of money before the end of the month.

A. out

B. back

C. up

D. down

3. It's taking me longer to get _______ the operation than I thought.

A. through

B. by

C. up from

D. over

4. I've just spent two weeks looking _______ an aunt of mine who's been ill.

A. at

B. for

C. out for

D. after

5. I've always got _______ well with old people.

A. off

B. on

C. in

D. through

6. It's very cold in here. Do you mind if I turn _______ the heating?

A. down

B. away

C. off

D. on

7. They've _______ a new tower where that old building used to be.

A. put up

B. put down

C. pushed up

D. pushed down

8. Stephen always wanted to be an actor when he ________ up.

A. came

B. grew

C. brought

D. settled

9. The bus only stops here to _______ passengers.

A. alight

B. get on

C. get off

D. pick up

10. If anything urgent comes ________, you can contact me at this number.

A. across

B. by

C. up

D. round

11. Your daughter's just started work, hasn't she? How's she getting _______?

A. by

B. on

C. out

D. in

12. We had to turn _______ their invitation to lunch as we had a previous engagement.

A. over

B. out

C. up

D. down

13. While driving to work, we ran out _______ gas.

A. up

B. of

C. in

D. to

14. He died _______ heart disease.

A. from

B. because

C. of

D. in

15. The elevator is not running today. It is _______ order.

A. to

B. out

C. out of

D. in

16. I explained _______ him what it meant.

A. to

B. about

C. over

D. from

17. Pasteur devoted all his life _______ science.

A. for

B. in

C. on

D. to

18. House cats are distantly related _______ lions and tigers.

A. in

B. to

C. of

D. about

19. Is this type of soil suitable _______ growing tomatoes ?

A. for

B. about

C. in

D. at

20. Were you aware _______ the regulations against smoking in this area ?

A. in

B. with

C. of

D. about

21. One meter is approximately equal _______ a yard.

A. about

B. on

C. to

D. with

22. Jane doesn't spend much money _______ clothes.

A. over

B. about

C. at

D. on

23. She always takes good care _______ her children.

A. for

B. in

C. of

D. with

24. William insists _______ getting up early, even on weekends.

A. on

B. to

C. toward

D. for

25. What does this symbol refer _______?

A. on

B. to

C. for

D. toward

26. The accident resulted _______ several minor injuries.

A. on

B. in

C. of

D. at

27. Congratulations _______ your success!

A. to

B. on

C. in

D. up

28. Mrs. Liz was accused _______ having stolen the car.

A. of

B. with

C. in

D. upon

29. We are here to provide you _______ the best service possible.

A. of

B. with

C. to

D. for

30. He has been absent _______ school very often lately.

A. from

B. on

C. in

D. with

31. Vehicles also account _______ air pollution in the cities.

A. on

B. at

C. for

D. in

32. Last night I was invited _______ a formal get-together and I enjoyed myself a great deal.

A. to

B. at

C. for

D. about

33. The police blamed the mother _______ neglecting her child.

A. to

B. for

C. with

D. of

34. They prevented me _______ talking to that woman .

A. from

B. on

C. with

D. at

35. Take the number 7 bus and get _______ at Forest Road.

A. up

B. down

C. off

D. outside

36. If you want to join this club, you must _______ this application form.

A. make up

B. write down

C. do up

D. fill in

37. The water company will have to_______ off water supplies while repairs to the pipes are carried _______.

A. take/in

B. cut/out

C. set/up

D. break/to

38. He wanted to _______ off all his work before he came to the cinema with us.

A. finish

B. stop

C. end

D. put

39. They were 30 minutes late because their car _______ down.

A. got

B. put

C. cut

D. broke

40. That problem is _______ them. We can't make _______ our mind yet.

A. out off/on

B. up to/up

C. away from/for

D. on for/off

41. Brian asked Judy________ to dinner and a movie.

A. out

B. on

C. for

D. of

42. My wife backed me _______ over my decision to quit my job.

A. down

B. up

C. of

D. for

43. The racing car _______ after it crashed into the fence.

A. blew out

B. blew over

C. blew up

D. blew down

44. Our car ________ at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.

A. broke into

B. broke away

C. broke in

D. broke down

45. Mike _________ Alaska, so he's used to cold weather.

A. comes over

B. comes in

C. comes across

D. comes from

46. Jane had a difficult childhood. She _______ a broken home.

A. came from

B. came over

C. came in

D. came up with

47. The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.

A. broke down

B. broke away

C. broke in

D. broke into

48. Our teacher broke the final project _______ into three separate parts.

A. in

B. into

C. away

D. down

49. Somebody _______ last night and stole our stereo.

A. broke off

B. broke in

C. broke out

D. broke up

50. The firemen had to break _______ the room to rescue the children.

A. off

B. up

C. out

D. into

Đáp án:

1. C

2. A

3. D

4. D

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. B

9. D

10. C

11. B

12. D

13. B

14. C

15. C

16. A

17. D

18. B

19. A

20. C

21. C

22. D

23. C

24. A

25. B

26. B

27. B

28. A

29. B

30. A

31. A

32. A

33. B

34. A

35. C

36. D

37. B

38. D

39. D

40. B

41. A

42. B

43. C

44. D

45. D

46. A

47. A

48. D

49. B

50. D

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs and prepositions.

1. I look stupid with this acne. Everybody will (laugh) me.

2. This exercise is so hard. Can you (explain/ it) me?

3. Carol and Liz had an argument and now they don’t want to (talk) each other.

4. Be careful with the knife! Don’t (point) the baby!

5. I’m (look) a part-time job.

6. The teacher wants her students to (listen) her.

7. Don’t (throw/ stones) the dogs!

8. If you don’t eat the bread, (throw) the dogs. They’ll eat it.

9. I tried to contact Peter, but he didn’t (reply) my message.

Đáp án:

1. laugh at

2. explain it to

3. talk to

4. point at

5. look for

6. listen to

7. throw stones at

8. throw to

9. reply to


Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. Flirt ________ somebody

2. Boast ________ somebody about something

3. Insult ________ somebody

4. Lecture somebody ________ something

5. Praise somebody ________ something

6. Tease somebody ________ something

Đáp án:

1. with

2. to

3. -

4. about

5. for

6. about

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. It was a long time before we came __________ the truth.

2. The dog came __________ us with teeth bared.

3. Come __________ ! We are late for the bus.

4. How is your English coming __________ ?

5. I was picking up the teapot when it came __________ in my hands.

6. She has been very ill, but now she is coming __________ fine.

7. We must not let this silly quarrel come __________ us.

8. I come __________ Liverpool, but I have spent most of my life in Scotland.

9. John has come __________ the money; he inherited £5,000.

10. The town came __________ sight when we turned the bend.

11. The hook came __________ the wall when I hung up my coat

12. This tool will come __________ very handy for my uncle.

13. Snails come __________ as soon as it rains.

14. When did you first come __________ to Europe?

15. Your talk came __________ very well.

16. It has come __________ my attention that he is very short-tempered.

17. He came __________ the conclusion that someone was having an affair with his wife.

18. He came __________ and asked me if I had the time.

19. Much of the tea consumed in England comes __________ Sri Lanka.

20. He comes __________ an interesting family.

21. How’s your orchard coming __________ ?

22. Sometimes it’s very difficult to come __________ the truth.

23. He never lets anything come __________ him and his morning paper.

Đáp án:

1. to / upon

2. at / towards

3. on / along

4. on / along

5. apart

6. along

7. between

8. from

9. into

10. into

11. off / away from

12. in

13. out

14. over / across

15. over / across

16. to

17. to

18. over / up / across

19. from / out of

20. of / from

21. on / along

22. to

23. between


Exercise 5. With the prepositions in the following table, fill in the appropriate blanks.

at / to / on / out / into / in / along / by / onto / at / by

1. How are you getting __________ with your English?

2. I put the cake on the shelf so that the kids can’t get __________ it.

3. He earns just enough money to get __________

4. If you continue like this, you will get __________ trouble.

5. The Labour Party hopes to get __________ at the next election.

6. He got __________ the train, and as it left he waved.

7. Mary has had a wayward life but seems to be getting __________ of her bad ways.

8. Old Mr. Briggs is getting __________ now, he’s over 80.

9. When we got __________ the bus station, the bus had already left.

10. How is your sister getting __________ at school?

11. He got __________ with his work while I was speaking to him.

12. We’ve put the jam on the shelf so that the children can’t get __________ it.

13. You’ll have to pass that exam if you want to get __________ and become a doctor.

14. One of the tigers has got __________ of the zoo.

15. She’s the sort of girl who very easily gets __________ bad habits.

16. We can get __________ very well without his help.

Đáp án:

1. on / along

2. to / at

3. by / along

4. into / in

5. in

6. on / onto

7. out

8. on

9. to

10. on / along

11. on

12. at / to

13. on

14. out

15. into

16. along / by

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