Giới từ to, at, in, into trong tiếng Anh

A. Giới từ to với các động từ go/come/travel ...

Chúng ta sử dụng giới từ to với các động từ chỉ sự chuyển động như go/come/travel ... chẳng hạn như:

go to America

go to bed

take (somebody) to hospital

return to Italy

go to the bank

come to my house

drive to the airport

go to a concert

be sent to prison

Ví dụ:

- When your friends returning to Italy? (không nói 'returning in Italy')

Khi nào các bạn anh trở về Ý?

- After the accident three people were taken to hospital.

(Sau vụ tai nạn có ba người đã được đưa vào bệnh viện.)

Tương tự ta nói: on my way to .../ a journey to / a trip to / welcome to ...:

- Welcome to our country! (không nói 'welcome in')

(Chào mừng các bạn tới thăm đất nước chúng tôi.)

So sánh giới từ to (chỉ sự chuyển động) với các giới từ in/ at (chỉ vị trí):

- They are going to France. nhưng They live in France.

    Họ sẽ tới Pháp.                 nhưng Họ sống ở Pháp.

- Can you come to the party? nhưng I'll see you at the party.

Bạn có thể tới dự tiệc không? nhưng Tôi sẽ gặp bạn tại buổi tiệc.

Quảng cáo

B. Giới từ to trong Been to ...

Ta thường nói "I've been to a place":

- I've been to Italy four times but I've never been to Rome.

(Tôi đã đi Ý 4 lần nhưng chưa bao giờ tới Rome.)

- Ann has never been to a football match in her life.

(Trong đời mình Ann chưa bao giờ đi xem bóng đá.)

- Jack has got some money. He has just been to the bank.

(Jack có tiền đó. Anh ấy vừa mới ở nhà băng.)

Quảng cáo

C. Giới từ to với get/arrive

  • Chúng ta nói "get to place":

    - What time did they get to London / get to work / get to the party?

    Họ đã tới London / nơi làm việc / buổi tiệc lúc mấy giờ?

    Nhưng ta lại nói arrive in ... hoặc arrive at ... (không nói 'arrive to').

  • Ta nói arrive in a country hoặc town/city:

    - When did they arrive in Britain / arrive in London?

    (Họ đã tới Anh quốc/ London khi nào vậy?)

Với các trường hợp khác, ta nói arrive at:

- What time did they arrive at the hotel / arrive at the party / arrive at work?

(Họ đã tới khách sạn / buổi liên hoan / nơi làm việc lúc mấy giờ?)

D. Có/không sử dụng giới từ to với home

Chúng ta KHÔNG nói to home. Ta nói go home / come home / get home / arrive home / on the way home ... (không có giới từ):

- I'm tired. Let's go home. (không nói 'go to home')

(Em bị mệt. Mình về nhà đi.)

- I met Caroline on my way home.

(Tôi gặp Caroline trên đường về nhà.)

Nhưng ta nói "be at home", "do something at home" ... Bạn tham khảo chương trước.

E. Cách sử dụng giới từ into trong tiếng Anh

  • go into ..., get into... ... = 'enter' (a room / a building / a car ...):

    - She got into the car and drove away.

    (Cô ấy lên xe và lái xe đi.)

    - A bird flew into the kitchen through the window.

    (Một con chim đã bay vào bếp qua cửa sổ.)

  • Đôi khi chúng ta cũng sử dụng giới từ in thay cho giới từ into (đặc biệt với các động từ go/get/put):

    - She got in the car and drove away. (hoặc she got into the car ...)

    - I read the letter and put it back in the envelope.

    (Tôi đọc thư và đặt nó lại vào trong phong bì.)

  • Trái nghĩa với giới từ intoout of:

    - She got out of the car and went into a shop.

    (Cô ta đã ra khỏi xe và đi vào cửa hàng.)

  • Ta thường nói get on / off a bus / a train / a plane:

    - She got on the bus and I never saw her again.

    (Cô ấy đã lên xe buýt và tôi không còn gặp lại cô ấy nữa.)

Bài tập bổ sung

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with appropriate prepositions.

1. Give it _____ your mom.

2. I was sitting _____ Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown.

3. You cannot buy things _____ money.

4. I’ve got a letter _____ my boyfriend.

5. Are there any bridges _____ the river?

6. We cut paper _____ a pair of scissors.

7. An empty bottle was standing _____ the apple.

8. I am _____ breath after that run.

9. A pretty girl was walking _____ the road.

10. I sailed from my house _____ Brock.

11. The duck was fed _____ an old man.

12. I could not see her because he was sitting _____ me.

Đáp án:

1. to

2. between

3. without

4. from

5. cross

6. with

7. beside

8. out of

9. by / on

10. to

11. by

12. in front of

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with appropriate prepositions.

1. Does your father work _____ Hanoi?

2. What do you do _____ your free time?

3. I’ll have a party _____ Friday evening.

4. David is good _____ Math.

5. Are you interested _____ sports?

6. There’s a good film _____ the moment.

7. Would you like to come _____ my house _____ lunch?

8. Thanks _____ your letter.

9. I’ll see my mom and dad _____ their farm.

10. We have to work hard _____ home and _____ school.

11. She takes care _____ her family

12. He works _____ a factory.

13. We always go to Da Lat _____ vacation.

14. Tell me more _____ your family.

15. Can you send me a photo _____ your family?

16. She works _____ a local supermarket.

17. He goes _____ the city _____ his wife.

18. It takes 18 hours to get _____ Hanoi _____ coach.

19. We write _____ each other twice a week.

20. My mother works _____ the field _____ my father.

21. We’ll visit her _____ Christmas.

22. Are you tired _____ watching TV?

23. She often brings them _____ school.

24. He is the president _____ our club.

25. She spends most _____ the time _____ the couch _____ front of the TV.

26. What do you usually do _____ school?

27. Why don’t you come _____?

28. They swap cards _____ their friends.

29. Will you play a game _____ catch?

30. What do you do _____ recess?

31. They usually have portable CD player _____ small earphones.

32. I’ll take part _____ your club.

33. They read or study _____ the same time.

34. We enjoy all _____ our classes.

35. _____ school we study many things.

36. _____ history, we study past and present events _____ Vietnam and _____ the world.

37. _____ physics, we learn _____ how things work.

38. She learns how to use a computer _____ her Computer Science class.

39. Newspapers are _____ the racks _____ the middle.

40. Math books are _____ the shelves _____ the left.

41. The largest library is _____ Washington D.C, the capital _____ the USA.

42. Those books _____ the back _____ the libraries are _____ English.

43. Now, come and look _____ the kitchen.

44. My uncle is _____ work now.

45. Can I see the rest _____ the house?

Đáp án:

1. in

2. in

3. on

4. at

5. in

6. at

7. to – at

8. for

9. on

10. at – at

11. of

12. in

13. on

14. about

15. of

16. in

17. to – with

18. to – by

19. to

20. in – with

21. in

22. of

23. to

24. of

25. of – on – in

26. at

27. over

28. with

29. of

30. at

31. with

32. in

33. at

34. of

35. at

36. in

37. in – about

38. during

39. on – in

40. on – on

41. in – of

42. at – of

43. at

44. at

45. of

Bài tập giới từ at, in và into

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