Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve

Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve people’s lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve

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Đề bài: Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve people’s lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve - mẫu 1

It is true that genetic engineering is a key area of modern scientific research, with broad implications for all human societies. While I accept that this field of technology may have its dangers, I believe that the benefits of genetic engineering outweigh the drawbacks.

The negative implications of genetic engineering are often discussed in terms of two key areas, which are food production and the cloning of humans. Genetically modified crops are already being grown, and people are concerned that they may damage whole ecosystems as foods become resistant to diseases and natural predators. For example, scientists are able to produce a variety of corn that releases a toxin to kill certain insects, but this intervention could lead to the disappearance of birds that feed on those insects. In the human realm, some people imagine a world in which clones are used to fight wars or to provide body part replacements. Perhaps cloning could even be used to bring deceased people back to life, which would certainly be a threat to humanity as we know it.

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A more optimistic prediction is that humans will find ways to mitigate the risks and use genetic technologies in a responsible way. From the food production perspective, genetic engineering could be the solution to famine in developing countries, if, for instance, crops can be grown more reliably in harsh conditions. From a medical perspective, scientists may use genetic engineering to produce vaccines, to cure diseases, or to correct a genetic defect before a child is born. If properly regulated, even cloning can be done in a way that improves lives. For example, the cloning of individual organs, such as a heart or kidney, could be permitted for transplant purposes.

In conclusion, I am convinced that genetic engineering will have a positive impact on our lives and that people’s fears will be unwarranted.

Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve - mẫu 2

Genetic engineering, undeniably a crucial aspect of contemporary scientific research, has the potential to significantly impact human societies across the globe. Although acknowledging the potential risks associated with this technology, I firmly believe that the advantages of genetic engineering surpass its drawbacks.

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The primary concerns surrounding genetic engineering often revolve around two central issues: food production and human cloning. Genetically modified crops, which are already being cultivated, raise concerns about their potential to disrupt entire ecosystems as they become resistant to diseases and natural predators. Furthermore, the prospect of modifying or cloning humans is even more alarming. Critics envision a dystopian future where cloned individuals are exploited for warfare or as sources of organ replacements. While these scenarios may not directly threaten life on earth, the ethical implications of such practices would be unparalleled.

On the other hand, I am inclined to believe that humanity will develop strategies to minimize the risks associated with genetic engineering and harness its potential responsibly. In terms of food production, genetic engineering could provide a solution to famine in developing nations by enabling the cultivation of crops that can withstand harsh conditions. From a medical standpoint, genetic engineering could revolutionize healthcare by facilitating the development of vaccines, curing diseases, or rectifying genetic defects before birth. With appropriate regulation, even cloning could be employed in ways that enhance human lives. For instance, permitting the cloning of individual organs, such as hearts or kidneys, could save countless lives through transplantation.

To sum up, I am confident that genetic engineering will ultimately prove beneficial to humanity, and the apprehensions surrounding it will be proven unfounded. By adopting responsible practices and stringent regulations, we can harness the immense potential of genetic engineering to improve lives and address some of the most pressing challenges faced by our global society.

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Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve - mẫu 3

Genetic engineering is a controversial topic these days since it has both immense potential and the potential to be terribly dangerous for the entire globe. I can't deny that it has given us many advantages. But I think we need to utilize this double-edged sword extremely carefully or we risk bringing global catastrophe.

On the one hand, humans have utilized some of these techniques to address dietary and medical issues. From theory to practice, we have created a wide variety of food that is nutrient-dense or can thrive in harsh environments. Humanity has therefore experienced less starvation. The medical sector also gains a lot from this technology. Genetic engineering can be used by scientists to create vaccinations, and parents can remedy a genetic flaw before a child is born. The entire history of this technology demonstrates that it functions much like a magical wood.

The harmful effects of misused genetic engineering are primarily shown in ecosystems and synthetic superviruses. We cannot ensure that the plants we developed are safe to enter the food chain because it may harm the entire ecosystem. According to some scientists who claim that genetically modified food may cause diseases to human bodies. What's worse, news reports said that some crazy scientists had recreated a deadly virus' DNA in a lab, raising the risk that the infection may escape. When biological is used improperly, it can be fatal. I believe that if we use this technology in an immoral way, it will open up a whole new world of possibilities. Such actions would have extraordinary consequences.

In conclusion, there is no question that this science produces many lovely things for people. The devil may take over the entire globe if we use this technology to play God, though. Consider the consequences carefully while using it to construct or improve something.

Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve - mẫu 4

Scientists can now decipher gene codes, and they have developed genetic engineering to unprecedented heights that will have enormous advantages. Meanwhile, other people worry that these developments could trigger major world calamities. There are therefore two schools of thinking, which I will now elaborate on and offer my personal perspective on.

Technology supporters assert that the use of genetic technology will benefit all aspects of society. Even those that humans have been concerned about for thousands of years. For instance, from the Chinese Qin dynasty until the present, people have been looking for a practical means to lengthen their lives. Therefore, as genetic research advances, living forever could no longer be a pipe dream for people. On insects, experiments and other relevant research have demonstrated the potential for life extension. Gene research is also significantly altering people's lives in other domains. For instance, the availability of food has expanded thanks to promising transgenic uses, perhaps putting an end to starvation in some regions of the world.

On the other hand, those who object cannot be won over by the advantages. The production of food and human cloning are two major areas that are frequently used to illustrate the drawbacks of genetic engineering. People worry that growing genetically modified crops, which are already resistant to disease and natural predators, could harm entire ecosystems. The most severe ethical worry, according to those opposed. Is cloning, which they see as an unanticipated threat to people and believe that geneticists are breaking natural laws when they do it.

The validity of the arguments made by both sides cannot be disputed, but in my opinion, we shouldn't take the matter so seriously. We must make many difficult decisions as society evolves. So, while we must warn against the negative effects of misuse, we also cannot stop the exploration as well as application of new scientific discoveries.

Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve - mẫu 5

People consider the importance of genetic engineering everywhere in the world. While some people believe it to have many advantages for humans, others believe it could have a negative impact on the ecosystem. However, in my view, both the positive and negative impacts of genetic engineering should be thoroughly studied. Before being used for the benefit of humanity as a whole.

The goods created through genetic engineering have a few characteristics. First off, crop modification aims to reduce pest infestation while also bringing resistance to numerous plant diseases. In other words, less fertilizer and pesticides are being used. Additionally, several nations are cultivating genetically modified crops to yield a large harvest and a wide diversity of plants. The rising global food demand can potentially be addressed by genetic engineering. With the advancement of genetic engineering, many diseases that humans genetically inherit can be fought against, and it can also guarantee a generation.

Some claim that it has long-term repercussions on both the environment and humanity. The majority of modified foods include toxins that are bad for us, which raises worries about human health. Additionally, it produces very little nourishment. The potential harm to the ecosystem is another big issue. When genetically modified creatures are released into the wild, they breed with the local species and may produce undesirable new species.

In my opinion, it is crucial to consider the benefits it offers humanity. The natural method is unable to meet the growing demand for food as a result of the expanding population. In this sense, farming and plantation methods that are based on science are vital to our ecosystem. The benefits of genetic engineering could be used to avoid many diseases that kill a lot of people.

In conclusion, there are strong arguments for and against genetic engineering. Thus, more research is needed to find ways to reduce the unfavorable impacts of engineering products and secure the future welfare of every person.

Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve - mẫu 6

People all around the world take into account the significance of genetic engineering. Although it is sometimes thought that it has numerous benefits to humanity, others are of the opinion that it could bring destruction to the ecosystem. However, my opinion on that issue is that both negative and positive effects of genetic engineering should be carefully researched and then should be used for the greater good of humanity.

There are certain factors of the genetically engineering products. Firstly, crop modification will bring resistance to various plant diseases, and it also targets infestation of unwanted insects. In other words, the number of pesticides and fertiliser used is reduced. Furthermore, many countries are producing genetically engineered crops to produce a good variety of plants and abundant harvest. Genetic engineering can also address the increased food demands of people around the globe. Many diseases that humans genetically inherit can be fought against with the improvement of genetic engineering and it can also ensure a generation.  

However, some people argue that it brings long-term effects to humanity and the environment. Certain reasons for these are the concerns of human health in which most modified foods contain toxins that are harmful to us. Also, it produces a minimal amount of nutrition. Another major concern is the potential harm to the environment - once genetically modified organisms are released into the wild, it interbreeds with the native organism and creates new species that may not be desirable.

Finally, in my view, it is essential to look at the positive side it brings to humanity. As the population grows, the demand for food supply is increasing, thus, the natural method cannot cope with the demand of the people. In this way, scientific way of plantation and farming are fundamental in our environment. Many diseases that cause death to a large number of people could be prevented using the blessing of genetic engineering.

In conclusion, there are good arguments for and against genetic engineering, so people must continue to research various methods to minimise the negative side effects of engineering products to ensure the betterment of every individual in the future.

Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve - mẫu 7

It is true that genetic engineering is a groundbreaking development in the field of science, its achievements for humans are undeniable. While I accept that genetic engineering brings many dangers to humans, I strongly believe that its positive effects are stronger.

On the one hand, there are two main problems related to genetic engineering including food production and human cloning. Firstly, when plants are genetically modified, many people are concerned about its devastation to the entire human ecosystem as well as safe food production sources. For example, many genetically altered foods are life-threatening, an increasing number of children with precocious puberty eat foods containing growth hormones. More importantly, if cloned or modified humans are used for war purposes or used to replace body parts. The scary future will come when rich people clone themselves as an internal organ store in case they have health problems, they will replace them. Perhaps, this is not a threat to life on earth, but the cloning of humans is morally controversial.

On the other hand, I strongly believe that genetically modified technology has brought great impacts on humans and society. From an agricultural perspective, thanks to this modern biotechnology, many transgenic plants and animal breeds offer valuable agri-biological characteristics that traditional methods cannot do. For instance, probiotics in crop-livestock protection such as vaccines, microbiological fertilizers which help to bring bumper crops under extreme weather conditions and provide a solution to famine in many countries. From a medical perspective, scientists have successfully applied gene therapy techniques to diagnose and treat genetically engineered diseases. To be more specific, when affected by a certain factor and the gene has abnormal changes, the body will become ill. Thanks to gene therapy, many patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or genetic disorders such as congenital heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or schizophrenia are cured.

In conclusion, there are good arguments for and against genetic engineering, but I believe that the development of this technology for humans is absolutely necessary in the long-term as long as we control it well.

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