Imagine that your school has decided to change the duration of lessons

Imagine that your school has decided to change the duration of lessons. They will now last for ninety minutes each. Write a letter to your friend and talk about this change hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Imagine that your school has decided to change the duration of lessons

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Imagine that your school has decided to change the duration of lessons. They will now last for ninety minutes each. Write a letter to your friend and talk about this change

1. What has changed in your school? How long are the lessons in your school now and how long were they before?

2. What do you think the advantage of longer lessons is? What benefits do your teachers think it will have?

3. What do you not like about this change?

4. Speculate about the future of this change. Do you think it will last? Say why or why not.

Paragraph 1:

There are some changes …

Paragraph 2:

I suppose this change might …

We’ve got a new …

Paragraph 3:

Our head teacher also hopes that …

I wonder that …

Imagine that your school has decided to change the duration of lessons - mẫu 1

Dear An,

How are you? How is studying at your new school? Last week, you asked me how many minutes my class lesson lasted and how it went. Recently my school has made many changes in the length of lessons. Now, each lesson will last 90 minutes at a time. Knowledge is therefore more difficult and lessons will take longer.

Quảng cáo

I think this change could lead to some serious problems. We feel overwhelmed by the vast amount of knowledge. This learning requires students to have high attention and concentration. Perhaps because school hours are long, we are given less homework and summer vacation is longer. We are very happy about that.

However, our principal hopes that extending this lesson will help us have continuity and connection in knowledge, helping us achieve higher results in learning. I wonder if this change is really suitable for the health and level of the students.

Are there any changes at your school? If so, please write back to me. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Hope we can meet again soon.

Best regards,

Tuan Anh

Imagine that your school has decided to change the duration of lessons - mẫu 2

Dear [Friend's Name],

There are some changes happening at our school. Starting next term, all our lessons will now last for ninety minutes each. Previously, our lessons were only sixty minutes long. This means we'll have fewer classes each day, but each one will be significantly longer.

I suppose this change might have some benefits. We’ve now got more time in each class to dive deeper into subjects, which means we can cover more material and have more discussions. Our teachers believe that longer lessons will give us a better understanding of the topics because we won’t be as rushed. They also think it will allow for more interactive and engaging activities, which can make learning more enjoyable and effective.

Quảng cáo

Our head teacher also hopes that this change will lead to better academic performance since we’ll have more time to grasp complex concepts. However, I wonder if the longer lessons will make it harder to stay focused. Ninety minutes is a long time to concentrate, and it might be challenging for some students to stay attentive for that entire period.

I’m not sure if this change will last. It could depend on how well students and teachers adapt to the new schedule. If it turns out that longer lessons improve our learning and make classes more interesting, then it might become a permanent change. But if it causes too much fatigue and makes it harder for us to stay engaged, the school might decide to revert to the old schedule.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this!


[Your Name]

Imagine that your school has decided to change the duration of lessons - mẫu 3

Dear [Friend's Name],

There are some changes happening at our school that I want to tell you about. Starting next week, our lessons will now last for ninety minutes each. Before this change, our classes were only fifty minutes long, so this is quite a big shift for us.

I suppose this change might have some benefits. With longer lessons, we’ll have more time to work on group projects and collaborative activities, which can be really engaging and fun. Our teachers think that this extra time will allow for more comprehensive experiments in science classes and more thorough exploration of topics in other subjects. We’ve also got more time for creative assignments and deeper discussions, which can help us understand the material better.

Quảng cáo

Our head teacher also hopes that these longer lessons will reduce the stress of constant transitions between classes. They believe it will give us more time to settle into a subject and reduce the amount of homework we get, as there will be more time to complete assignments in class. However, I don’t like that it might be harder to stay focused for such a long period without a break. Ninety minutes can feel very long, especially for subjects that aren't my favorite, and it could lead to feeling more tired by the end of the day.

As for the future of this change, I’m not sure if it will last. It might depend on how well both students and teachers adapt to the new schedule. If we find that the longer lessons lead to better understanding and less homework stress, then it might stick around. But if we all find it too exhausting or if it impacts our concentration negatively, the school might reconsider and go back to shorter classes.

Let me know what you think about this change and if your school has ever tried anything similar!


[Your Name]

Imagine that your school has decided to change the duration of lessons - mẫu 4

Dear [Friend's Name],

There are some changes happening at our school. Starting next term, all our lessons will be ninety minutes long instead of the usual forty-five minutes. This means we will have fewer classes each day but with more time for each subject.

I suppose this change might help us focus more deeply on each subject without feeling rushed. We’ve now got more time to complete projects and engage in discussions during class. Our teachers think the longer periods will allow us to dive into complex topics and provide more comprehensive lessons.

Our head teacher also hopes that this change will reduce the amount of homework since we can accomplish more during class. However, I worry that it might be hard to stay engaged for ninety minutes straight, and it could lead to more boredom and fatigue.

I’m not sure if this change will last. It will depend on how well students and teachers adapt to the new schedule. If we find it beneficial and it improves our learning experience, it might stay. But if it leads to decreased attention and enthusiasm, they might reconsider and go back to shorter lessons.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this!


[Your Name]

Imagine that your school has decided to change the duration of lessons - mẫu 5

Dear [Friend's Name],

There are some changes happening at our school that I want to tell you about. Starting next week, our lessons will now last for ninety minutes each. Before this change, our classes were only fifty minutes long, so this is quite a big shift for us.

I suppose this change might have some benefits. With longer lessons, we’ll have fewer classes each day, which means less time spent moving between rooms and more time for focused learning. Our teachers think that this extra time will allow for more in-depth discussions and extended project work. We’ve also got new breaks scheduled between classes to give us time to relax and prepare for the next long lesson.

Our head teacher also hopes that these longer lessons will lead to better understanding and retention of material. They believe it will give teachers more time to answer questions and provide individual help to students who need it. However, I wonder if this change might make some subjects feel too long, especially if the material isn’t very engaging. It could be challenging to stay interested for ninety minutes straight in every class.

As for the future of this change, I’m not sure if it will last. It might depend on how well both students and teachers adapt to the new schedule. If it turns out that longer lessons do improve our learning and engagement, then it might stick around. But if we all find it too tiring or less effective, the school might reconsider and go back to shorter classes.

Let me know what you think about this change and if your school has ever tried anything similar!


[Your Name]

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