Bài tập Unit 10 lớp 12 có đáp án, chọn lọc

Unit 10 lớp 12: Endangered Species

Bài tập Unit 10 lớp 12

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:

1. a. insect   b. percent   c. wetland   d. extinct

2. a. agencies   b. medicine   c. species   d. circle

3. a. crisis    b. exist    c. primary   d. fertile

4. a. serious   b. thousand   c. found   d. around

5. a. chart    b. postcard   c. leopard   d. hardly

II. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

6. a. bamboo   b. panda   c. parrot   d. wildlife

7. a. extinction   b. commercial   c. gorilla   d. habitat

8. a. survive   b. product   c. reserve   d. enact

9. a. temperature   b. serious   c. awareness   d. chemical

10. a. ability    b. agriculture   c. development   d. contaminate

III. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase:

11. _______ is a branch of Natural Science, and is the study of living organisms and how they interact with their environment.

a. Biology   b. Biological   c. Biologist   d. Biologically

12. A/an _______ species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct.

a. dangerous   b. endanger   c. endangered   d. endangerment

13. Only a few of the many species at risk of extinction actually make it to the lists and obtain legal _______.

a. protect   b. protection   c. protective   d. protector

14. Probability of extinction depends _______ both the population size and fine details of the population demography.

a. on    b. in    c. from    d. for

15. Many modern medicines are derived _______ plants and animals.

a. on    b. for    c. from   d. in

16. Being listed as an endangered species can have negative effect since it could make a species more desirable for collectors and poachers.

a. awareness   b. preservation   c. support   d. impact

17. World Wide Fund for Nature was formed to do the mission of the preservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, and the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

a. contamination   b. energy   c. extinction   d. development

18. The Bali Tiger was declared extinct in 1937 due to hunting and habitat loss.

a. reserve       b. generation   

c. natural environment   d. diversity

19. It is found that endangered species are often concentrated in areas that are poor and densely populated, such as much of Asia and Africa.

a. disappeared   b. increased   c. threatened   d. reduced

20. _______ is the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species living in their natural environment.

a. Biodiversity   b. Conservation   c. Globe   d. Individual

21. Mr. James is not at home. He _____ go somewhere with his wife. I am not sure.

a. might   b. will   c. must   d. should

22. _______ I have a day off tomorrow? - Of course not. Our company is having a lot of things to do.

a. Must   b. Will   c. May   d. Need

23. The computer _______ reprogramming. There is something wrong with the software.

a. must   b. need   c. should   d. may

24. _______ I be there by 8 o’clock? - No, you _______.

a. Shall/mightn't   b. Must / needn't   c. Will / mayn't   d. Might / won't

25. Clinton often wears beautiful new clothes. She _______ be very rich.

a. must   b. could   c. might   d. needn’t

IV. Complete the sentences, using one of the following modal verbs:

maymight mustmustn’tneedn’t

26. I’m not sure whether I can lend you any money. I ___________ not have enough.

27. If I knew them better, I ____________ invite them to my birthday party.

28. You __________ play football in the road. It’s dangerous.

29. You __________ come to supper of you don’t want to.

30. It’s later than I thought. I ___________ go now.

V. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer:

We live in a dynamic world, and habitats are always undergoing changes at all sorts of levels. However, natural changes usually occur at a slow pace so that impacts on individual species tend to be slight - at least in the short term. When the pace of change is greatly accelerated, there may be no time for individual species to react to new circumstances, and the effects can be disastrous. Briefly, this is the reason that rapid habitat loss is regarded as the chief cause of species endangerment, and there is no force more powerful in this regard than human beings. To some extent, every part of the earth has been affected by human activities, especially during this past century. This applies on virtually every scale, from the loss of microbes in soils that once supported tropical forests, to the extinction of fish and other aquatic species in polluted freshwater habitats, to changes in global climate caused by the release of greenhouse gases.

From the perspective of an individual human lifetime, such changes may be hard to detect and their effects on individual species may be hard to predict. But the lesson is clear enough. For example, although many countries have had plans to grow many tropical forests, they are highly susceptible to destruction because the soils in which they grow are poor in available nutrients. Centuries may be required to bring back a forest that was cut down or burnt out in the space of a few years. Many of the world’s severely threatened animals and plants live in such forests, and it is certain that huge numbers of them will disappear if present rates of forest loss continue.

(*) Từ mới:

dynamic: năng động, năng nổ, sôi nổi;

undergo: chịu, bị, trải qua;

accelerate: làm nhanh thêm; làm chóng đến; thúc mau, giục gấp;

chief: trọng yếu, chủ yếu, chính;

microbe: vi trùng, vi khuẩn;

susceptible: dễ bị tổn thương;

31. Habitats in the world are unchangeable and fixedly exist.

a. True   b. False   c. Not given

32. All species can adapt themselves to new circumstances easily and quickly.

a. True   b. False   c. Not given

33. Human beings are the main cause that leads to rapid habitat loss.

a. True   b. False   c. Not given

34. Many kinds of fish are also in danger of extinction because water habitats are polluted.

a. True   b. False   c. Not given

35. Many countries have grown as many tropical forests as they destroyed in the past years.

a. True   b. False   c. Not given

VI. Choose the word that best fits each space in the following passage:

Wild animals and wild places where they live are seriously (36)______ almost everywhere. One species has become (37)_______ in each year of this century, but many hundreds are now in (38)______. Lack of (39)______ would lead to the rapid advance of the process of extinction. Already many kinds of wild animals have been so reduced in number that their role in the ecosystem is forgotten.

But even more important, perhaps, the individual kinds of animals and plants, whole habitats are in danger of vanishing: marshes are being drained, and the world forests, especially the tropical forests are being cut down to (40)_______man’s need of timber and paper.

36. a. protected   b. used   c. rescued   d. threatened

37. a. valuable   b. extinct   c. endangered   d. dangerous

38. a. beauty   b. preservation   c. danger   d. peace

39. a. attention   b. care   c. look   d. ignorance

40. a. reduce   b. help   c. satisfy   d. supply

Đáp án

CâuGhi chúCâuGhi chú
1. d/ɪ/, còn lại: /e/21. a
2. c/ʃ/, còn lại: /s/22. c
3. b/ɪ/, còn lại: /aɪ/23. b
4. a/iə/, còn lại: /aʊ/24. b
5. c/ə/, còn lại: /ɑː/25. a
6. a/ˌbæmˈbuː/26. may/might
7. d/ˈhæbɪtæt/27. might
8. b/ˈprɒdʌkt/28. mustn’t
9. c/əˈweənəs/29. needn’t
10. b/ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)/30. must
11. abiology: sinh học;31. bDẫn chứng: “…habitats are always undergoing changes at all sorts of levels.”
12. cendangered: có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng;32. bDẫn chứng: “When the pace of change is greatly accelerated, there may be no time for individual species to react to new circumstances, and the effects can be disastrous.”
13. b33. aDẫn chứng: “Briefly, this is the reason that rapid habitat loss is regarded as the chief cause of species endangerment, and there is no force more powerful in this regard than human beings.”
14. adepend on;34. aDẫn chứng: “…to the extinction of fish and other aquatic species in polluted freshwater habitats…”
15. cderive from: bắt nguồn từ;35. c
16. deffect = impact;36. d
17. apollution = contamination;37. b
18. chabitat = natural environment;38. c
19. cendangered = threatened;39. a
20. abiodiversity: đa dạng sinh học;40. c

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