Unit 10 lớp 12: Speaking

Unit 10: Endangered Species

B. Speaking (Trang 109-110 SGK Tiếng Anh 12)

Task 1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions. (Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi sau.)

Quảng cáo

1. What do you call Gấu Trúc, Tê Giác, Hổ, Voi in English? (Bạn gọi Gấu Trúc, Tê Giác, Hổ, Voi bằng tiếng Anh là gì?)

=> They're panda, rhino, tiger and elephant respectively.

2. In which sort of habitats can you find each of these animals? (Ở loại môi trường sống nào bạn có thể tìm thấy mỗi loài động vật này?)

=> Pandas can be seen in bamboo forests. Rhinos can be found in grasslands and tropical or sub-tropical forests. We can find tigers in forests, grasslands and swam elephants can be seen in forests.

3. Which of these animals can be kept as a pet or used for food or medicine? (Loài động vật nào trong số chúng có thể được giữ làm sủng vật hoặc được sử dụng làm thực phẩm hoặc làm thuốc?)

=> Panda can be kept as a pet. Rhino and tiger can be used for medicine. Elephant can be used for ornament.

4. Which of them is/are endangered? (Loài động vật nào trong số chúng đang bị nguy hiểm?)

=> They all are endangered.

Task 2. Work in pairs. Look at the information about the giant panda, tiger, rhino and elephant, ... . (Làm việc theo cặp. Nhìn vào thông tin về các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng: Gấu Trúc, Hổ, Tê Giác và Voi. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi về chúng.)

Gợi ý hỏi và trả lời:

Quảng cáo

Giant Panda

A: Where do the giant panda live?

B: In bamboo forests in the mountains in central and western China.

A: What's the population of pandas in the world?

B: Only about 600.

A: What's their main food?

B: Bamboo leaves.

A: What's their average weight?

B: Between 75 and 160 kg.

A: Are they tall? What's their height?

B: Not much. Their average height is from 1,2 to 1,5 metres.

A: How long do they live?

B: Their average lifetime is about 20 to 30 years.

A: Are they in danger of extinction?

B: Yes. Their population is in decline.

A: Why?

B: Because their natural habitat is being destroyed and they are hunted for commercial trade.

Bạn làm tương tự với ba loài còn lại.

Task 3. Work in groups. Take turns to give an oral report on the animals mentioned in Task 2. (Làm việc nhóm. Thay phiên tường thuật về những loài động vật đã được đề cập đến trong Bài tập 2.)

Gợi ý:

Quảng cáo

Giant Panda

- Pandas live in bamboo forests in mountains in central and western China. There are only about 600 in the world. Their height is from 1,2 to 1,5 meters. They weigh from 75 to 160 kilograms. Their main food is bamboo. The life span of a panda is from 20 to 30 years. At present the number of pandas declines because of habitat destruction and illegal trading.


- Rhinos live in grasslands, tropical and subtropical forests in Africa and southern Asia. The population of rhinos is about 17 000. They have the average height of about 1,2 to 1,8 meters and weigh from 1,000 to 3,000 kgs. Their main food is grass and plants. And their average life span is about forty years. They are also in danger of extinction due to their natural habitat destruction and illegal hunting and poaching.


- There are only about 6000 tigers in the world. They are found in forests, grasslands and swamps in Siberia, Southeast Asia and Southern India. Their average height is about 1,4 to 1,9 meters and an average weight of 65 to 300 kgs. Tigers are carnivores so their food is living animals such as deer, buffalo, ... . The life span is about 15 to 17 years. They are also endangered animals because their natural habitat is destroyed and they are hunted for commercial trade.

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