Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 4: Our customs and traditions mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 4: Our customs and traditions mới, chuẩn nhất

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Chỉ từ 500k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 (cả năm) Global Success bản word có lời giải chi tiết:

Lesson 1: Getting started


1. Educational aim: - Introduce new topic “ our customs and traditions ”

By the end pf the lesson may get some information about our customs and traditions

2. Knowledge and skills:

- Vocabulary: customs, tradition, accept, to pass down, generation, table manner

- Grammatical structures: lexical items related to the topic

II/ Teaching aids :

Text books , cassette , chalk , pictures and some boards.

III/ Procedure :

Steps and time

Learning activities

Language focus


A. Warm – up.( 5’)

Give some pictures of some ethnic monorities and their traditions and

customs to help students know more about the words “ customs “ and ‘ traditions”

before leading to the Getting started

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 4: Our customs and traditions mới, chuẩn nhất

Review vocabularies related to ethnic minorities.

+whole class, team work.

B. Getting started( 5’)

Activity 1: Listen and read

Ask Ss to look at the picture in Getting started and Ask Ss some questions:

1. Can you guess who are they?

2. Where are they?

3. What are they talking about?

Ss: Answer the questions

T: Quickly write Ss’ answers on the board

- Play the recording

Ss: Listen and read the dialogue

T: Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are correct


-custom ( n)

-accept (v)

-table manner

-to pass down


Whole class

C. Doing ( 22’)

a/ Find the the words or phrases that means:

T: Ask Ss to do Ex a individually

T: Ask them to share the answers with their partner

T: Ask one to write the answers on the board

S: Write the answers on the board, others correct then give the right answers then read out the

lines in the dialogue that contains the words



-spot on



-table manners


Pair work

b/ True or false

T: Ask Ss to do Ex a individually

T: Ask them to share the answers with their partner

T: Ask one to give the answers

S: Write the answers on the board, others correct then give their explanation

1- T

2- F (there are also social ones)

3- T

4- F (there are a lot of customs for table manners in the UK )

Pair work

c/ Answer

T: Ask ss to asnwer the questions orally without reading the dialogue

Ss: Ask and answer in pairs

T: Call two Ss write on the board

Ss: Write the answers on the board

T: Ask them to read the conversation and check the answers

Ss: Read then check the answers

T: Call Ss to correct


1- It’s eating dinner at 7 p.m. sharp

2- He’s surprised

3- They both refer to something that develops over time

4- A custom is something accepted.

A tradition is something special and it is passed down through the generations

They should find information about a custom or tradition


Pair work

d/ Find the sentences in the conversation and fill in the missing words

Ask Ss to read the conversation again then find the sentences in the conversation then fill in the missing words

T: Ask Ss to do Ex a individually

T: Ask them to share the answers with their partner

T: Ask two ss to write the answers on the board

S: Write the answers on the board, others correct then give the right answers

- Modal verb: Should and have to.

1- have to: it’s an obligation – you have no choice

2- should: It’s a suggestion or advice – It would be best to follow it


Pair work

Activity 2: a/ Match

T: Ask Ss to look through the pictures then ask them what they see in each of them then tell them

to fill in the gaps with some customs and traditions of Vietnamese people

Ss: Read the identify the new words they do not know

T: Help Ss to read the words correctly

T: Ask Ss to give their matching

S: Give their answers

T: Ask Ss to give their explanation for their matching and give the meaning of the words and phrases

T: Help them if necessary

1- g   2- c   3- f   4- h

5- e   6- a   7- b   8- d


b/ Write ( C )custom or T ( tradition) under each picture

T: Ask ss to do individually

T: Ask them to compare the answers in pairs

T: Ask them to give the answers

S: Give the answers then explain their choice

1- C   2- C or T   3- C   4- T

5- C   6- C   7- T   8- C or T

Pair work

D.Perfoming (5’)

Activity 3: Game : Customs and traditions experts

T: Ask Ss to work in groups of four

Set a time limit of five minutes

S: Write down as many local customs and traditions as possible

The groups with the most customs and traditions is the winner

T: Ask the winning group to present their customs and traditions

Other groups add some more if they can

Group work


Ask students to complete all the exercises

Whole class



Lesson 2: a closer look 1


1. Educational aim: - Practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the unit 4.

2. Knowledge and skills:

- Vocabulary:

- Grammatical structures: - Sounds: / spr / , / str /

II/ Teaching aids :

- Lesson plan, visual pictures , aids

III/ Procedure :

Steps and time

Learning activities

Language focus


A. Warm – up.( 5’)

Ask ss to call out some customs and traditions they remember from the previous lesson.

Tell them that in this lesson they are going to learn some expressions with the words “ custom” and “ tradition”

+whole class, team work.



Draw ss’ attention to the Watch out box

Explain to them the words “ custom” or “ tradition” can be countable or uncountable

Activity 1: Match

T: Ask Ss to read the first halves of sentences in column A them with the second halves in column B

S: work in individually then compare with their partner

T: Ask them to give the answers

S: Compare the answers with their friends’ on the board then give the correct answers.

1- e   2- d   3- a  4- g   5- b   6- c   7- f

The words: custom and tradition.

Whole class/ individuals.

Activity 2: Complete the expressions

T: Ask Ss to work in individual

Ss: Work in individual

T: Ask some Ss to give the answers

Ss: Ss write the correct answers on the board

T: Ask the whole class to give comment

Ss: Give comment and correct

T: Ask Ss to read the whole expressions

Some expressions:

- It’s the custom for Sb to do St.

- There is a tradition that Clause.


Activity 3:Read the following customs and traditions

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the activity

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Ask them to give their ideas

Ss: Remark and give comments

- According to tradition + clause.


Pair work

Activity 4: complete the sentences

T: Ask Ss to work in individual

Ss: Work in individual

T: Ask some Ss to give the answers

Ss: Ss write the correct answers on the board

T: Ask the whole class to give comment

Ss: Give comment and correct

T: Ask Ss to read the whole sentences

- Words and expressions related to customs and traditions.



Activity 5: Listen and complete the words

T: Ask them to listen to the recording then complete the words they hear

S: Listen and complete the words they hear

T: Call some Ss to read the words they hear aloud

S: Read aloud the words

T: Correct their pronunciation

Pay attention to the sounds / spr / And / str /

Clusters: /sk/, /sp/, /st/


Activity 6: Listen and circle the words with the sounds / spr / And / str /

T: Ask Ss to listen to the recording

S: Listen then compare the answers with their partner

T: Ask them to give the answers then play the recording again to check their answers

T: Ask Ss to find the words that have the sounds /spr/ , /str/

1- straw

2- street   3- spring

4- spray   5- astronaut

6- frustrated   7- espresso   8- newsprint


D. Home-work(5’)

Finish all the exercises

Whole class



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