Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Review 1 mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Review 1 mới, chuẩn nhất

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Chỉ từ 500k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 (cả năm) Global Success bản word có lời giải chi tiết:

Lesson 1: LANGUAGE


The aim of this review is to revise what Ss have studied and practiced in units 1, 2 and 3.


- Pronunciation: /sk/, /sp/, /st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/, and /cl/

- Vocabulary: From unit 1 to unit 3.

- Grammar: Comparative, article, gerund and infinitive after some verbs.

II/ Teaching aids :

- Lesson plan, visual pictures.

III/ Procedure :

Steps and time

Learning activities

Language focus


A. Warm – up.( 3’)

Ask Ss some Questions

T may ask Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of language and skills.

Summarize their answers and add some more information if necessary.

Encourage Ss to recall and speak out as much as possible.

Wh-questions words


B. Revision and practice(35’)


1. Listen and repeat the following words and phrases.

T plays the recording and Ss repeat.

Play the recording as many times as necessary.

Pause and correct Ss’ pronunciation.

Clusters: /sk/, /sp/, /st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/, and /cl/


2. Listen to the sentences and underline the words

with /sk/, /sp/, /st/, /br/, /pr/, /bl/, and /cl/ in the following sentences.

Then read the sentences aloud.

Play the recording two or more times, if necessary.

Help Ss recognize all the words with /sk/, /sp/, /st/, br/, pr/, /bl/, and /cl/ then underline them ad instructed.

T may ask Ss to read the sentences as a class, or individually.

Check pronunciation and intonation.


1. I used to climb tress when I was small.

2. How can we improve our speaking skills?

3. How annoying, the stadium has closed!

4. I want to buy a blue skirt for my mother.

5. ‘On a dark day, I saw a witch riding a broom in the sky…’


Pair work

C. Consolidation(5’)


3. Organize these words and phrases into pairs of opposites and write them in the blanks.

Ss do the task individually and then share their answers with a partner. Check Ss’ answers.


Peaceful - noisy   hard - easy   boring - exciting

Forget - remember   traditional - modern  country life - city life

Love - hate   majority - minority


Peaceful – noisy

hard –easy

boring - exciting

Forget – remember

traditional – modern

country life - city life

Love – hate

majority - minority


Pair work

4. Put a verb in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.

Ss do this exercise individually. T may ask some Ss to write their answers on the board.

T corrects as a class.


1. like/ enjoy, listening, visiting

2. forget   3. flying/ to fly

4. mind, to do/ doing   5. Playing/ to play


Pair work

D. Homework(2’)


5. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of adverbs from the adjectives in brackets.

Ss do this individually and compare their answers with a partner.

Call some Ss to go to the board to write their answers.

Others Ss comment.

T corrects as a class.


1. later 2. more

3. more fluently   4. Better

5. more simply  6. Faster

7. More carefully

6. Fill each blank with an article (a, an, or the) to complete the passage.

Ss do the task individually. T checks. Call some Ss to read the whole passage.


1. a  2. an   3. the

4. the   5. the  6. a


Comparative form of adverbs & adjectives article (a, an, or the)


Pair work

7. Everyday English

Match the sentences in A with those in B. Then practice with a friend.

Ss do the task individually. Then they practice in pairs.

After checking their answers, ask one or two pairs to act out the dialogues.


1. b   2. e   3. a

4. c  5. d

Help Ss remember all the knowledge they’ve learnt from Unit 1 to Unit 3

- Do exercises in workbook.

Whole class



Lesson 1: SKILLS


The aim of this review is to revise what Ss have studied and practiced in units 1, 2 and 3.

Skill: Reading, speaking, listening, writing.

II/ Teaching aids :

- Lesson plan, visual pictures.

III/ Procedure :

Steps and time

Learning activities

Language focus


A. Warm – up.( 3’)

Ask Ss some Questions


1. Read the following letter from Kim to her pen friend, Jon.

a. Tick (v) true or false.

Ss do the task individually, then check with a partner. T corrects.


1. T  2. T   3. F

4. T   5. F

Wh-questions words


b. Write questions for the underlined phrases in the letter.

Ss do the exercises in pairs. T corrects as a class.


1. Which museum does Kim love to visit an Saturday afternoon?

2. How many (clay and stone) objects are display at the museum?

3. What can you learn in this museum/ Da Nang Museum?

Wh-questions words


B. Revision and practice(35’)


2. Work in pairs. Talk about what your family members like to do in their free time.

Ss work in pairs and talk about what their family members like to do in their free time.

Encourage them to talk as much as possible, using the verbs of liking they have learnt.

After some time, T may last Ss swap pairs and continue to talk.

T goes round and gives assistance if necessary.

Gerunds and infinitive after some verbs.

Pair work

C. Consolidation(5’)


3. Listen to the passage and choose the correct answer.

Play the recording once or twice. Ss listen and choose their answers.

Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers.

Explain the new words or anything difficult if necessary.


1. B 2. A

3. A 4. C 5. B

Pair work

D. Homework(2’)


4. Giving your opinion

Write a paragraph giving your opinion about life in the countryside. You may begin like this:

In my opinion/ I think life in the countryside has many good points. Firstly,…

You may use the following cues:

* People (friendly…)

* Life (peaceful, simple, slow…)

* Food (fresh, cheap…)

* Traditional activities

Before writing, have Ss brainstorm ideas about life in the countryside: advantages,

disadvantages, what they like and dislike, ect…Then explain the writing task.

Also have them brainstorm words and phrases they may need for their writing.

Give Ss time to do the writing task. Then collect their papers to check out of class.

Sample writing:

Inmy opinion, life in the countryside has many good points.

Firstly, country folk are friendlier than city folk.

Secondly, life as slower and simpler than in the city.

The food is fresher and the air is cleaner.

Finally, there are lots of traditional activities that we can do in the countryside

such as horse - riding, swimming in the river or kite - flying.

Fro these reasons, I like country life.

Help Ss remember all the knowledge they’ve learnt from Unit 1 to Unit 3

- Do exercises in workbook.

Whole class



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