10 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7 Global Success (có đáp án) - Kết nối tri thức

Với bộ 2 đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7 Global Success năm học 2023 - 2024 có đáp án, chọn lọc được biên soạn bám sát nội dung sách Kết nối tri thức và sưu tầm từ đề thi Tiếng Anh 7 của các trường THCS trên cả nước. Hi vọng bộ đề thi này sẽ giúp học sinh ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong các bài thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7.

10 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7 Global Success (có đáp án) - Kết nối tri thức

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Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo ...

Đề thi Học kì 2 - Global Success

Năm học 2023 - 2024

Môn: Tiếng Anh 7

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(không kể thời gian phát đề)

(Đề số 1)


Listen to the conversation between Thu and Ron. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.

1. What activity did Ron do in Alaska?

A. He took a walk in the forests.

B. He slept in a log cabin.

C. He caught fish through the ice.

2. How did Ron travel in Alaska?

A. He skied.

B. He rode a dogsled. 

C. He went everywhere on foot.

Quảng cáo

3. What did he compare his ride dogsled with?

A. A journey in a marvelous folk tale.

B. A journey in a marvelous snow kingdom.

C. A journey on a frozen river.

4. When did Ron visit Alaska?

A. Last October.

B. Last summer vacation.

C. At Christmas.

5.  What special thing did Ron see in Alaska?

A. Many polar bears.

B. A beautiful snow castle.

C. The northern lights.



Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part. Circle A, B, or C.                                                

1. A. ingredient                B. ancient             C. pier

2. A.  teaspoon                B. appear              C. idea

Quảng cáo

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.

3. A.  castle                      B. native                C. reduce

4. A.  frightening             B. moving                C. disappointing

TASK 2. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. When energy ___________ (come) from the wind, we call it wind energy.

2. Lan promises she ___________ (finish) her homework tonight.

3. The people in this district ___________ (use) solar energy to replace energy from coal at the moment.

4. Last night, I was watching a documentary when the light ___________ (go) out.

5. Do you think robots ___________ (replace) human in the future?

6. Tom ___________ (be) sick so he couldn’t go on the trip to Washington D.C. yesterday.

7. In my opinion, we _________ (not use) coal for cooking and heating in the future. 

8. Pete ___________ (forget) to turn off the TV after watching it last night.

9. I ___________ (look) for my car key now. I don’t remember where I left it.

10. Sonya: When ___________ you ___________ (buy) that Solowheel?

Ben:  Last month.

Quảng cáo

TASK 3. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.

1. During this trip, everyone must wear a ___________ for safety.

A. handlebar               B. seatbelt                      C. panel

2. After watching the teaser of the film with lots of fairies and wizards, I guess it is a ___________.

A. comedy                   B. documentary              C. fantasy

3. People often think Santa Claus and pine trees are the ___________ of Christmas.

A. symbols                  B. performance               C. parade

4.  ___________ plastic is warned to be harmful for environment, people still use it daily due to its convenience.

A. Because                   B. Although                   C. But

5. Electric cars are becoming popular nowadays due to theirs ___________ features.

A. polluting                   B. eco-friendly                C. inconvenient


TASK 1. Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, or C to each of the questions.

Last week, Mai attended a cultural exchange event for both foreign and Vietnamese students in Tao Dan Park. It was so fun and useful because she had a great opportunity to communicate with many friends from other countries. That helped Mai develop her confidence as well as improve her English. Besides, it was a good occasion for making friends and finding out about various cultures from all over the world. She got acquainted with many boys and girls from Canada, New Zealand, and the UK. Among of them, she likes two Australian twin sisters, Amelia and Amanda, most. Both are quite beautiful and friendly. After the event, surprisingly they invited Mai to their home in Melbourne. They promised to take her to see kangaroos and koalas in real life. She was very glad and accepted that invitation.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A Vietnamese student’s experiences in a cultural exchange event.

B. An occasion for a Vietnamese student to show foreigners her cultural knowledge.

C. An invitation to visit an English speaking country.

2. What did that event help Mai?

A. Develop her confidence.

B. Improve her English.

C. Develop her confidence and improve her English.

3. Which of the following statements about Mai is false?

A. Amelia and Amanda are her favourite new friends.

B. She had a chance to find out about different cultures.

C. Only a few students talked to her at the event.

4. What does the word Both in line 11 mean?

A. Boys and girls.

B. The twin sisters.

C. beautiful and friendly

5. What animals will Mai be taken to see in Melbourne?

A. kangaroos and koalas.

B. kangaroos and Penguins.

C. Penguins and koalas.

TASK 2. Complete the reading passage. Write ONE suitable word in each blank.

Many people believe that in the near future, several (1) ___________ of transport like cars and trucks will be replaced with driverless ones. Driverless vehicles are autonomous, (2) __________ drivers don’t need to control it manually. For example, passengers use their voices to order a (3) __________ car to take them to any places they want thanks to its equipped speech recognition. With the support of new technology that can calculate a safe following distance (4) __________ two vehicles, self-driving cars can react immediately and avoid dangerous situations. It’s also more convenient for the disabled and the elderly who (5) _________ mobility disadvantages to move from one place to another.


TASK 1. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. work / ride / long / How / does / you / take / motorbike / to / your / it / to /?

2. of / interesting / friends / are / Some / think / my / documentaries / not /.

3. display / watch / Year’s / Do / you / New / fireworks / on / Eve / often /?

4. cars / will / modern / There / replace / be / driverless / cars / to / normal /.

5. playing / Do / like / ice / you / hockey / know / Canadians /?

TASK 2. Write an email of 80 words to your friend Alice to tell her about a festival that you often attend.

You can use the following questions as cues.

- What is the name of the festival?

- When and where is the festival?

- What are the main activities at the festival?

- What is one of your favourite activities at the festival?



1. C             

2. B             

3. B             

4. A            

5. C


Thu:   How was your travel to Alaska, Ron?

Ron:  It was fantastic. Although it was very cold, I did many interesting activities like ice fishing or sleeping in a big igloo.

Thu:   Wow! How did you move there?

Ron:  I rode a dogsled pulled by powerful dogs on the snow and through the forests. It was like getting lost in a marvelous snow kingdom.

Thu:   Sounds cool. I’m a dog lover, so I really want to try travelling with those native dogs. Did you see any bears?

Ron:  No, I didn’t. Because I went there in October when all bears often sleep.

Thu:   What a pity!

Ron:  Yes, I know. But I had a great chance to see the northern lights. They were too beautiful to describe in words.

Thu:   Awesome! I’m sure Alaska will be on the list of my future destinations.



1. B   

2. A  

3. C

4. C   


1. comes     

6. was

2. will finish

7. won’t use

3. are using 

8. forgot

4. went        

9. am looking

5. will replace       

10. did you buy


1. B   

2. C   

3. A  

4. B   

5. B



1. A  

2. C   

3. C   

4. B   

5. A


1. means         

2. so  

3. driverless               

4. between         

5. have



1. How long does it take you to ride your motorbike to work?

2. Some of my friends think documentaries are not interesting.

3. Do you often watch fireworks display on New Year’s Eve?

4. There will be modern driverless cars to replace normal cars.

5. Do you know Canadians like playing ice hockey?


Sample writing:

Hi Alice,

It was great to hear from you. I’m preparing to attend the annual Flower Festival in Da Lat. It often takes place in December or January for local people and visitors to enjoy the Christmas and New Year atmosphere. As its name, the festival is always full of extremely beautiful flowers and other special plants on display. What I like best is the appearance of popular singers and movie stars. Everything and everyone is charming. Hope you can join me some day.

Write soon.


Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo ...

Đề thi Học kì 2 - Global Success

Năm học 2023 - 2024

Môn: Tiếng Anh 7

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(không kể thời gian phát đề)

(Đề số 2)


Listen to the conversation between Sophia and her father. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.         

1. What is Sophia’s father watching on TV?

A. A sci-fi about the negative effects of using non-renewable sources.

B. A documentary about the negative effects of using non-renewable sources.

C. A documentary about the benefits of using non-renewable sources.

2. What does Sophia think about non-renewable sources?

A. They’re not necessary for our daily life.

B. People shouldn’t use them to drive heavy machinery.

C. They help heat homes and cook food.

3. What does Sophia think about renewable sources?

A. They are unlimited but expensive.

B. They are clean but not available.

C. They are limited and dangerous.

4. According to Sophia’s dad, what does the excessive use of non-renewable sources cause?

A. It affects our health and work seriously.

B. It affects our work and environment seriously.

C. It affects our health and environment seriously.

5. What does Sophia hope can deal with the problem?     

A. Modern technologies.

B. People’s effort.

C. Intelligent Robots.



Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part.      

1. A.  hydro                      B. syllable                        C. hyperloop

2. A.  solar                        B. produce                        C. local

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.

3. A.  bamboo                  B. royal                             C. butter

4. A.  instrument             B. performance                C. mineral

5. A.  Canadian                B. disappointing              C. renewable

TASK 2. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. We believe that bullet trains ___________ (be) faster, safer and riders can avoid traffic jam.

2. Helen’s mother ___________ (buy) her this violin last Christmas.

3. At the moment these students ___________ (collect) some cardboard for building dollhouses.

4. Every Friday, Alex ___________ (join) different community activities with his friends after school.

5. Jack ___________ (not feel) well now so he cannot help his friends fix the solar panels.

6. The Scottish people ___________ (build) this castle long time ago.

7. The plane ___________  (carry) more than 120 passengers at present.

8. I hope we  ___________ (own) a driverless car in the coming time.

9. My desktop ___________ (not work), so I can’t send you my email immediately.

10. I ___________ (think) Jimmy friendly and generous when I first met him yesterday.

TASK 3. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.

1. We use these ___________ to warn people about the dangers.

A. vehicles                        B. road signs                    C. handlebars

2. Tom’s performance at Christmas was so ___________ that everyone stood up to give him an applause.

A. dull                              B. shocking                      C. gripping

3. Some people believe that we should ___________ nuclear power in the long run due to its toxic.

A. reduce                          B. overcool                       C. perform

4. Some people are using vehicles that run ___________ safer energy for an eco-friendly environment.

A. over                              B. on                                 C. in

5. Everything belongs ___________ history is often priceless, such as ancient castles in Scotland.

A. about                            B. to                                 C. on


TASK 1. Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, or C to each of the questions.

If you are a big fan of Doraemon, a Japanese cartoon series, you will realise that there are some magic gadgets that can transport people from one place to another in a super modern way. They are imaginary products that reflect people’s desire to invent future means of transport. One of the most popular ones is the bamboo-copter. It has a semi spherical base connected with spinning rooters by a thin shaft. Just putting it on any part of the body, Doraemon and his friends can fly anywhere they want by just thinking. It looks small but can carry a heavy body. Although it runs on batteries, it doesn’t pollute the environment. However, sometimes users can have a big problem if the battery is flat, especially when they cross a vast ocean or desert.     

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A desire to invent a modern means of transport.

B. An imaginary means of transport in a cartoon series.

C. A magic gadget of Doraemon that can save the world.

2. What does the word They in line 3 mean?

A. Magic gadgets.

B. Doraemon and his friends.

C. Cartoon series.

3. Where can we put a bamboo-copter?

A. On a semi spherical base.

B. On a thin shaft.

C. On any part of the body.

4. How can Doraemon and his friends fly with a bamboo-copter?

A. By thinking.

B. By using a control button.

C. By touching continuously.

5. Which of the following statements about a bamboo-copter is true?

A. It runs on wind energy.

B. It must be very big to carry a heavy body.

C. If we use it to cross oceans, we can have trouble.

TASK 2. Complete the reading passage. Write ONE suitable word in each blank.

Scotland is a country full of fascinating things. It (1) __________ a long history of myths and legends, so it's no surprise that the Unicorn is the national animal. This country is home to a more-than-2,000-year yew which is considered the oldest tree (2) __________ Europe. Edinburgh is well-known as the capital of Scotland, but it is not the largest city in Scotland. In fact, Glasgow is the largest and also the UK’s first UNESCO City of Music. (3) __________ you search for the traditional male clothing of Scotland, you definitely see many images of kilts. Scottish men (4) __________ kilts on some special occasions like weddings, St Andrew's Day, etc. Watching them play football or tug of war in kilts is really interesting. Scotland has many (5) __________ things for you to discover, so you should go and see it someday.     


TASK 1. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. cross / You / crossing / the / at / the / road / should / zebra /.

2. reviews / fantasy / received / That / film / many / very / good / exciting /.

3. are / be / festival / some / There / going / dances / to / traditional / at / the/ .

4. solar / now / heating / Some / are / using / energy / for / people /.

5. is / Christmas / she / abroad / but / Alice / home / always / returns / studying / at /.   

TASK 2. Write a diary entry of 80 words about a day of your trip to an English speaking country.



1. B   

2. C   

3. A  

4. C   

5. A


Sophia: What are you watching, Dad? You look so serious.

Dad: A documentary about the negative effects of using non-renewable sources. You should watch it to learn about them.

Sophia: Yes, I will. But I know non-renewable sources, such as oil and natural gas, still play an important role in our daily life. They help drive heavy machinery, heat homes and cook food.    

Dad: That’s true, but we can use alternative energy sources to do them like solar energy, nuclear energy and wind energy.

Sophia: I don’t think so, Dad. Though all of them are unlimited and clean to use, they are so expensive to produce. In addition, nuclear energy might be dangerous for people’s lives if there are any radiation leaks.

Dad: Maybe you’re right, my dear. But have a look at this on TV. Many pollutions caused by using non-renewable sources are affecting our health and environment badly.

Sophia: It’s sad. I just hope that modern technologies can help people to solve this complicated problem.



1. B   

2. B   

3. A  

4. B   

5. B


1. will be     

6. built

2. bought    

7. is carrying

3. are collecting    

8. will own

4. joins        

9. is not / isn’t working

5. is not / isn’t feeling     

10. thought


1. B   

2. C   

3. A  

4. B   

5. B



1. B   

2. A  

3. C   

4. A  

5. C


1. has

2. in

3. When / If

4. wear

5. other



1. You should cross the road at the zebra crossing.

2. That exciting fantasy film received many very good reviews.

3. There are going to be some traditional dances at the festival.

4. Some people are now using solar energy for heating.

5. Alice is studying abroad but she always returns home at Christmas.


Sample writing:

I’m visiting Australia this week. We just arrived yesterday morning and after a short break, we started our first exciting day. We caught a bus from the airport to the city centre. From the bus I could see many beautiful green and clean parks, buildings and tourists attractions. There are nine other visitors from different countries in our group and it is great to spend time with them. I made friends with two Singaporean teenagers and I felt quite sure that we are going to have special moments during the trip.

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