Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 11 mới Học kì 2 chuẩn nhất

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 11 mới Học kì 2

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Chỉ từ 500k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 (cả năm) Global Success bản word phong cách hiện đại, trình bày đẹp mắt, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa:

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 6: Global Warming

Unit 6: Getting Started


1. Language focus:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 6

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to global warming

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in yes-no question and echo- question

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect participles

2. Skills:

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 6

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about global warming

- Speaking: Expressing opinions, agreements, or disagreements

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about global warming

- Writing: Write an essay about global warming

3. Attitudes:

- To help Ss get started for Unit 6 with the topic "global warming"

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher:- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

     - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students:- Read through English Unit 6 - getting started at home


1. Class organization: (1 minute)

2. Check up: (omitted)

3. New lesson: (40 minutes)



1. Listen and read

Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the question

- Who do you see in the picture?

- Where do you think they are?

- What are they doing?

Play the recording, ask Ss to listen and read

- Do as appointed

carbon print-foot

infectious disease

heat-related illnesses

2. Answer the questions

Ask Ss to work in groups, ask and answer the question

Asks Ss to give the reasons for their answers

Do as appointed

1. Global warming

2. Three parts: the causes, the effects, the solutions

3. Greenhouse gas emissions from factories and vehicles; use of chemical fertilizers, and deforestation.

3. Greenhouse gas emission, use of chemical fertilizers, deforestation

4. Climate changes, infectious and heat- related diseases, impact on water supplies, threat to food production and upset ecological balance

5. They should change their daily habits

6. Causes: burning of fossil fuels, using of non- environment friendly products

Effects: natural disasters such as floods, droughts, tsunami, acid rain

3. Read the conversation again match the words and definition

Ask Ss to read the conversation again, work in pairs, do the task

Do as appointed

c – g – d – b – a – e – h – f

4. Find the sentences with the structure having VpII

Ask Ss to do the task

Do as appointed

Having planned

Having contributed

Having treated

4. Consolidation: (3 mins)

- Global warming

- Practice the conversation

5. Homework: (1 min)

- Global warming

- Practice the conversation

- Do the task again

- Read Unit 6 - Language at home




Unit 6: Language


1. Language focus:

- To provide learners some language items in Unit 6

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to global warming

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in yes-no question and echo- question

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect participles

2. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes:

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher:- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

     - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students:- Read through English Unit 6 - language at home


1. Class organization: (1 minute)

2. Check up: (5 minutes)- Talk about the causes, the effect of and solution to global warming

3. New lesson: (35 minutes)




Complete the sentences with the right form of the words/phrases

Ask Ss to work individually first and then in pairs to do the task

Do as appointed

1. carbon footprint  2. infectious diseases

3. emissions  4. ecological balance

5. heat-related illnesses  6. climate change


1. Listen and repeat

Play the recording and let Ss listen

Play it again with pauses for them to sentence

Do as appointed

Pay attention to the intonation

2. Listen and mark the symbol of rising intonation

Ask Ss to read the word in rows paying attention to the intonation

Do as appointed


Perfect participles in clauses of time and reason

1. Underline the perfect participles in the sentences

Ask Ss to work in pairs, do the task

Do as appointed

1. Having planned

After we have planned the content …

2. Having treated

Because/Since humans have treated the ….

The perfect participle is used to express a reason

2. Match the two parts to make complete sentences

Ask Ss to work individually then in pairs to check their answer

Do as appointed

1. e  2. c

3. a  4. b

5. g  6. h

7. f  8. d


Perfect gerunds

Rewrite the sentences, using the passive voice

Ask Ss to work individually first, then in groups and check their answers

Do as appointed

1. The students in group 11G were praised for having planted the most trees in the schoolyard in the Tree Planting Competition

2. The police suspected Mike of having cut down the oldest tree in the park

3. He denied having dumped lots of rubbish onto the beach

4. Thank you for having saved the lives of hundreds of wild animals

5. They regretted having hunted and killed many wild animals

6. The factory was heavily fined for having dumped tons of toxic waste into the river

7. Denis was rewarded for having taken an active part in the Green Summer activities

4. Consolidation: (3 mins)

- Vocabulary related to global warming

- Perfect gerunds and perfect participle, intonation

5. Homework: (1 min)

- Vocabulary related to global warming

- Perfect gerunds and perfect participle, intonation

- Do the task again, read Unit 6 - Reading at home




Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 7: Further Education

Unit 7: Getting Started

I. Aims and Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, Ss can get to know the topic of

“Further Education”, words and phrases related to further education.

1. Knowledge:

Lexical items: vocational, academic, undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate, major, gap year, CV.

2. Skills:

- Main skill:

+ Scanning for specific information to answer questions

+ Identifying the meaning of words depending on the context

- Sub skills: Speaking; Listening; Writing

II. Teaching aids: Text book, teacher's book, a speaker and a mp3 player

III. Procedure:

1. Stabilization: 2 mins

2. Checking up: No

3. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities

Students' activities



Inform the class of the lesson objectives: getting to know the topic

Introduce the topic by asking Ss some guiding questions Encourage Ss to talk about further education.



Listen and answer

Talk about further education


1. Activity 1:

Ask Ss questions about the illustration:

Who are the people in the picture? What are they doing?

What do you think they plan to do after leaving secondary school?

Tell Ss that that are going to listen to a conversation in a school library between three friends: Phong, Kevin and Maria.

Let Ss predict what these friends will be talking about.

Encourage and accept all types of predictions from Ss.

Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen and read the conversation at the same time.


1. Activity 1:


Predict what these friends will be talking about.

Listen and read the conversation at the same time.

Work in pairs to practice asking and answering the questions

Give explanation

Who are the people in the picture? What are they doing?

What do you think they plan to do after leaving secondary school?

2. Activity 2:

Asks Ss to work first individually, and then in pairs.

Focus their attention on the instructions and allow time for them to read the incomplete sentences.

They may refer back to the conversation to get the necessary information.

Checks sts’s answers and give explanation

Keys suggested:

academic or vocational undergraduate and postgraduate a bachelor’s degree

vocational courses/ a vocational course apply for scholarships


Have sts read the question and example. Ask them to think of their own answer to the question.

Sts work individually first, then with a partner.

Elicit some answers and writes the best ones on the board. Give feedback and discuss any points.

Read the question and example and think of their own answer to the question.

Work individually first, then with a partner.


Give answers Keys suggested:

1. They can pursue further education.

2. They can help students develop analytical skills, critical thinking and knowledge for higher education at a university or college.

3. Because they want to take some time before deciding on their career and major.

4. Taking a gap year can allow students to do voluntary work or internships, and travel.

This practical experience will make their CVs look good.

4. Homework: (2 mins)

- Prepare the next period "Language and Vocabulary"

+ Look up the new words/ phrases

+ Revise the uses of modal verbs




Unit 7: Language

I. Aims and Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, Ss can:

- enrich their vocabulary with words or phrases related to further education

- know intonation on WH- questions.

- know how to use and distinguish between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous

1. Knowledge:

- Lexical items:

2. Skills:

- Main skill: Identifying the meaning of words depending on the context

- Sub skills: Speaking; Listening; Writing

II. Teaching aids: Text book, teacher's book, a speaker and a mp3 player

III. Procedure:

1. Stabilization: 2 mins

2. Checking up: No

3. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities

Students' activities




What do you know about the Vietnam’s education system??






1. Activity 1:

Go through the words in the box and check Ss’


Asks Ss to guess the words(s) and complete the diagram individually.

Alternatively, in weaker classes, have Ss work on the diagram in pairs.

Call some sts to give out the answer Have a st write the answers on bb. Check & give remarks


1. Activity 1:

Work individually, read each of the words and think about its word class.

Some sts to give out the answer A st. writes the answers on bb. Listen


1. Kindergarten  2. Primary education

3.  Lower secondary education

4. Upper secondary education

5. College  6. University

2. Activity 2:

Have Ss work individually.

Ask sts to complete the sentences individually.

Monitor the activity and offer support, if necessary.

Check the completed sentences as a class, making sure that all sts have the right answers.

2. Activity 2:

Complete the sentences individually.

May compare their answers with a partner.

Listen to T’s comments

Keys suggested:

1. Academic  2. major

3. vocational  4. postgraduate

5. analytical


Intonation on Wh- questions

1. Activity 1:

Explain the use of rising and falling intonation by modeling the two types of questions

Play the recording again for sts to repeat chorally and individually.

Help sts to distinguish between rising and falling intonation by highlighting the rise and fall of the voice.

Ask sts to work in pairs, taking turns to say the questions.


Intonation on Wh- questions

1. Activity 1:


Distinguish between rising and falling intonation by highlighting the rise and fall of the voice.

Work in pairs, taking turns to say the questions.

2. Activity 2:

Ask sts to read the instructions and explain the task.

Ask them to read the sentences, focusing on the words in bold and have sts repeat.

Play the recording for sts to repeat once or twice.

Extend this task by having sts take turns reading each of the sentences twice- with and without elisions of weak vowels.

2. Activity 2:

Read the instructions and explain the task.

Read the sentences, focusing on the words in bold and have sts repeat.


Take turns reading each of the sentences twice- with and without elisions of weak vowels.


1. Activity 1:

Tell sts that the activity focuses on the present perfect and the present continuous tenses.

Ask if they can remember any rules of the present perfect and the present continuous tenses that they have learnt in the lower grades.

Have sts work in pairs to figure the answers. Monitor the activity and help sts, if necessary.

Remind sts to pay attention to the adverbs of time when they choose the correct form of the verbs.

Check answers as a class


1. Activity 1:


Answer teacher’s questions

Work in pairs to figure the answers.

Pay attention to the adverbs of time when they choose the correct form of the verbs.


Keys expected

for several days


since grade

9 before

2. Activity 2:

Tell sts that the activity focuses on the correct form of the verbs- the past simple or the present perfect.

Let sts work in pairs to give answers. Observe and help when and where necessary.

Remind sts to pay attention to the adverbs of time when they choose the correct form of the verbs.

Check sts’ answers by asking individual sts to take turns reading aloud each of the sentences.

2. Activity 2:

Work in pairs to give answers. Observe and help when and where necessary.

Pay attention to the adverbs of time when they choose the correct form of the verbs.

Take turns reading aloud each of the sentences.

Keys suggested>

have been surfing  has been living

has been looking have  been studying

has been teaching

3. Activity 3: 6’

Tell students that the activity focuses on the distinction between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous.

Have St work in pairs to work out the answers.

Monitor the activity and offer help if necessary.

Check answers by asking individual Ss to take turn reading aloud their answers.

Can ask Ss to explain their choice of tense. The pair that gets the most points is the winner.

3. Activity 3


Work in pairs to answer Read aloud the answers

Keys suggested

1. have read

2. have been reading

3. Have you applied

4. have been waiting

5. has been giving

6. have never understood

4. Homework: (2 mins)

- Do Part A 1+2,B 2-5 in the exercise book.

- Prepare the next period "Skills- Reading"

+ Look up the new words/ phrases + Revise the uses of modal verbs




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