Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 9: Festivals around the world mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 9: Festivals around the world mới, chuẩn nhất

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Global success, Friends Plus bản word chuẩn kiến thức, trình bày đẹp mắt:

Lesson 1/69: Getting started

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Use the lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world"

- Understand the dialogue between Nick and his teacher.

2. Skills: Listening and reading skills.

3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.

4. Competencies: Talking about some traditional festivals in the country.

B. Preparation

- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture, tape and radio

C. Procedure


I. Warm up Brainstoming

- Ask Sts to think of some festival they know and come to the board and write out

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 9: Festivals around the world mới, chuẩn nhất

II. The new lesson


- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab

- Use different techniques to teach.

- religious


thuộc tôn giáo

- candle


cây nến

- seasonal


có thời vụ

- harvest


mùa màng

- Easter


lễ phục sinh

1. Listen and read

* Set the sence: Ss keep their books close. Write “The Festival Project” on the boad and ask the Ss to guess the content of the lesson. After Ss speak out their guess, let them open their books and read the conversation quickly to check their gusses.

a. Answer the questions (P27)

- Run through all the questions

- Play the recording and ask ss to listen and read

- Ask ss to work individually to answer the questions

- Have ss share their answers

- Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions

- Work individually to answer the questions


1. No, she didn't because che said "oh really?" to show her surprise.

2. People light candles and display/let off fireworks.

3. It's la Tomatina.

4. Because to celebrate the festival people go to the desert, make a camp, and have a prty.

5. They should write up reports anh hand them in to the teacher.

b. Tick T or F ( P27)

Ss read the conversatin again to do this esercise. Ask for Ss' as well as the esplanation for their choices. write the correct answers on the board.

- Let sts open their book to check their answers

- Get feedback

Key: 1. T

2. T

3. F (for one hour only)

4. T

2. Write the festivals in…. ( P27)

- Go through the words and pictures

- Have ss quickly match each word/with its picture. Then play the recording for ss to check their answers, pausing after each phrase and asking them to repeat chorally and individually.

- Correct their pronunciation

- Go through the words and pictures

- Quickly match each word/with its picture.

- Listen,check and repeat

Key: 1. Water festival

2. Cannes Film Festival

3. Ghost Day

4. Tet

5. Rock in Rio

6. Chiristmas

7. Halloween

8. Easter

3.Match the festivals…..( P27)

Explain to Ss that festival are held for different reasons. The reasons in the most common ones. Ask Ss if they know the meaning of 'seasonal', 'religious' and'superstitious'. If they don't, quickly esplain them.

- Ss do this activity individually.

Seasonal (adj): relating to or happening during a particular reriod in the year

Religious (adj): connected with religion or with a particular religion

Superstitious (adj): based on the belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be exlpained by reson or science.

4. Compare your answer... (P27)

Now Ss work with a classmate and compare their anwers. Remind them to follow the model conversation in the book. Wall around to observe them working.

Ask some pairs to act out the conversation. Write their anwers on the board. Confirm the correct anwers.

Ask Ss if they know anything about the festivals. T may share some infomrmation with Ss.

- pairwork

Key: Religious: halloween, Ghost Day

Music/Arts: Rock in Rio, Cannes Film Festival

Seasonal: Tet, Water Festival

Religious: Chrismas, Easter

5. Can you add more…..

Organise a compertition game for tis activity. Ss work in groups of 5 -6. In five minutes, Ss write down as many festival for each group in 3 as possible. The group with the most festivals is the winner.

- Work in groups

III. Consolidation

- Ask ss to recall the lesson

- Listen and take note the assignment

IV.Home work

- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.

- Prepare next lesson. Unit 9. Lesson 2 A closer look 1

Lesson 2/70: A CLOSER LOOK 1

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Use the lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world"

- Pronounce two-syllable words with correct stress in isolation and in context.

2. Skills: Listening and reading skills.

3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.

4. Competencies: Talking about some traditional festivals in the country.

B. Preparation

- Teaching aids: Textbook, posters, picture, tape and radio

C. Procedure


Warm up

Saying food or drink and their taste

- Divide the class into 2 teams

- One student in each group says aloud the name of food or drink, the one in other group says out its taste

A. Vocabulary

- Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab

- Use different techniques to teach.

* Checking: Jumbled words

* Vocabulary

- parade


diễu hành

- celebratory


lễ kỉ niệm

- carnival


ngày hội

- various



- gather


tụ họp

- pumpkin


quả bí ngô

- compete


thi thố

- adopt


nhận nuôi

1. a. (P28)

- Ss complete the table individually and then compare their answers with a partner. call three Ss to the board to write their answers. Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. Confirm the correct answers. Replay the recording for Ss to repeat the words.

- Ask ss to listen to the recording to check, pause after each instruction then ask them to repeat

- Work individually


1. Celebration

2. Festive

3. Parade

4. Culture

5. Performance

1. b. (P28)

- Before Ss do this exercise, have them read all the sentences and guess the part of the word to be filled in each blank. Ask Ss to speak out their guesses and confirm the correct answers. Ss do this activity individually and then in pairs. Have some Ss write their answers on the board. Comment on and confirm the correct answers.

- individually


1. festival

2. Celebration

3. celebrations

4. Culture

5. Parade

6. Performance

2. In group, choose…...

- Help students how to play.

- Work in group

B. Pronunciation.

3. Listen and repeat the words…

Have Ss read out the words first. Then play the recording for them to listen and repeat the words. Play the recording as many times as necessary

- Listen and repeat


on 1 syllable

on 2nd syllable

gather relax
picture enjoy
artist hotel
lovely describe
famous rename

4. Circle the word…..

Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. Confirm the correct answers. Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the words. Ss practice reading the words.

Ss circle the words individually, then compare their answers in pairs. Have some Ss give their answers. Write them on the board.

Key: 1. balloon

2. complete

3. prepare

4. alone

5. tidy

5. Read the following….

Play the recording and stop after each underlined word for Ss to check their answers. Play the recording again for Ss to repeat each sentence.

Ss word in pair to practice the sentences. Call some Ss read the sentences out loud.

Ss do this exercise individually first then compare their answers with a parner. Calll some Ss to go to the board and write their answers.

IV. Homework

- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.

- Guide ss how to do ex (Workbook)

- Prepare next lesson. Unit 9. Lesson 3 A closer look 2.

- Listen and take note

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