Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 8: Films mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 8: Films mới, chuẩn nhất

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Global success, Friends Plus bản word chuẩn kiến thức, trình bày đẹp mắt:

Lesson 1/62: Getting started

A. Aims and objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to extend and practice vocabulary related to the topic “Films” through the dialogue between Duong and Mai about films.

2. Skills: Listening and reading.

3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards watching films.

4. Competencies: Use language to ask and answer about films

B. Content:

- Vocab: vocabulary related to films

- Grammar: Suggestion, adverb clause with although.

- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, tape and radio

D. Procedures:


I. Warm up: Brainstorming

- Elicit any information ss know about films by asking about types of film they know, the latest films they have seen , their favorite films and film stars

- Use the pictures in textbook to introduce the new lesson

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 8: Films mới, chuẩn nhất

II. The new lesson

* Teaching new words

- Teacher elicits the words from students.

- Follow the seven steps of teching vocab.

* Checking: What and where

1.Listen and read

- T uses the pictures in the textbook to set the scene and asks some questions:

Where are Phong and his sister Mai ?

What are they talking about?

- Ask ss to listen and read the conversation.

- Play the recording twice

- Ask ss to read the conversation aloud in pairs.

a. Answer the questions

- Ask ss to work individually to choose the correct answer to the questions.

- Ask ss to read aloud the answers.

- T confirms the correct answers

b. Find the questions in the conversation that ask about Coconut Crazy

- Run through the phrases

- Ask ss to work in pairs to look at the conversation and find the questions.

- Call on some pairs to read aloud and some ss to write on the board.

- Ask ss to listen, check and repeat the questions

2. Matching the types of films with their definitions..

- Run through the phrases and sentences

- Ask ss to work individually to match the types of films with their definitions.

- Play the recording for ss to check their answers then ask them to repeat.

- Correct their pronunciation if necessary

- Help ss translate them into Vietnamese

3a. Think of a film. Fill in the blank

- Have ss work dependently , filling in the table with the information of the films they have seen recently. Remind them to use the words and phrases they have learnt in 2 and from the conversation.

b. In pairs, interview each other and try to guess the film

- Ask ss to study the example.

- T models with a good student.

- Ask ss to work in pairs

- Go around to help weak students

- Call on some pairs to practise

- horror film


phim kinh dị

- frightening


khủng khiếp

- comedy


hài kịch

- critic


nhà phê bình

- thriller


phim ly kỳ, giật gân

- documentary


phim tài liệu

- animation


phim hoạt hình

- plot


cốt truyện

- review


bài phê bình

- stunt


trò nguy hiểm

- star


đóng vai chính

- Listen to teacher and answer questions

- Practice the conversation in pairs

- Work individually to choose the correct answer to the questions.

* Answer key:

1-B 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-B

- Work in pairs to find the questions.

* Key:

a. What kind of films is it?

b. What does it stars?

c. What is it about?

d. What do critics say about it?

- Listen and repeat the questions

- Work individually to match the types of films with their definitions.


1-d 5-b

2-f 6-e

3-a 7-h

4-c 8-g

- Work dependently, filling in the table with the information of the films they have seen recently.

- Possible answer:

Mr. Bean

Type of film: hilarious

Actor: Rowan Atkinson

Plot: Mr Bean's funny action

Reviews: very funny and relaxed.

- Work in pairs to interview

III. Consolidation

- Sum up the lesson

IV. Homework

- Learn by heart all the new words and structures.

- Guide ss how to do Ex B1,2

- Prepare: A closer look 1


- Take note

Lesson 2/63: A closer look 1

A. Aims and objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- use the lexical items related to the topic films

- pronounce correctly the -ed ending in verbs

2. Skills: Listening and reading.

3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards watching films.

4. Competencies: Know how to use Ing- ADJ and Ed-ADj, know how to use the past simple tense

B. Preparation:

- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, posters, tape and radio

C. Procedures:


I. Warm up

- Ask ss to write the name of the film they like on a piece of paper and keep secret.

- T call one student to stand in front of the class and ask him/her to give some clues . Others ask Yes- No questions to ask and guess the name of the film.

Guessing Game

II.The new lesson


T elicits Vocab from ss

Check: RỎR

Ask sts to copy down.



vui nhộn, hài hước



thú vị



sợ hãi



xúc động



có nhiều cảnh bạo lực



thú vị, làm hài lòng



thất vọng



cảm thấy khiếp sợ

A. Vocabulary

1. Add some adjectives

- Run through the adjectives that are often used to describe films.

- Ask ss to work in pairs to add some more.

Complete the sentences …

- Ask ss to work independently to complete the sentences

- Call on some ss to write the answers on the board.

- Confirm the correct answers


- Ask ss to study the Remember box. Draw ss' attentionto the difference in use and meaning between -ed and -ing adjectives by analyzing the examples in the Remember box. Then ask ss to give examples.

- Remind ss that they should use a good dictionary to check theit meaning and use

2.Complete the table with the -ed and -ing forms of the adjectives.

- Ask ss to work individually to complete the table.

- Let ss read aloud and some ss write on the board.

- Translate each pair of adjectives to check ss' understanding

- T confirms the correct answers

3. Choose the correct adjectives

- Ask ss to do the exercise individually and check with the whole class.

4.a Work in pairs. Tell your partner how you felt, using -ed adjectives

- Run through the questions

- Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer.

- Call on come pairs to practise. - Confirm the correct answer.



2. moving

3. boring

4. gripping

5. shocking

6. scary

7. violent

8. entertaining

- Pay attention

- We use -ed adjectives to describe someone's feelings and -ing adjectives to describe something or people (that cause the feelings)

- Work individually to complete the table


1. interested


3. exciting

4. disappointed

5. exhausted

6. surprising

7. confused

8 . frightening

- Work individually to complete the table


1. moving

2. frightening

3. disappointed

4. amazed

5. terrified

Possible answers:

Possible answers

b. Use -ing adjectives to describe these things

- Run through the questions

- Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer.

- Call on come pairs to practise. - Confirm the correct answers

B. Pronunciation

/t/, /d/ and /id/

5. Listen and repeat the verbs

- T models the sounds/t/, /d/, and /id/ in different words with the ending-ed.

6. Ask and answer questions about the pictures

- Let ss study the example, the pictures and cues

/t/: after an unvoiced consonant( k, f, p, s, /ʃ/, /tʃ/)

/d/: after a voiced vowel or voiced consonant

/id/: after the sound /t/ and/d/


/t/: watched, danced, walked

/id/: waited, needed, hated

/d/: played, bored, closed

III. Consolidation

- Sum up the lesson

- How to pronounce the sounds

/ d/./id/ and / t/

IV. Homework

- Learn by heart all the new words and practice listening.

- Guide ss how to do A1,2 /10

- Prepare: A closer look 2

- Answer

- Take note

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