Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 7: Traffic mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 7: Traffic mới, chuẩn nhất

Xem thử Giáo án Anh 7 Global success Xem thử Giáo án Anh 7 Friends Plus

Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Global success, Friends Plus bản word chuẩn kiến thức, trình bày đẹp mắt:

Lesson 1/55: Getting Started

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic "Traffic", use "How............?" to ask about means of transport

2. Skills: Listening and speaking skills.

3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude while working together.

4. Competencies: Talking about past habbits with "used to"

B. Preparation

- Teaching aids: Textbook, poster, tape and radio

C. Procedures


Warm up Matching (3 P7)

- ? Run through all the words and phrases in 3 P7.

? Match a verb on the left with a mean of transport on the right.

- There may be more than one correct answers.

? Read again in chorus.


1. ride a bike

2. drive a car

3. fly a plane

4. sail on/in a boat

5. get on/ get off a bus/ a train/ a bike/ a motorbike....

I. Pre-listen and read

1. Vocabulary

- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia)

- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab.

* Checking vocab: R.O.R

2. Choose a correct answer (1a P7)

* Set the scene:

? Look at page 6

? "Monday in the play ground in Viet

? Who are Oanh and Mai?

? What may they talk about?

? Run through the questions in 1a P7

? Guess and choose a suitable answer before listening.

? Listen to the conversation once or twice then check your answer.

- Teacher gets feedback

- used to


đã từng

- traffic jam


sự tắc ngẽn giao thông

- except


ngoại trừ, trừ ra

- Repeat in chorus and individually

- Copy all the words

- Individual work

- They are students.

- They may talk about........

Key: 1B 2. A 3. B 4. C

II. While - listen and read

1. Answer the questions (1b P7)

- ? Read the conversation again then answer the questions in 1b P7

? Work in pairs


1. She played with her brother/ stayed at home.

2. It's about 2 kilometers.

3. She usually goes to school with her dad.

4. Because sometimes there are traffic jams.

5. She goes to school by bike.

2. Colloquial expressions

? Refer back to the conversation and find the meaning of the colloquial expressions in 1c P7

? Practice saying them together and give some examples

? Role-play the short conver. in 1d P7.

? Creat your short conversations. Use the colloquial expressions in 1c P7

? Work in pairs

1. Hey: to have someone's attention

2. Great idea: when you strongly support or agree with something

3. Can't wait: very excited and keen to do something.

III. Practice.

1. Model sentences (Remember)

- Elicit the question from students

? Practice asking and answering questions using "How"? Recall how to use a passive sentence.

2. Write the words (2 P7)

? Work in pairs. Write the means of transport under the right pictures.

- Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

3. Find someone who never....(4 P7)

- Teacher models

? Work in groups

- Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

- How do you come to school? = By what means do you come to school??

- How do you go to the supermarket? = By what means do you go to the supermarket?

1. bike/ bicycle

2. bus

3. plane

4. boat

5. ship

6. train

7. motorbike

8. car

Find someone who never.......

1. ...walks to school


2. ...goes to school by bus

3. ...cycles for exercise

4. ...takes a train

5.... sails on/in a boat

6. ... flies by plane

A: Do you often walk to school?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Do you often walk to school?

C (Nam): No. I never walk to school.

IV. Consolidation

? Report find someone who never...

? Sum up the main content of the lesson.

- Answer individually

E.g: Nam never walks to school

V. Homework

- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.

- Listen and take note the assignments

Lesson 2/56: A closer look 1

A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- use the lexical items related to the topic "Traffic"

- know meaning of road signs

- pronounce sounds /e/ and /ei / correctly ion isolation and in context

2. Skills: Listening and speaking skills.

3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards obeying the transportation rules.

4. Competencies: Talking about the meaning of the road signs

B. Preparation

- Teaching aids: Textbook, tape and radio

C. Procedures


I. Warm up


? Give all the road signs you see every day on the way to school

? Write as many words as possible

? Read again in chorus.


- stop

- no left turn/ no right turn

- parking/ no parking

- go ahead

- no cycling

- one-way


II. Vocabulary

1. Vocabulary

- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia)

- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab.

* Checking vocab: Labeling (2 P8)

? Label the road signs in 1 with the words/ phrases in 2

? Read all the phrases in chorus

- Teacher explains the meaning if necessary.

2. Look out

- Ask students to divide the road signs in 1 into three groups: informative, prohibitive, and warning base on their shapes and colours.

- Teacher gets feedback and explains

? Give more examples

- traffic sign/ road sign


- biển báo giao thông

- lane


làn đường, đường hẹp

- seatbelt/ safety belt


đai an toàn

- traffic rule


luật giao thông

- obey


tuân theo

- pavement


vỉa hè (cho người đi bộ)

- Repeat in chorus and individually

- Copy all the words


1. traffic lights

2. no parking

3. no right turn

4. hospital ahead

5. parking

6. cycle lane

7. school ahead

8. no cycling

- A sign within a red triangle will warn you of something

- Signs with red circles are mostly prohibitive - that means you can't not do something

- Signs in blue are usually to give information

3. Talk about the road signs (3 87)

? Work in pairs and talk about the road signs you see on the way to school (or elsewhere).

- Teacher goes around and give assistance if necessary, and check their answers.


A: On the way to school, I can see a "no left turn" sign.

B: On my way to school there is a hospital, so I can see a "hospital ahead" sign.

III. Pronunciation.

1. Sounds /e/ and /ei/

? How to pronounce the sounds /e/ and /ei/?

- Teacher models and give examples.

- Ask students to observe teacher's mouth and listen carefully

? Practice the sounds together

2. Listen and repeat (4 P9)

? Listen to the recording 2 or 3 times

? Repeat in chorus

? Read individually.

3. Identify the sounds (5 P9))

- Play the recording 2 or 3 times

? Listen and distinguish the sound /e/ and /ei/.

? Recognize all the words with the two sounds, then underline them as assigned

? Work in groups and find words with the two sounds

- Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

- listen and repeat

- pair work







break, way



railway station


always, obey, safety


left, when



They, waiting, train


IV. Consolidation

? Sum up the main content of the lesson.

- Answer individually

- Remember

V. Homework

- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures.

? Do Ex A1,2 P3 (workbook)

- Prepare: Unit 7: A closer look 2

- Listen and take note the assignments

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