Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Review 2 mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Review 2 mới, chuẩn nhất

Xem thử Giáo án Anh 7 Global success Xem thử Giáo án Anh 7 Friends Plus

Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Global success, Friends Plus bản word chuẩn kiến thức, trình bày đẹp mắt:

Period 51: Pronunciation – Grammar - Vocabulary

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- revise pronunciation, vocab, grammar from unit 4 to unit 6.

- review the knowledge of pronunciation - Grammar - vocabulary from unit 4 to unit 6: especially the passive voice.

2. Skills: Reading, writing skills and language function.

3. Attitude: Students won't have enough time to complete activities.

4. Competencies: Students are interested in doing exercises.

II. Teaching aids: Textbooks, teaching plan.

III. Procedure:

Time Teacher's activities Students' activities


1. Warm up: In the teaching

2. New lesson:


I. Pronunciation:

- Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and then share their answers with a partner.

- Gets feedback.

I. Pronunciation:

Activity 1: work individually in 1'

1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C


II. Vocabulary:

- Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and then share their answers with a partner.

- Gets feedback.

II. Vocabulary:

Activity 2: work individually in 2'

1. music

2. food

3. art

4. drink

5. univisity

6. temple


III. Grammar:

- Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and checks the answer keys.

- Asks some Ss to read it again.

- Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and then share their answers with a partner.

- Gets feedback.

- Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and then share their answers with a partner.

- Gets feedback.

III. Grammar:

Activity 3: work individually in 2'

1. How many

2. How much

3. How much

4. How many

5. a

6. much

7. some

8. many

Activity 4: work individually in 3'

1. I think classical music is as exciting as country music.

2. These clothes are not as expensive as I


3. My taste in art is the same as hers ( her taste)

4. The price of foods in Ha Noi is not the same as it is in Hai Phong.

5. Life in viet nam is different from life in England.

Activity 5: work individually in 3'

1. The song Auld Lang Syne is sung on some occasions.

2. Viet Nam's anthem Tien Quan Ca was composed by Van Cao.

3. Water puppetry is performed in a pool.

4. A lot of meat was bought (by his mother) yesterday.

5. Rice noodles are made from the best variety of rice.


IV. Everyday English:

- Asks Ss to practise in pairs.

- Monitors and helps weak Ss.

- Gets feedback.

* Asks Ss to make up your dialogue about some activities they like. It is the same as a dialogue in activity 6.

- Monitors and helps weak Ss.

- Gets feedback.

3. Homework:

- Complete all the exercises to prepare to take the first term test.

IV. Everyday English:

Activity 6: work in pairs in 3'

1. C 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. D

* Make up your dialogue about some activities they like. It is the same as a dialogue in activity 6.


A: Do you like to play.......?

B: Yes, I do.

A: How often............?

B: .........................

A: Who do you play it with?

B: .........................



Period 52: Skills

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- revise skills from unit 4 to unit 6.

- review the knowledge of skills from unit 4 to unit 6: especially the writing skill.

2. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3. Attitude: Students must be active in working together.

4. Competencies: Students are interested in doing exercises.

II. Teaching aids: Textbooks, teaching plan.

III. Procedure:

Time Teacher's activities Students' activities


1. Warm up: In the teaching

2. New lesson:

- Activity 1:

Asks Ss to read and complete the answer individually and check with a partner.

- Monitors and helps weak Ss.

- Gets feedback.

I. Reading:

Work individually and share with a partner in 5'

Gone with the Wind: 3, 5

A Space Odyssey: 1, 2, 4


- Activity 2:

Asks Ss to work in pairs: mPlan a trip to a place, asking and asnwering questions with the suggestions.


T: Where would U like to go?

Ss: ..............................................

T: When wwould U like to go there?

Ss: ...................................................

T: Who would U like to go with?

Ss: ..............................................

T: How do U want to go there?

Ss: ..................................................

T: What would U like to bring / take with U?

Ss: ..................................................

T: What do U want to do there?

Ss: ......................................................

- Monitors and help weak Ss.

- Gets feedback.

II. Speaking:

T - a good student

2 good Ss practise in class.

Work in pairs in 5'



Where to go?

When to go?

With whom?

How to go?

What to take?

What to do?


Activity 3:

- Has Ss work in groups taking turns talking about arrangements for the trip. Then asks each group to choose the Ss who does the task best to talk in front of the class. Asks some other Ss to give comments.


Activity 4:

- Has Ss look at the Adjs which the man uses to describe his meal in a restaurant.

Plays the recording once for Ss to listen and tick their answers.

III. Listening:

- Runs through vocab.

- Listen and tick.



2 nice












Work in individually and share with a partner.


Activity 5:

- Asks Ss to look at the menu. Plays the cording again for Ss to complete the menu. After Ss have finished the two exercises.




Main dish

Fish, vegetables


An ice cream


A cup of tea.

- Yes, it is.


? Is this food delicious?

Activity 6:

- Asks Ss to look at the pictures in textbooks and tell ingredents.

- Look at the pictures and write the instructions of how to cook a mushroom omelette.

- Monitors and helps weak Ss.

- Gets feedback and corrects their writings.

Ex: First, slice the mushrooms.

Then, beat the eggs in the bowl.

Next, add some salt to the egg mixture.

After that, pour the eggs into a frying pan. Add the mushrooms and cook.

Finally, fold the omelette in half.

IV. Writing:

Ss tell in class

Some Ss talk in class

Write individually and share with a friend.



3. Homework:

- Review well and complete all the exercises in exsercise books.

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