Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 6: The first university in Viet Nam mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 6: The first university in Viet Nam mới, chuẩn nhất

Xem thử Giáo án Anh 7 Global success Xem thử Giáo án Anh 7 Friends Plus

Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Global success, Friends Plus bản word chuẩn kiến thức, trình bày đẹp mắt:


A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand some information about the Temple of Literature and the Imperial Academy.

2. Skills: Listening, reading and speaking skills.

3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards the historic and cultural places.

4. Competencies: Giving advice to a specific situation.

B. Preparation

- Teaching aids: Cassette, CD, pictures of the Temple of Literature and Imperial Academy.

- Anticipated problems: Some students may get confused how much and how many.

C. Procedure



I. Warm up:

Chatting: Show the pictures of the Temple of Literature and Imperial Academy.

- Listen to the teacher and then answer the questions.

? Do you know what is it?

? Where is it?

? Do you know any historic information about it?

- Say if they know more about the Imperial Academy.


II. New Lesson:

1. vocabulary:

- arrange (v)- example/- arrangement (n)

- to make arrangement for….

- Imperial Academy (n)

- historic (n)- word form

- cultural (a)

- contain (v)

- found (v) thành lập/ Foundation (n)

- locate(v) (synonym with put)

- location (n)


2. Listen and read:

- Set the scene: Ask Sts to look at the picture in the book and then answer:

? Who are they

? What are they doing

? What are they talking about

- Play the CD, ask Sts to listen and check their answer for the prediction questions.

-Practice the dialogue in pairs and:

a. Answer the questions:

( Questions in the book/p59)

- Get feed back

b. Read again and complete the table

Things Mai needs to take and the reasons why

Things Mai doesn’t need to take and the reasons why not

- Get feedback and give the correct answer.

+ Call some Sts to answer

+ correct if necessary.

- Introduce new model sentences:

+ It’s a good idea to take warm clothes.

+ You’d better

+ You don’t need (to take) an umbrella

+ It’s not necessary to take

⇒ Use: To give the advice

3. Speaking: Have Sts imagine that they are going to have a trip to a temple or a pagoda.

a. Look at the table and tick the items you would like to take with you.


Warm clothes


Bottled water




Mobile phone


b. eg: I’ll take warm clothes because It’ll be cold. (or: I’d like to take…../I’ll need…..) c. Giving advice to you partner about what to take and not to take on the trip, give the reasons why. Eg: A: I want to take a trip to Sapa. B: You’d better take warm clothes because it’s cold.

- Listen and take notes new words in the notebook.

- Predict to answer the questions

- Listen to the CD

- Work in pairs: Read and answer


1. She’s going to visit the Temple of Literature-the Imperial Academy.

2. It’s the first University in Viet Nam

3. About one thousand years ago/ In the 21th century.

4. In the center of Hanoi

5. Because it will be cold.

- Work in groups.

- Check and note down the answers.

Things Mai needs to take and the reasons why

Things Mai doesn’t need to take and the reasons why not

Warm clothes-will be cold

An umbrella-cold(winter) and not much sunlight or rain

Camera-take photos of interesting things

- Note down the new model sentences

– Ask Sts to work in pairs: Tell your partner about three items you would take with you for the trip and explain why

- Work individually: Tick the table.

- Work in pairs in three minutes.

- Work in pairs

- listen to the situation. Work in groups


4. Making an arrangement for a trip.

- Set the scene: Imagine your class is planning a trip to Huong pagoda. Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions and fill in the table.

- Get two students make an example.

Control Sts to work and then get feedback.

5. Home work:

- Learn by heart all the new words

- Learn by heart the new form

- Some Sts make an example

A: Where will we go?

B: We’ll go to Huong Pago da

A: Who would you like to go with us?

C: I’d like to go with Mr. D

Where to go

Huong pagoda

When to go

Who to go with

How to get there

What to take

What to do

- Note down the homework


A. Aims and objectives.

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about some historic places in Viet Nam, especially the Temple of Literature- Imperial Academy. Know how to pronounce the sounds /ᵗᶴ/ - /ᵈᶾ/ , Use the prepositions to describe the position of an item.

2. Skills: Listening and speaking skills.

3. Attitude: Sts must have good attitude towards the historic and cultural places.

4. Competencies: Describing an items.

B. Preparation

- Teaching aids: Cassette, CD, pictures of the Temple of Literature and Imperial Academy.

- Anticipated problems: Some students may get confused how much and how many.

C. Procedure



I. Warm up

- Greeting

- Checking the old lesson: Games: Gap filling

1. I_mpe_ial A_adem_

2. C_ltu_al

3. co-sid-r

4. u-niv-rsi-y

5. d-fin-tel-

6. Co-t-ins

7. f-und

8. l-cat-

- Play games in groups


II. New Lesson

1. Vocabulary

Exercise 1: Match the words with the pictures

? How many pictures can you see?

? How many phrases of words are there?

? What do you do now?

- Let Sts work in groups of four and do the matching exercise.

- Get feedback and give the keys.

1-d 2-c 3-e 4-b 5-a

- Look at the pictures in the book and answer the teacher’s question.

- Work in groups of four

- Note down the key.


2. Listen and match

- Have Sts look at the layout of the Temple of Literature-the Imperial Academy. Ask them to guess the names of the sections in the layout.

- Play the cassette twice, once for Sts to listen to the entire recording, and once for them to put the names of the sections in the layout.

- Get feedback. Play the third time to check if necessary.

- Guess what is in each numbered position.

- Listen carefully.

- Give answers and note down the correction if necessary.


1. Van Mieu gate

2. Khue Van pavilion

3. Thien Tinh Quang well

4. Doctor’s stone tablets

5. The temple of Literature.


3. Speaking:

Ask Sts to work in pairs and describe the layout of the Temple of Literature, use the prepositions in the box.

- Give an example: The Temple of Literature includes four main gates and five courtyards.

- Feedback and correct if necessary.

- Work in pairs

- Listen and repeat

- Practice

- Write the answers on the board.


4. Pronunciation:

- Pronounce the sounds /ᵗᶴ/ - /ᵈᶾ/

- Play the recording and ask sts to repeat, pay attention to the sounds /ᵗᶴ/ - /ᵈᶾ/

- Have two sts write their answers on the board.

- Check and give the keys.

- Play the recording, Ask Sts to listen and repeat the chants.

- Teacher notices Sts about the lip position for the sound the two sounds.

- Ask Sts to read aloud.

- Write words with the sounds /ᵗᶴ/ - /ᵈᶾ/ in the correct column.

- Feedback: Call two Sts to write them on the board. Check and give the correct answers.

- Keys:

+ /ᵗᶴ/: children, chair, architectural, cultural, watch, teach, question.

+ /ᵈᶾ/: job, jeans, engineer, heritage, village

- Listen and repeat

- Write


+ /ᵗᶴ/: chicken, chop, cherry, children, chip, cheap, cheaper, which, lunch.

+/ᵈᶾ/: orange, jam, juice, Jill, John


III. Homework:

- Learn by heart the new words.

- Practice the sentences again.

- Prepare the next lesson.

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