Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 1: Family Life mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 1: Family Life mới, chuẩn nhất

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Global Success, Friends Global bản word chuẩn kiến thức, trình bày đẹp mắt:

Unit 1: Getting Started


1. Language focus: To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 1

     - For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to household chores and duties

     - For pronunciation, that is how to pronounce /tr, kr, br/

     - For grammar, that is the distinction between the present simple and the present progressive

2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 1

     - Reading: Read about the benefits of sharing housework

     - Speaking: Exchange opinions about household chores

     - Listening: Listen to people talk about the roles of family members

     - Writing: Write about doing household chores in the family

3. Attitudes: - To help Ss get started for Unit 1 with the topic "family life"

     - To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher: - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

     - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students: - Read through English Unit 1 - getting started at home


1. Class organization: (1 minute)

2. Check up: (omitted)

3. New lesson: (40 minutes)



Lead in

Ask Ss if they often do housework and what housework each member of their family does

Ask them look at the pictures and guess what they show

Mother: cook/prepare meals (do the cooking), wash the clothes (do all the laundry),

You: clean/sweep/mop the house/the floor, Father: take out the garbage, do some cooking

- She's busy doing her work. She spends time both going out to work and taking after her family

- She's a student. She is busy doing her homework. She often has too much homework to do but she also helps with the housework

- He also goes out to work to support the family, but

he also shares the household tasks with his family member

1. Listen and read

Ask Ss listen to the recording and read the conversation

- ask sb out for a game of tennis - go out with sb

- prepare dinner - do the cooking

- work late - help with the housework/cooking

- share the household duties - study for exams

- divide household chores - split the chores equally

- shops for groceries/ do shopping - clean the house

- do the heavy lifting

- do all the laundry/ wash the clothes

- do the washing up/ wash the dishes

- take out the rubbish/garbage

- handle/take responsibility for/ be responsible for most of the chores around the house

- be responsible for the household finances

- homemaker - breadwinner

- housework, household/ domestic


2. Work in pairs. Decide whether the statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG) and tick the correct box.

Ask Ss to work in pairs and do the task Asks Ss to give the reasons for their answers

1. F 2. NG 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. NG

3. Listen and repeat the words/phrases

Ask Ss to listen to the recording and repeat the words/phrases

household chores household finances

heavy lifting laundry

rubbish groceries

washing - up

4. Write the verbs/verb phrases that are used with the words/phrases in the conversation

Ask Ss refer back to the conversation and do the task

split, divide, handle (household) chores

take out rubbish do laundry

shop for groceries do heavy lifting do washing - up

be responsible for household finances

4. Consolidation: (3 mins) - Household chores mentioned in the conversation

     - Practice the conversation

5. Homework: (1 min) - Household chores mentioned in the conversation

     - Practice the conversation

     - Do the task again - Read Unit 1 - Language at home




Unit 1: Language


1. Language focus:- To provide learners some language items in Unit 1

     - For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to household chores and duties

     - For pronunciation, that is how to pronounce /tr, kr, br/

     - For grammar: the distinction between the present simple and the present progressive

2. Skills: - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder - To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher: - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

     - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students: - Read through English Unit 1 - language at home


1. Class organization: (1 minute)

2. Check up: (5 minutes)

- Ask some Ss to write some new words and do the tasks again

3. New lesson: (35 minutes)




1. Matching the words and phrases with their meaning below


Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the results with their partner

1. f 2. e 3. a 4. h

5. b 6. g 7. d 8. c

- the act of washing plates, glasses, pans

- an action that requires physical strength

- a person who manage the home, raise children

- earn money from a job - instead of

- routine task

- food/ other goods at a shop/ supermarket

2. List all the household chores that are mentioned in the conversation. Then add more chores to the list.

Ask Ss to work in pair. Read the conversation again and do the task

Elicit more chores to add to the list

- prepare dinner - cook (do the cooking)

- shop - clean the house

- take out the rubbish - do the laundry

- do the washing up - do the heavy lifting

- be responsible for the household chores


- mop/sweep/tidy up the house - bathe the baby

- feed the baby - water the house plants

- feed the cat and dog - iron/fold/put away the clothes

- lay the table for meals - mow the lawn

3. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below.

Ask Ss to work individually, read their

list of chores and write down the

person who does each of the chores

Let Ss work in pairs or in groups to ask

and answer the questions

I often help my parents V/to V

I often help with N/Ving in my

family I take the responsibility for


I am responsible for

My main responsibility is to V



1. Listen and repeat

Play the recording and let Ss listen

Play it again with pauses for them

to repeat each word

Do as appointed

/tr/ trash

/kr/ crane, crack

/br/ brush

2. Listen to the sentences and circle the word you hear.

Ask Ss to read the word in rows paying attention to the difference between the sound clusters

Play the recording and let Ss listen to

the sentences and circle the word they hear

1. Her brother borrowed her motorbike and crashed it - b

2. The crane has been there for quite a while - b

3. I like bread with butter - c

4. Is it true that he quit? - a


1. Read the text and choose the correct verb form

Let Ss read the text individually once and ask them to pay attention to the words/phrases such as every day, today, at the moment

Ask them to work in pairs to compare their answers

Elicit the use of the present simple and the present progressive

- daily habits and routines

- is happening or not happening now, at the moment of speaking

1. does 2. cooks 3. cleans 4. is watching

5. is doing 6. is doing 7. is tidying up 8. is trying

- housewife - do most of the housework

- Mother's Day - do it all for her

- watch one's favourite programme on TV

- try hard - make it a special day for sb

2. Use the verbs in brackets in their correct form to complete the sentences

Let Ss work in pairs to give the answers Ask them to give clues for their answers

1. does, is not cooking, is working 2. is taking out

3. cleans, is cleaning 4. is preparing

5. look after, works 6. is watching, watches

- work on an urgent report

- prepare for one's exams divide the duties in the house

look after the children work to earn money

watch out now = presently = currently

4. Consolidation: (3 mins) - Vocabulary related to household chores

     - The present simple Vs the present progressive - The pronunciation of /tr, cr, br/

5. Homework: (1 min) - Vocabulary related to household chores

     - The present simple Vs the present progressive - The pronunciation of /tr, cr, br/

     - Do the task again - Read Unit 1 - Reading at home




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