Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 5: Inventions mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 5: Inventions mới, chuẩn nhất

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Global Success, Friends Global bản word chuẩn kiến thức, trình bày đẹp mắt:

Unit 5: Getting Started

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, students are able to:

     + Use words and phrases related to the topic Inventions

     + Role play, practicing listening and speaking

2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 5

     - Reading: Read about natural world as inspiration for inventions.

     - Speaking: Talk about Inventions, their uses and their benefits.

     - Listening: Listen for specific information from an interview.

     - Writing: Write about the benefits of an inventors.

3. Educational aims - To help Ss get started for Unit 5 with the topic "Inventions"

     - To provide Ss some motivation

II. Methods:Integrated, mainly communicative.

III. Teaching aids: - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

     - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil…

IV. Procedures:

1. Class organization:

2. Old lesson checking (Omitted)

3. New lesson:




- Give some pictures and writes the names of these inventions on board:

a. Electric cooker   b. Refrigerator   c. Television   d. Washing machine

e. Computer   f. Cassette player   g. Air conditioner   h. Fax machine

- Ask sts to give name for the each modern invention.

- Ask some sts to read their names aloud and then give remarks.

- Lead sts into new lesson.


Activity 1

- Ask students to look at the picture and tell them the

two people in the picture are Phong and his father.

Let students guess what Phong and his father are talking about.

- Play the recording. Have students listen and read silently.

- Tell students not to worry about the new vocabulary or grammar points.


Activity 1

- Look at the picture.

- Guess what Phong and his father are talking about.

- Listen to the conversation and read after silently.

Activity 2

- Get sts to work in pairs to do the task.

- Call on sts to give the answers on the board.

- Check and correct the answers.

- Expected answers:

1. He promises to reward Phong if Phong passes the English test

2. Because his old mobiphone is still good.

3. Computers have changed our lives in many ways: faster communication (emails),

free entertainment (online games), convenient shopping (online shopping), etc.

4. He will use his laptop for listening to music, chatting with friends, playing games,

researching topics on the web and typing his assignment.

5. (Answers may vary)

Activity 2

- Work in pairs to do the task.

- Write the answers on the board.

- Check and correct the answers.

Activity 3

- Firstly, get sts to work individually to do the task.

- Ask sts to compare the answers with a partner.

- Call on sts to give the answers on the board.

- Check and correct the answers.

- Expected answers:  1. C  2. A  3. D  4. B

Activity 3

- Firstly, work individually to do the task.

- Work in pairs to compare the answers.

- Write the answers on the board.

- Check and correct the answers.

4. Consolidation: - Talking about some inventions and their benefits

     - Practice the conversation

5. Homework: - Practice the conversation

     - Do the task again - Read Unit 5 - Language at home




Unit 5: Language

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, students are able to:

     - Understand the formation of compound nouns and their meanings

     - Identify the stress patterns of compound nouns and noun groups

     - Use the gerunds and to infinitives to talk about the uses or purposes of something

     - Use present perfect tense to describe an event or action happening in the past but having result in the present.

2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 5

     - Reading: Read about natural world as inspiration for inventions.

     - Speaking: Talk about Inventions, their uses and their benefits.

     - Listening: Listen for specific information from an interview.

     - Writing: Write about the benefits of an inventors.

3. Educational aims - To help Ss get started for Unit 5 with the topic "Inventions"

     - To provide Ss some motivation

II. Methods:Integrated, mainly communicative.

III. Teaching aids: - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

     - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil…

IV. Procedures:

1. Class organization:

2. Old lesson checking (Omitted)

3. New lesson:




Activity 1

- Explain to the students that the meaning of a compound noun

is not always based on the meaning of its parts.

- Help them to use the dictionary to look for meanings of five compound nouns and their parts.

- Prepare some pictures of a video game, a smart phone, a laptop,

and an e-book reader for illustration, if students don’t know these things.

Key a

1. Video game: a game in which players control and move images on a screen (video:

film or image; game: something you play for fun)

2. Smartphone: a mobile phone that has some functions of a computer

(smart: intelligent, computer-controlled, phone: a telephone)

3. Laptop: a portable, small computer that can work with a battery

(lap: top part of your leg; top: upper surface)


Activity 1

- Listen to the T’s explanation.

- Figure out the meanings of five compound nouns and their parts.

Key a

4. E-book: A book that is displayed on a computer screen or an electronic

device (electronic using microchips to control a small electric current; book: a written work)

5. Email: a way of sending messages to other people by using a computer

(electronic: using microchips to control a small electric current; mail: post, letter)

b. No, not always (e.g: laptop)

Activity 2

- Explain the formation of compound nouns.

+ N + N + N + Adj + V-ing + N

- Remind sts that some compound nouns are written as one word ( e.g: bedroom), some as

two words (e.g. swimming pool), ans some with a hyphen (-) in between ( e.g. mother-in-law ).

- Get sts to complete the task in pairs.

- Elicit sts’ answers.

- Check and correct the answers.

Activity 2

- Listen to the T

- Take notes

- Work in pairs

- Give the answers

- Check and correct the answers.

-Key b

1. d pencil case  4. c headphones

2. e blackboard  5. b food processor

3. a washing machine


Activity 1

- Explain some simple rules of stress in 2 syllable words.

1. Đa số các động từ 2 âm tiết thì trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 2

Ex: En’joy -  co’llect -   es’cape -  de’stroy -

en’joy   - re’peat  - A’llow   - as’sist   - ac’cept  re’lax -

a’ttract -  a’ccent -  Ex’plain -  de’scend

- for’get  - a’llow  - main’tain  - con’sent

Chú ý: động từ tận cùng bằng ow; en; y; el; er; le; ish: trọng âm ở âm tiết thứ nhất

Ex: ‘offer, ‘happen , ‘answer , ‘enter , ‘listen , ‘open, ‘finish, ‘study, ‘follow, ‘narrow...

2. Đa số các danh từ và tính từ 2 âm tiết thì trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 1

Ex: ‘mountain ‘evening ‘butcher ‘carpet ‘busy

‘village ‘summer ‘birthday ‘porter ‘pretty ‘morning ‘winter

Ngoại trừ : ma’chine mis’take a’lone a’sleep .....

3. Danh từ ghép thường có trọng âm chính vào âm tiết 1 :

Ex: ‘raincoat   ‘tea- cup  ‘film- maker

‘shorthand ‘bookshop ‘footpath ‘shortlist ‘airline


Activity 1

- Listen to the T

- Take notes into their notebooks.

4. Tính từ ghép thường có trọng âm chính nhấn vào từ thứ 1,

nhưng nếu tính từ ghép mà từ đầu tiên là tính từ hay trạng từ hoặc

kết thúc bằng đuôi “ ed” thì trọng âm chính lại nhấn ở từ thứ 2.

Tương tự động từ ghép và trạng từ ghép có trọng âm chính nhân vào từ thứ 2 :

Ex: ‘home - sick   ‘air- sick  ‘praiseworthy  ‘water- proof  ‘trustworthy  ‘lighting- fast ,

Nhưng : bad-  ‘temper short-  ‘sighted well-‘ informed ups’tair well – ‘done

short- ‘handed north- ‘east down- ‘stream

5. Các từ kết thúc bằng các đuôi : how, what, where, thì trọng âm vào âm tiết 1 :

Ex: ‘anywhere   ‘somehow  ‘somewhere ....

6. Các từ hai âm tiết bắt đầu bằng A thì trọng âm vào âm tiết 2 :

Ex: a’bed a’bout a’bove a’back

Activity 2

- Play the recording.

- Ask Ss to listen and tick the words they hear

- Get sts to read outloud the words they hear.

- Check and correct. 1. b  2. a  3. a  4. b  5. a

Activity 2

- Listen to the recording

- Tick the words they hear.

- Read out loud the words

GRAMMAR Infinitive and gerund

Exercise 1

- Get sts to recall the use of gerunds and infinitves.

- Have sts work in pairs and groups to complete the exercise 1

- Call some sts to give the answers on the board.

- Check and correct the answers.

GRAMMAR Infinitive and gerund

Exercise 1

Recall the use of gerunds and infinitves.

1. getting; sending

2. to creat; (to) contact

3. to read   4. to play

5. chopping; mixing   6. to store

Exercise 2

- Explain the requirement of the task.

- Have 2-3 sts model the example.

- Divide class into pairs and let them do the activity.

Exercise 2

- Listen to the T

- 2-3 model the example.

- Work in pairs to do the activity.

The present perfect

Exercise 1

- Draw the timelines on the board and explain

The present perfect

Exercise 1

- Look at the timelines on the board

Exercise 2

- Have sts work in pairs and groups to complete the exercise 2

- Call some sts to give the answers on the board.

- Check and correct the answers.

Exercise 2

1. b has broken  2. d looks, has lost/lost

3. e Do you know; have forgotten/ forget

4. a have asked

5. c left; have disappeared

Exercise 3

- Have sts work in pairs and groups to complete the exercise 3

- Call some sts to give the answers on the board.

- Check and correct the answers.

Exercise 3

1. Seems   2. Have affected  3. Were

4. Have encouraged  5. Has aided

6. Have killed  7. Prefer

4. Consolidation: - Stress pattern: compound nouns and noun groups.

     - The present perfect and Infinitives and gerunds

5. Homework: - Practice the conversation

     - Do the task again - Prepare Unit 5 – Reading.




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