Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 1: Leisure activities mới, chuẩn nhất

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 1: Leisure activities mới, chuẩn nhất

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Chỉ từ 500k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 (cả năm) Global Success bản word có lời giải chi tiết:

Lesson 1: Getting started


1. Knowledge:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

-understand new words and structures in the dialogue

-answer the questions after reading the dialogue.

2. Skills:

Drill listening, speaking and reading mainly.

3. . Education:

Educate ss to use: Verbs of liking + gerunds

II. Main languages

1. Vocabulary:

+ leisure   +wool

+trick   +melody

+ craft kit   +DIY


+It’s right up my street

+Vietnamese folk songs

2. Structure:

+I like reading comics

+Stop reading comics

3. Grammar:

Verbs of liking

III. Teaching aids:

1. Teacher’s preparation :

- Teacher’s plan of lesson 1

- Use of teacher and students’ books

- Use :

+cassette and tape


2. Students’ preparation :

- Textbook

- Ss’ book

IV. Teaching procedures:

-Management: From beginning to the last of teaching time

-New lesson:

Teacher’s activities

The content

1.Warm up :

-Ask Ss prepare photos or magazine cut-outs about some popular leisure

activities including those you often do in their spare time

-Ask Ss to describe them in English .Then ask them to guess which activities you may enjoy doing .

Encourage Ss to do the same in pairs .One S writes a short list of activities and the other guesses

2.Presentation :

-Ask Ss open their books to the picture .Introduce Mai, Phuc and Nick

-Ask Ss to guess where they are and what they are doing .For more able classes ,

brainstorm questions with Ss and wire them on the board .Questions may include :

+What can you see in the picture ?

+Why do you think Mai ,Phuc and Nick are there ?

+What are they holding in their hands ?

+What are they talking about ?

-Ask Ss read the dialogue in silence to find out new words and structures

-Explain new words and structures by asking Ss

-Let Ss give examples

-Ask Ss repeat new words and structures after the teacher

-Have some Ss read aloud before the class

-Let Ss read the dialogue in front of the class

-Ask Ss do part a individually

-Call Ss read their keys before the class

-Ask Ss read the dialogue again to do part “b” in groups

-Let Ss answer before the class

-Call Ss tick the board

-Ask Ss look at the board and correct

-Let Ss practice part “c” in pairs

-Have Ss to practice before the class in pairs

3.Practice :

-Ask Ss work in pairs to match the words / phrases in the box to the photos , then they listen together to check their answers

-It’ s time aloud ,ask Ss to use adjectives to say what they think of these activities eg exciting , interesting ....

-Ask Ss work individually to do the task then compare their answers with a partner

Tell Ss they need to look for the surrounding key words in order to complete the task .

Note that good and satisfied fit both items 1 and 5 .

Acknowledge the point with Ss who have them the other way round

4.Consolidation :

-Let Ss play a game in pairs talk about a leisure activity .

Try to keep going for one minute each .

When the time is up ,find a new partner and talk about another activity

5.Homework :

-Ask Ss learn by heart new words and structures

-Write about the leisure activity

1.Listen and read :

*New words :

-trick (n)

-craft (n)

-craft kit (n)


-leisure (adj)

-folk songs (n)

-melody (n)

-It’s right up street

*New structure:

-> Verbs of liking +gerunds

-I like reading comics

-I’ll enjoy listening to the melodies

a. Circle the correct answer:

->Keys :


4.craft kit

5.folk music


b. Which leisure activities do you thinkPhuc, Mai and Nick have ?Tick (V) the boxes .

Then find the information from the conversation to explain your choice

Phuc Mai Nick training

2.making crafts


4.listening to music

5.learning languages

6.playing sports

7.helping parents with DIY

*c. Answer the questions

-to check out something means to examine something to get more information about it

order to be certain that is suitable (on true or safe)

-It’s right up your street ,it is the type of thing that you are interested in or that you enjoy doing

2. Find words / phrases in the box to describe the photos .Then listen to check your answers :

1. playing computer games

2. playing beach games

3.Doing DIY


5.visiting museums

6.making crafts

3.Complete the following sentences with words in the bo


2. exciting , relaxing

4. boring


*Game : Changing partners

Can use :

-describe the leisure activity

-say if you have done this activity or not

-share you feeling about the activity



Lesson 2: A closer look 1


1. Knowledge:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

-use the lexical items related to leisure activities

-pronounce /br/ and /pr/ .

2. Skills:

Drill listening and speaking mainly.

3. . Education:

Educate ss to pronounce /br/ and /pr/

II. Main languages

1. Vocabulary:

+ pricot


+ average


2. Structure:

+I like reading comics

+Stop reading comics

3. Grammar:

III. Teaching aids:

1. Teacher’s preparation :

- Teacher’s plan of lesson 2

- Use of teacher and students’ books

- Use :

+cassette and tape


2. Students’ preparation :

- Textbook

- Ss’ book

IV. Teaching procedures:

-Management: From beginning to the last of teaching time

-New lesson:

Teacher’s activities


1.Warm up :

-Ask Ss use network to answer the question :

- Use this network to answer :

What do you often do in your free time?

2.Presentation :

-Ask Ss look at their book and read in silence :

-Explain new words

-Let Ss work in pairs to examine the pie-chart closely in order to understand its

contents ,including the heading , subheading , figures , colour codes and notes

-Allow enough time for this step .Do not give correction

-Then ask Ss to answer the questions that follow the chart

-Ask Ss practice before the class :

A. Vocabulary :

1.Look at the following pie chart on leisure activities in the US and answer the questions :

*New words :


-socialize (v)

-communicate (v)

3.Practice :

-Have Ss to prepare part 2 individually to complete the task .

After giving corrective feedback , draw their attention to the part of speech of the words mentioned

(eg .relaxing comes from the verb relax with-ing added and it refers to the activity)

-Then introduce the concept of gerund ( a noun made from a verb by adding-ing )

-Give Ss some examples where a gerund is transformed from a verb and used as a noun .

For more able class ,ask Ss to make their own sentences

-Ask Ss to cover the category labels

-Have Ss look at the words and try to guess what these words have in common .

T may elicit from Ss by asking questions

-Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the task .

Once they have finished and T has given corrective feedback , encourage them to add more words in each category

-Have Ss work in small groups .

Allow them enough time 6to think about what their average day may look like

(including ,study and work) and how much time is spent on leisure activities .

If there is plenty of time encourage them to calculate these times as percentages

and put them in a simple pie chart similar to 1

-Have Ss write down how much time they spend leisure on an average day and three activities they do the most.

-Ask Ss move around and talk with at least three other classmates to find out who spends

most time on leisure and what the most popular activities in the class are

-Have Ss work individually to complete this task .Once they have finished

-Ask Ss work in pairs to compare their answers.

-Play the recording for Ss to check and then repeat

-Pause the recording to drill difficult items

-Ask Ss to add more words which contain these clutters.

For a more able class .

Ss may make sentences with these words and practice saying them

4.Consolidation :

-Have Ss practice the words with the clusters first

-Then ask Ss to repeat the whole sentence .

If the time allows ask Ss to cover their book and listen to the recording .

If they hear the word with cluster /pr/ they have to raise up their left hand ,

if it is cluster /br/ they raise their right hand

5.Homework :

-Ask Ss learn by heart new words and structures

-Write about the leisure activity

->The answers :

1. In 2012 ,people in the UK spent 5.1 hours a day on sport and leisure activities

2.The main activities they did include : relaxing and thinking ,

using the computer for leisure , participating in sports , socializing and communicating ,

watching TV and other leisure activities

2/ Complete the table with information from the pie chart

Name of activities Verb

















3. Look at the words .Match them to the category labels :

1-e   5-d

2-b   6-h

3-f   7-c

4-a   8-g

4. How much time do you spend a day on leisure activities ? What are the three activities that you do the most ? Share your ideas with a partners

B. Pronunciation :

5.Complete the words under the pictures with /br/ or /pr/ .Listen to check your answers and repeat

1.apricot   5.princess

2.bridge   6.president

3.bracelet   7..present

4.bread   8.

6. Listen and repeat :

1. ricot jam

2. bread

3. president

4. bracelets

5. brush

6, present



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