Bài tập chuyên sâu Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

Tài liệu Bài tập chuyên sâu Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global tổng hợp từ vựng, ngữ pháp, bài tập và đề kiểm tra theo từng unit được biên soạn có lời giải nhằm giúp học sinh học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 10 hơn.

Bài tập chuyên sâu Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

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Chỉ từ 100k mua trọn bộ Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Friends global (cả năm) bản word trình bày đẹp mắt, chỉnh sửa dễ dàng:

Quảng cáo


IA. Vocabulary

• Likes and dislikes

I. Complete the sentences with the words below.

            don't          fancy         let’s         prefer            really             shall         sounds        want

1. Do you _____________ doing something on Saturday?

2. Why _____________ we go out?

3. I’m _____________ not into heavy metal.

4. OK, then. _____________ go and see that band.

5. _____________ we invite Jack and Mary?

6. I’d _____________ to go just with you, really.

7. And what do you _____________ to do after the concert?

8. OK, then. _____________ good.

II. Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order.

____ a. I like playing chess. How about you?

____ b. Me too. Do you fancy a game this weekend?

____ c. Let’s meet in the park at midday.

____ d. What do you like doing in your free time?

____ e. Yes. That sounds good. What time?

____ f. Really? I don’t really like chess, but I quite like badminton.

• Describing people

III. Complete the sentences with the items given below.

            glasses             hat                   earrings           ring

            socks               belt                  scarf                sunglasses

1. You wear this round your neck when it’s cold.                     ______________

2. You wear this on your head.                                                ______________

3. You wear these on your feet.                                               ______________

4. You wear this with jeans or trousers.                                   ______________

5. You wear these to help you see.                                         ______________

6. You wear this on your finger.                                               ______________

7. You wear these on your ears.                                              ______________

8. You wear these when it’s sunny.                                          ______________

IV. Look at the picture of Dylan, Marissa, Justin and Sheila. Write the names of the clothes they are wearing from number 1 to number 16. Numbers 2 and 14 have been done for you as examples. Then write descriptions of their clothes.

Bài tập chuyên sâu Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

Bài tập chuyên sâu Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global


1. __________

2. a suit

3. __________

4. __________

5. __________


6. __________

7. __________

8. __________


9. __________

10. __________

11. __________

12. __________


13. __________

14. a top

15. __________

16. __________

Dylan___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Marissa__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________





V. Write short descriptions of the people. Describe their hair and clothes using the prompts below.

Bài tập chuyên sâu Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

hair: dark, blonde, short, long, straight, wavy

special features: moustache, beard

clothes: shirt, polo shirt, T-shirt, cardigan, jacket, trousers, jeans, skirt, cap, hat, shoes

accessories: backpack, book

1. Mark’s got______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

2. Jane’s got______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

3. Phong’s got_____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

4. Anna’s got______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

IB. Grammar

• Contrast: present simple and present continuous

I. Choose the correct answers.

1. This car is belonging / belongs to the head teacher.

2. Are you needing / Do you need any help with that?

3. He isn’t understanding / doesn’t understand the questions.

4. I am studying / study really hard at the moment.

5. Why are you waiting / do you wait here?

II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. He never ___________ (go) to parties.

2. ___________ you ___________ (want) another drink?

3. She ___________ (wait) for a phone call from Jack. He usually

 ___________ (phone) at this time.

4. ‘Why ___________ you ___________ (never wear) T-shirts?’ - ‘No real reason.’

5. ‘ ___________ you ___________ (understand) these questions?’ - T don’t.’

6. We ___________ (go) to Can Tho tomorrow.

7. ___________ you always ___________ (go out) for a meal on Sundays?

8. Hurry up! The bus ___________ (leave) in five minutes.

9. What time ___________ you ___________ (meet) Nam?

10. I ___________ (not enjoy) listening to classical music.

III. Complete the dialogue with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Lan       Hello.1 ___________ (you / enjoy) the music?

Nick      Not really. I 2 ___________ (prefer) hip hop. This band is terrible.

Lan       It’s my dad’s band.

Nick      Oh, sorry. Actually, they 3 ___________ (not play) badly now. Lots of people 4 ___________ (dance). Which one is your dad?

Lan       He 5 ___________ (play) the guitar.

Nick      He’s great. Anyway, I6 ___________ (not know) your name.

Lan       I’m Lan.

Nick      I’m Nick. Please to meet you.

Lan       Hey. I 7 ___________ (like) your polo shirt. It’s cool.

Nick      Really?

Lan       Yes. 8 ___________ (you / wear) it often?

Nick      Yes, I 9 ___________ (wear) it most weekends. Actually, 10 ___________ (you / do) anything next weekend?

Lan       Yes, I11 ___________ (visit) my grandparents in the suburb.

Nick      Oh, right.

IV. Complete the dialogue with the verbs below. Use the present simple or present continuous.

            do                    come                have                like                  stay

            study                want                work                not work

Nick    Hi, I’m Nick.

Mai     Hi, I’m Mai. Where 1___________ you ___________ from, Nick?

Nick    England. I 2___________ with a family here in Ho Chi Minh City.

Mai     3 ___________ you ___________ it here?

Nick    Yes, it’s a nice city. I4 ___________ a great time.

Mai     Can you speak Vietnamese?

Nick    Yes. I 5 ___________ at a language school. What 6 ___________ you ___________ , Mai?

Mai     I’m a nurse.

Nick    That’s interesting.

Mai     I usually 7 ___________ at night, but I8 ___________ this evening.

Nick    9 ___________ you ___________ to have a drink?

Mai     OK.

V. Decide whether the present continuous is being used (a) for something that is happening now or (b) for an arrangement in the future. Write a or b.

1. What are you wearing to Mai’s birthday party?                    ___________

2. What’s that music you’re listening to?                                  ___________

3. My aunt is coming to see us this afternoon.                         ___________

4. I can’t meet you on Saturday. I’m playing football.               ___________

5. Is Ann coming to the cinema with us this evening?              ___________

6. ‘Where’s Susan?’-‘She’s reading upstairs.’                          ___________

7. Lan is wearing a pink skirt.                                                   ___________

8. ‘Are you planning to stay at home this weekend?’ -‘No, we’re visiting our grandparents in the suburb.’                                   ___________

9. What are you doing tomorrow night?                                    ___________

10. It’s starting to rain.                                                               ___________

VI. Complete the pairs of sentences with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verb in brackets.

1. a She always ___________ (wear) a white dress for work.

     b I ___________ (wear) new shoes. Do you like them?

2. a We ___________ (go) hiking next month.

     b They ___________ (go) hiking every summer.

3. a I ___________ (love) this music. What is it?

     b I ___________ (enjoy) this music. What is it?

4. a Light ___________ (travel) faster than sound.

     b That car ___________ (travel) very fast. Be careful.

5. a My brother often ___________ (sing) in the shower.

     b My friend, Peter, ___________ (sing). What a terrible noise!

6. a I ___________ (not believe) him. It’s a lie.

     b He ___________ (not tell) the truth. It’s a lie.




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