Top 10 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 10 Cuối Học kì 2 năm 2024 (có đáp án) | Global Success, Friends Global, Explore New Worlds

Trọn bộ Đề thi Cuối học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 năm 2024 có đáp án, mới nhất đầy đủ Global Success, Friends Global, iLearn Smart World, Explore New Worlds sẽ giúp học sinh đạt điểm cao trong bài thi Tiếng Anh 10 Học kì 2.

Top 10 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 10 Cuối Học kì 2 năm 2024 (có đáp án)

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Chỉ từ 150k mua trọn bộ Đề thi Cuối kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 Global Success, iLearn Smart World, Friends Global, Bright, English Discovery bản word có lời giải chi tiết:

Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo ...

Đề thi Học kì 2 - Friends Global

Năm học 2024 - 2025

Môn: Tiếng Anh 10

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(không kể thời gian phát đề)


LISTEN to audio 2.18 about an interview with Sean Aiken, who did 52 different jobs in a single year. FILL IN THE BLANK with NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR NUMBER.

Interviewer: Today in our series about (1) ____________ jobs, I’m talking to Sean Aiken. Sean spent a year doing not one job, but 52 – one for each week of the year. Hello Sean, and welcome to the show.

Sean: Hi.

I: So when did you come up with this idea?

S: When I finished university – I realised I had no idea know what I wanted to do.

I: So, how did you come up with the idea of 52 jobs?

S: Well, my dad said I should do something I was passionate about – but I didn’t know what that was! So, I set up the website: I asked employers all over the world to give me a job for just one week so I could find out what I enjoyed.

I: Was it (2) _____________ to get 52 different jobs?

S: Some people offered me a job when they heard about what I was doing, but I found most of the jobs by searching online.

I: What kind of jobs did you do?

S: Radio DJ, fireman, (3) _______________, yoga teacher, baker ... they weren’t all in one place, of course, so I had to travel a lot.

I: Did you take any holiday?

S: No, I worked for 52 weeks without stopping. It was (4) ______________ tiring, And I was always short of money.

I: Didn’t your employers pay you?

S: They paid me, but I donated all of my wages to charity.

I: What was the most challenging job?

S: Working on a (5) ____________________. That was so hard! I had to get up at five o’clock every morning and the work was very tiring!

I: And what did you learn from your 52 jobs?

S: Well, need to be really passionate about what you do – it’s more than just money. And it’s important that you work with people that you get on with and who have similar interests to you.

I: So, would you do it again?

S: Well, at the moment, I’m helping other people to do their own ‘52 week job’ project. I’ve found that I’m passionate about (6) ________________ others!

I: Great, so if anyone listening likes the sound of that, get in touch with Sean. Thank you for coming in and talking to us, Sean.


I. Choose the word /phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence

1. Last night I ____________ my key. I had to ask my roommate to open the door for me.

A. lose

B. had lost

C. have lost

D. lost

2. Mary __________ her keys. Can you help her look for them?

A. has lost

B. have lost

C. had lost

D. lost

3. I and my wife ___________ a visit to Paris in November 2021.

A. pay

B. has paid

C. have pay

D. paid

4. Lara _____________ Susie for 3 years. They sometimes have a chat on Skype.

A. has know

B. has known

C. have knew

D. has knew

5. ____________ a cheap laptop?

A. Did you ever buy

B. Did you ever bought

C. Have you ever bought

D. Have you ever buy

6. "He will come tomorrow"- Jeanne told me that he ________ the next day.

A. is coming

B. would come

C. will come

D. came

7. "Open the window!" He asked me ________ the window.

A. to open

B. opened

C. opening

D. had open

8. "I see the clouds here."- He told me that she ________ the clouds there.

A. see

B. sees

C. is seeing

D. saw

9. ‘I can swim really fast today.’

A. He told that he could swim really fast that day.

B. He said that he could swim really fast that day.

C. He said me that he could swim really fast that day.

D. He said me that he can swim really fast today.

10. ‘There was an accident outside the supermarket’- said Joanna.

A. Joanna said there has been an accident outside the supermarket.

B. Joanna said there were an accident outside the supermarket.

C. Joanna said there had been an accident outside the supermarket.

D. Joanna said there has an accident outside the supermarket.

II. Complete the second conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1. If I ___________ (know) how to do these maths exercises, I ___________ (finish) my homework tonight.

2. If my brother ___________ (not be) a journalist, he ___________ (not meet) and write about famous people.

3. Jeremy ___________ (have) more money if he ___________ (work) part time.

4. My brother ___________ (not eat) at home very often if he ___________ (get) that job in the restaurant.

5. If you ___________ (buy) a better mobile phone, you ___________ (can) play lots of games on it.


I. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

Camping is an activity in which people live temporarily in the outdoors. Campers (1) ________ in fishing, hunting, swimming, plant study, wildlife watching, and nature photography. It provides physical benefits when it involves hiking around a campsite, and many people believe that camping (2) ________ youngsters feel more confident.

People throughout the world enjoy hiking to wildness campsites. This activity is called backpacking because it involves carrying such essential camping gear as (3) ________ tent, food, clothing, and sleeping bag on the back in a bag (4) ________ a backpack. Backpacking is best suited for (5) ________ who are in good physical conditions as it may require walking several miles.

1.A.take parting B.attend C.participate D.enter

2.A.allows B.makes C.enables D.causes

3.A.a B.the D.some

4.A.mentioned B.called C.told D.known

5.A.anyone B.someone C.everyone D.those

II. Read the passage and write the answer True or False

Last summer, Mary and her classmates had an excursion to the countryside. They went to visit a farm on which Mary’s uncle worked. They left early in the morning and took a bus there. Mary’s uncle met them at the bus station and took them to the farm. On the way, he showed them the fields of rice, wheat, maize, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

After lunch, they all went for a walk. They saw some farm machines and tractors in a large yard of the farm. Mary’s uncle explained to them that those machines were used for ploughing and breaking soil, distributing manure and planting potatoes, rice and wheat. The biggest machine which is called a combine harvester can cut and thresh corn, rice at the same time.

In the afternoon, Mary’s uncle took them to the cattle area where cows, pigs, sheep and chicken were raised and cows were milked once a day. Mary’s uncle had to answer many questions raised by her friends. He also told them about the differences between the life of people in the country and in the city. After having some fresh milk and cakes, they all felt very excited and said goodbye to him and went back home.

1. Mary’s uncle worked on a farm.

2. The group of classmates went to the farm on foot.

3. The tractors are the biggest farm machines.

4. Uncle taught them about the differences between life in the country and in the city.

5. It was a boring trip for the children.


Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it.

1. The last time I cooked was 3 years ago.

I _________________________________________________________________

2. PewDiePie started being a Youtuber in 2010.

PewDiePie __________________________________________________________

3. How long have you had that smartwatch?


4. Ken said, “Rita is busy now.”.


5. Ravi said, “The concert ended yesterday.”



Make comparison between two pictures about how they spend money on school activities. Justify your opinion.

Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global (10 đề) | Chân trời sáng tạo

Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo ...

Đề thi Học kì 2 - Global Success

Năm học 2024 - 2025

Môn: Tiếng Anh 10

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(không kể thời gian phát đề)


TASK 1. Listen to the conversation between An and a travel agent. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.

1. What is An planning to do?

 A.He would like to go on holiday with his friends.

 B.He is planning to go on business this summer.

 C.He is planning to go on a trip with his family.

2. What is the promotion this summer?

 A.A discount voucher of 25% for new clients’ second vacation

 B.A discount voucher of 25% for new clients’ first vacation

 C.A discount of 25% for all of the present tours

3. Which of the following places does the travel agent NOT recommend to An?

 A.A town

 B.A river

 C.A volcano

4. How many destinations valid for this promotion does the travel agent offer?




5. What further information does An ask for?

 A.The hotel or place to stay during the tour

 B.The accommodation and cost

 C.The transportation and the cost of the tour

TASK 2. Listen to a talk about the environment and complete the note. Write ONE WORD in each blank. You will listen TWICE.



on the peninsula in the (1)___________ of Viet Nam


natural (2)___________   are limited because of human’s deforestation for (3)___________ and farms


- volunteer work to raise local people’s awareness of (4)___________ the vulnerable wild animals

- governmental actions to secure the long-term  (5)___________ of the red-shanked doucs


TASK 1. Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, or C to each of the questions.

There are many reasons for reducing the forest areas, and this causes many complicated problems for any nation without any exception. Due to the population explosion, many governments need more land for residents to live and develop the economy. They also clear forests to build dams for generating electricity or to develop resorts and recreational complexes. Besides, a huge number of trees are logged illegally to trade wood. All of these lead to serious issues as forests always have an important role in the ecosystem balance. It is undoubted that when a forest area is destroyed, the following results affect the other neighbor regions. The first negative effect of the loss of forest lands is flooding. Forests help to prevent erosion and flooding and without them, the downstream areas tend to be inundated frequently in rainy and hurricane seasons. Another problem is global warming. Forests are often considered as the lungs of the earth because they absorb the carbon dioxide and release the oxygen. This helps to refresh the atmosphere and lower the rate of the carbon dioxide in the air. If not, the average temperature will be higher and higher since the emission of the gas into the atmosphere increases every day. Consequently, the price we would pay for the flooding or for the increase of greenhouse gases is not only the damaged and polluted environment but also our deteriorated health and lives. To save ourselves, it is advisable to join hands in protecting and growing more and more forests. 

1. What is the passage mainly about?

 A.Some reasons of deforestation and its impacts on people’s lives

 B.Why floods happen frequently

 C.Human’s responsibility for protecting forests

 D.The rate of carbon dioxide has been rising

2. What does the word ‘this’ in line 18 refer to?

 A.The fact that forests are considered the lungs of the Earth

 B.The release of the oxygen

 C.The circulation of exchanging carbon dioxide and oxygen of trees

 D.The absorption of carbon dioxide from forests

3. According to the reading, which of the following is NOT the reason for cutting down trees?

 A.Lack of shelters for local people

 B.Developing the local or national production and trade

 C.Illegal logging

 D.Lack of land for agriculture

4. What is one of the negative impacts of clearing forests?

 A.The increase of heat

 B.Severe environmental disasters

 C.Poor economic development

 D.The loss of animals’ habitats

5. According to the reading, what is the solution to deal with this environmental problem?

 A.Raising people’s awareness

 B.Fining illegal loggers heavily

 C.Boosting reforestation

 D.Planting more coffee and rubber trees

TASK 2. Complete the reading passage. Write ONE suitable word in each blank.

Nowadays, organic food is considered as one of the best foods consumers choose for their meal. They believe that it is good (1) ___________ their health because the organic products consist of no preservatives and poisonous chemicals frequently used in agriculture. Moreover, it is reported that organic farming is very environmentally (2) ___________. With the chemical technology developed in modern life, pesticides have been used in farmland to get high yields. Pesticides are artificial poisons for killing insects, but they might also eliminate some other useful insects and disorder the balance of the (3) ___________. This hurts the surrounding environment and community’s health. It’s time to do our best to save the Earth by encouraging farmers to priorities the organic farming and the government should (4) ___________ hands to support them in (5) ___________ of technological knowledge, finance, and the consumption market.


TASK 1. Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make sentences. Write each sentence in the blank.

1.and/ Lan/ attend/ me/ Earth Hour/ how many people/ began/ asked/ might/ that event/ what time/ .

2. products/ We/ made from/ buy/ wild animal parts/ shouldn’t/ to/ poaching/ prevent/ .

3.negative/ on/ local/ natural/ effects/ landscapes/ has/ Mass tourism/ a lot of/ .

4. rent/ goes/ tomorrow,/ a surfboard/ my brother/ he/ surfing/ will/ the beach shop/ If/ at/ . 

5. most/ of/ the/ serious/ Ice polar melting/ is/ of/ climate change/ one/ problems/. 

TASK 2. Write a website advertisement (120 – 150 words) for an ecotour to a tourist destination in your hometown.



Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part. Circle A, B, C, or D.

1.A.   bond    B.spotlessly   D.adopt

2.A.   electrical  B.eliminate   C.competition    D.delay

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.

3.A.   protection   B.domestic  C.consequence   D.distraction

4.A.   sustainable   B.responsibility  C.competitive D.environment

5.A.   gorilla   B.tourism   C.consequence  D.essential

TASK 2. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.

1.___________ of domestic violence mostly will lack confidence in the future.





2.In order to join international trades, we need to ___________ our products widely.





3.Some students admit that face-to-face learning is better because they can focus more on lessons without ___________.





4.The practical evidence of global warming is ice melting that leads to ___________ species.





5.Ecotourism will help people to become more ___________ of environmental protection.





6.The tourists are visiting a cave renowned for its beauty with ___________.





7.Poaching is a severe problem that can lead to ___________ the natural balance of the ecosystem.





8.I don’t know the girl to ___________ Max is talking.





9.___________ learning is the advantageous combination of in-person learning and online learning tools.

A. Face-to-face     




10.In modern schools, teachers play the key role ___________ a guide for students to prepare themselves for lifelong learning.                   




TASK 3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1.In a few countries, girls ___________ (force) to get married at a very young age.

2.I think I ___________ (study) to become a doctor because I’m quite good at math and biology.

3.During the pandemic, online learning seems ___________ (have) more advantages than face-to-face learning.

4.Ann: What are you doing?

John: I ___________ (prepare) my presentation for tomorrow’s meeting.

5.While I was packing clothes for the trip, Minh ___________ (search) information about ecotourism.

Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo ...

Đề thi Học kì 2 - Explore New Worlds

Năm học 2024 - 2025

Môn: Tiếng Anh 10

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(không kể thời gian phát đề)


Listen to the conversation between An and a travel agent. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.

1. What is An planning to do?

            A. He would like to go on holiday with his friends.

            B. He is planning to go on business this summer.

            C. He is planning to go on a trip with his family.

2. What is the promotion this summer?

            A. A discount voucher of 25% for new clients’ second vacation

            B. A discount voucher of 25% for new clients’ first vacation

            C. A discount of 25% for all of the present tours

3. Which of the following places does the travel agent NOT recommend to An?

            A. A town

            B. A river

            C. A volcano

4. How many destinations valid for this promotion does the travel agent offer?

            A. 3

            B. 2

            C. 4

5. What further information does An ask for?

            A. The hotel or place to stay during the tour

            B. The accommodation and cost

            C. The transportation and the cost of the tour


I. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.

1. ___________ of domestic violence mostly will lack confidence in the future.

A. Surgeons              

B. Victims                 

C. Secretaries           

D. Parachutists

2. In order to join international trades, we need to ___________ our products widely.

A. donate                  

B. promote                

C. welcome               

D. control

3. Some students admit that face-to-face learning is better because they can focus more on lessons without ___________.

A. efforts                  

B. distractions          

C. consequences      

D. operations

4. The practical evidence of global warming is ice melting that leads to ___________ species.

A. expensive

B. endangered          

C. polluted                

D. remote

5. Ecotourism will help people to become more ___________ of environmental protection.

A. original                

B. aware                    

C. real-world

D. essential

6. The tourists are visiting a cave renowned for its beauty with ___________.

A. souvenirs             

B. stalactites             

C. hosts                     

D. brochures

7. Poaching is a severe problem that can lead to ___________ the natural balance of the ecosystem.

A. creating               

B. sustaining

C. striking                 

D. upsetting

8. I don’t know the girl to ___________ Max is talking.

A. which                   

B. that            

C. whom                    

D. who

9. ___________ learning is the advantageous combination of in-person learning and online learning tools.

A. Face-to-face        

B. Blended                

C. Remote                 

D. Distance

10. In modern schools, teachers play the key role ___________ a guide for students to prepare themselves for lifelong learning.

A. in                           

B. of                           

C. with                       

D. from

II. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. In a few countries, girls ___________ (force) to get married at a very young age.

2. I think I ___________ (study) to become a doctor because I’m quite good at math and biology.

3. During the pandemic, online learning seems ___________ (have) more advantages than face-to-face learning.

4. Ann: What are you doing?

John: I ___________ (prepare) my presentation for tomorrow’s meeting.

5. While I was packing clothes for the trip, Minh ___________ (search) information about ecotourism.


I. Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, or C to each of the questions.

There are many reasons for reducing the forest areas, and this causes many complicated problems for any nation without any exception. Due to the population explosion, many governments need more land for residents to live and develop the economy. They also clear forests to build dams for generating electricity or to develop resorts and recreational complexes. Besides, a huge number of trees are logged illegally to trade wood. All of these lead to serious issues as forests always have an important role in the ecosystem balance. It is undoubted that when a forest area is destroyed, the following results affect the other neighbor regions. The first negative effect of the loss of forest lands is flooding. Forests help to prevent erosion and flooding and without them, the downstream areas tend to be inundated frequently in rainy and hurricane seasons. Another problem is global warming. Forests are often considered as the lungs of the earth because they absorb the carbon dioxide and release the oxygen. This helps to refresh the atmosphere and lower the rate of the carbon dioxide in the air. If not, the average temperature will be higher and higher since the emission of the gas into the atmosphere increases every day. Consequently, the price we would pay for the flooding or for the increase of greenhouse gases is not only the damaged and polluted environment but also our deteriorated health and lives. To save ourselves, it is advisable to join hands in protecting and growing more and more forests. 

1. What is the passage mainly about?

            A. Some reasons of deforestation and its impacts on people’s lives

            B. Why floods happen frequently

            C. Human’s responsibility for protecting forests

            D. The rate of carbon dioxide has been rising

2. What does the word ‘this’ in line 18 refer to?

            A. The fact that forests are considered the lungs of the Earth

            B. The release of the oxygen

            C. The circulation of exchanging carbon dioxide and oxygen of trees

            D. The absorption of carbon dioxide from forests

3. According to the reading, which of the following is NOT the reason for cutting down trees?

            A. Lack of shelters for local people

            B. Developing the local or national production and trade

            C. Illegal logging

            D. Lack of land for agriculture

4. What is one of the negative impacts of clearing forests?

            A. The increase of heat

            B. Severe environmental disasters

            C. Poor economic development

            D. The loss of animals’ habitats

5. According to the reading, what is the solution to deal with this environmental problem?

            A. Raising people’s awareness

            B. Fining illegal loggers heavily

            C. Boosting reforestation

            D. Planting more coffee and rubber trees

II. Complete the reading passage. Write ONE suitable word in each blank.

Nowadays, organic food is considered as one of the best foods consumers choose for their meal. They believe that it is good (1) ___________ their health because the organic products consist of no preservatives and poisonous chemicals frequently used in agriculture. Moreover, it is reported that organic farming is very environmentally (2) ___________. With the chemical technology developed in modern life, pesticides have been used in farmland to get high yields. Pesticides are artificial poisons for killing insects, but they might also eliminate some other useful insects and disorder the balance of the (3) ___________. This hurts the surrounding environment and community’s health. It’s time to do our best to save the Earth by encouraging farmers to priorities the organic farming and the government should (4) ___________ hands to support them in (5) ___________ of technological knowledge, finance, and the consumption market.


Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make sentences. Write each sentence in the blank.

1. and/ Lan/ attend/ me/ Earth Hour/ how many people/ began/ asked/ might/ that event/ what time/ .

2. products/ We/ made from/ buy/ wild animal parts/ shouldn’t/ to/ poaching/ prevent/ .

3. negative/ on/ local/ natural/ effects/ landscapes/ has/ Mass tourism/ a lot of/ .

4. rent/ goes/ tomorrow,/ a surfboard/ my brother/ he/ surfing/ will/ the beach shop/ If/ at/ . 

5. most/ of/ the/ serious/ Ice polar melting/ is/ of/ climate change/ one/ problems/. 

Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Cuối kì 2 - Smart World

Môn: Tiếng Anh 10

Năm học 2024 - 2025

Thời gian làm bài: phút

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.


A. develop

B. rent

C. racket

D. decrease


A. achieve

B. machine

C. attach

D. change


A. recycle

B. compost

C. cattle

D. community

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.


A. message

B. bedroom

C. resort

D. wallet


A. conversation

B. reasonable

C. artificial

D. interaction

III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

6. Some experts believe that in 2050 most classes __________ a robot teacher.

A. is going to have

B. are going to have

C. will have

D. are having

7. The Grand Canyon in the USA has always offered visitors breathtaking __________ in every direction.

A. vision

B. image

C. views

D. sight

8. There are many chemicals that __________ the ozone layer, one of which is CFC.

A. damage

B. injure

C. hurt

D. erode

9. We can see craters on the moon with __________.

A. a microscope

B. a telescope

C. binoculars

D. lens

10. The Fahrenheit scale is named __________ the physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.

A. from

B. behind

C. after

D. before

11. The place has quickly developed __________ a small fishing community __________ a popular tourist resort.

A. from / into

B. from / to

C. out of / into

D. out of / inside

12. Many people think that learning in the future will be very different and focus __________ e-learning.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. about

13. I don’t think this jacket is a good choice. It’s __________ to wear leather jackets at the moment.

A. fashion

B. fashionable

C. unfashionable

D. fashionably

14. Registration form should be __________ by guests.

A. written out

B. filled in

C. filled up

D. drawn

15. One important advantage of online courses is that they offer __________ classes. People can decide when to learn.

A. cheap

B. high-quality

C. suitable

D. flexible

IV. Mark the letter A,B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

16. Ben is interested in information technology and he usually listens to podcasts in this topic.

A. interested in

B. information technology

C. usually listens

D. in

17. When you’re preparing for a holiday, pack clothes that are suitable for a place where you’re going.

A. for

B. pack

C. that

D. for a place

V. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets.

18. This online course promises to help learners improve their problem-solving and _________ skills. (COMMUNICATE)

19. My friend is looking for a good online English course at a ___________ price. (REASON)

20. The Son Doong Cave expedition is considered difficult and you must be ____________ active with regular trekking experience. (PHYSICS)

VI. Read the following prediction and choose the correct option to fill in each blank.

Hi Khoa,

I miss you and the cats at home! I am having a wonderful time in Malaysia. I am writing to you from the resort’s restaurant right now (21) _________ there is no Wi-Fi in my room. I have a few minutes until my sightseeing tour starts so I thought I would tell you a (22) _________ story about what happened to me. The resort is very beautiful but there are monkeys running all over the place. Yesterday, while I was bending down to tie my shoelace, a monkey (23) _________ right up to me and stole my sunglasses off my head! I got such a fright! At first, I was very annoyed that the monkey had taken my sunglasses, but then he started playing with them. He actually put the sunglasses on his face, upside down! I laughed so hard (24) _________ the monkey got scared and jumped into the tree, dropping my sunglasses to the ground. When I had finished laughing, I wiped the tears from my eyes and went to (25) _________ my sunglasses from the floor. They have a small scratch on them, but I don’t mind. Now, every time I look through my sunglasses and see the scratch, I will think of this funny memory! Oh, I had better go. I don’t want to delay my sightseeing tour group.

I will see you soon!




A. because

B. so

C. and

D. but


A. fast

B. quick

C. slow

D. short


A. was coming

B. had come

C. came

D. comes


A. as

B. which

C. what

D. that


A. pick up

B. give up

C. take up

D. set up

VII. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.


The coronavirus pandemic brought big changes into our lives, especially in the education system. As the pandemic lightened, many schools and universities predicted that e-learning would still be very beneficial in the future. Post-pandemic, we are now entering a new era — the revolution of online education. At the start of the pandemic, teachers and lecturers moved their lessons from in-person to virtual classrooms, teaching over platforms such as Zoom. Now, educational institutions can move beyond this. They will build more useful e-learning platforms that will meet the needs of students across the world to have more flexibility in their tertiary education. Students will be able to attend lessons at different times and in different formats that will suit their particular lifestyles. Many young learners and teenagers will have the option to learn new skills or a difficult school subject. Students will learn in their own time and at their own pace. Not only is e-learning more accessible, but it is more affordable. Students only need to pay for their course. There are no added expenses such as transport costs, materials or stationery. However, there are groups of people who can’t make use of this form of education. First, those who are in underdeveloped areas may have difficulty learning online. This can be due to the lack of technological devices to support computerized learning. Second, students pursuing top-notch university programs are likely to opt for the traditional form because the range of online courses for official Bachelor’s degrees can be limited. While e-learning certainly cannot fully replace traditional classroom learning, it is an excellent option for children and adults wanting to further their skills and knowledge without going anywhere.

26. What is NOT true in paragraph 1?

A. The coronavirus pandemic has considerably changed our lives.

B. The education system is not affected by the pandemic.

C. E-learning is still helpful after the pandemic.

D. The era of online learning has just begun.

27. What does “they” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. teachers and lecturers

B. e-learning platforms

C. educational institutions

D. virtual classrooms

28. Which is NOT a benefit of e-learning?

A. It provides flexibility in terms of time and place for its learners.

B. Students can choose the skills or subjects they want to learn.

C. It allows students to learn at a speed that is comfortable for them.

D. Everyone can get access to online education.

29. Why is e-learning more affordable?

A. The tuition fees for courses are lower.                  

B. Online courses are usually shorter.

C. Students don’t have to pay for transport or materials.

D. They only need to learn a few subjects.

30. What does “opt for” mean?

A. Choose

B. Change

C. Avoid

D. Decide

VIII. Listen and write T if it is TRUE, F if it is FALSE or NI if there is NO INFORMATION given.

31. AI stands for Artificial Intellectuals.  

32. Sophia is a robot and, therefore, cannot understand human emotion.  

33. Hanson’s wife helps him design Sophia.  

34. You can find Sophia on various social media platforms.  

35. David Hanson created Sophia purely for entertainment purposes.

IX. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.

36. You should bring an umbrella because it’s likely to rain.

=> It’s going _____________________________________.

37. Everyone was enjoying the party in the restaurant. Suddenly, the lights went out. (WHEN)

=> ______________________________________________.

38. Chemical fertilizers are a major cause of soil and water pollution, but we can’t stop using them.

=> If we __________________________________________.

39. I never forget the garden. We met each other for the first time at this garden.

=> I never forget the garden _____________________________.

40. It’s not a good idea to wear jewelry when you work out.

=> Jewelry ___________________________________________.

----------------------THE END----------------------

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