Câu bị động trong tiếng Anh

Bài viết Câu bị động gồm ngữ pháp Câu bị động chi tiết và bài tập Câu bị động có lời giải giúp học sinh nắm vững cách sử dụng Câu bị động trong tiếng Anh.

Câu bị động trong tiếng Anh

Lý thuyết Câu bị động

A. Câu bị động (Passive Voice) trong tiếng Anh

Passive Voice là thể bị động hay bị động cách.

Tất cả các câu mà chúng ta đã viết trong các bài trước là ở thể chủ động (Active Voice). Trong thể chủ động chủ từ là kẻ phát sinh ra hành động, ở thể bị động chủ từ là kẻ chịu tác động của hành động đó, hành động này có thể do một đối tượng nào đó gây ra. Trong tiếng Việt ta dùng thể bị động bằng các từ được hoặc bị.

Bạn xét các ví dụ sau:

Thể chủ động:

- The teacher punishes the pupils.

(Thầy giáo phạt các học sinh.)

Thể bị động

--> The pupils are punished.

(Các học sinh bị phạt.)

    Thể bị động được thành lập theo cấu trúc:

To be + Quá khứ phân từ

Trong đó, động từ to be phải được chia phù hợp với chủ từ và thì của câu.

Nếu chúng ta muốn nói rõ hơn đối tượng nào gây ra hành động, ta sử dụng giới từ by. Ví dụ:

- The pupils are punished by teacher.

(Các học sinh bị phạt bởi thầy giáo.)

Sau các động từ như will, can, must,...have to, be going to,... ta dùng to be ở dạng nguyên thể của nó.

Ví dụ:

- The new hotel will be opened next year.

(Khách sạn mới sẽ được mở vào năm tới.)

- The music at the party was very loud and could be heard from far away.

(Nhạc ở buổi tiệc mở rất lớn và có thể nghe từ xa.)

- This room is going to be painted next week.

(Căn phòng này sắp được sơn vào tuần tới.)

Bạn hãy nhớ rằng với thể bị động, thì của câu thường được xác định bởi động từ to be:

B. Thể bị động trong các thì

Bạn theo dõi cách hình thành thể bị động trong các thì qua các ví dụ sau:

- Thì hiện tại đơn

- Somebody cleans this room.

--> This room is cleaned.

- Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

- Somebody is cleaning this room.

--> This room is being cleaned.

- Thì quá khứ đơn

- Somebody cleaned this room.

--> This room was cleaned.

- Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

- Somebody has cleaned this room.

--> This room has been cleaned.

- Thì tương lai đơn

- Somebody will clean this room.

--> This room will be cleaned.

C. Sử dụng Get trong thể bị động

Đôi khi người ta dùng động từ get thay cho be trong thể bị động.

- This room gets cleaned often.

(Căn phòng này thường được lau.)

Dùng get trong thể bị động để nói điều gì xảy ra với ai hay với cái gì, thường thì hành động không được dự định trước mà xảy ra tình cờ, như:

- The dog got run over by a car.

(Con chó bị một chiếc xe hơi cán phải.)

Nhưng không phải lúc nào cũng có thể thay be bằng get. Ví dụ:

- George is liked by everyone.

George được thích bởi mọi người.

(= Mọi người đều thích Goerge.)

Trong câu này ta không được thay be bằng get.

D. Mẫu câu It is said that..., He is said to...

Trong tiếng Anh người ta thường dùng thể bị động trong các trường hợp mà người Việt không hề dùng. Chúng ta xét ở đây hai mẫu đặc biệt của cách dùng này:

+ It is said that có thể dịch là người ta nói rằng

+ He is said to có thể dịch là người ta nói rằng anh ta

Ví dụ:

- It is said that you've just built a large house.

--> You're said to have built a large house.

(Người ta nói anh mới vừa xây một căn nhà rộng lắm.)

- It is said that he's very old.

--> He's said to be very old.

(Người ta nói ông ta già lắm rồi.)

Bài tập Câu bị động

Task 1. Chọn từ đúng.

1. The prime minister was / has criticised for his recent actions.

2. When I walked past the Wilsons’ house, their new sofa was / has being delivered.

3. Our teacher was / has told us to take our favourite book to school tomorrow.

4. I think my mobile was / has been stolen!

5. Jonathan was / has chosen to play the lead role in the school play.

6. I’m sleeping downstairs because my bedroom is being painted / has been painting.

7. This picture was / has probably taken during the winter.

8. Your essays must be / have handed in on Friday morning.

9. Someone was / has left their wallet on the floor.

10. Did you hear about the bank being / having robbed?

11. Treasure Island was / has written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

12. It was a real shock when my dad was / has fired from his job.

13. The Vikings had visited America before it was / has discovered by Columbus.

14. When we got to the airport, we learned that our flight was / had been delayed.

15. Was / Has your ticket for the concert tomorrow paid for by you or your parents?

Đáp án:

1. was

2. was

3. has

4. has

5. was

6. is being painted

7. was

8. be

9. has

10. robbed

11. was

12. was

13. was

14. had

15. Was

Task 2. Điền dạng đúng của từ.

1. The Earth __________ (hold) by the gravity of the Sun and orbits around it.

2. The first feature-length comedy film __________ (create) by Charlie Chaplin.

3. The award for best video __________ (present) later this evening.

4. By the time you read this, I __________ (arrest) for murder.

5. I don’t know whether our tests __________ (mark) yet or not.

6. Radio waves __________ (discover) by Marconi.

7. You wouldn’t think to look at him now, but Jack __________ (bully) when he was at school.

8. Your suggestion __________ (consider) and we will let you know as soon as we reach a decision.

9. The roof of the car can __________ (lower) by pressing this button here.

10. The tree __________ (blow) over in the night by the wind.

11. Chess __________ (play) for around two thousand years.

12. Two men __________ (question) at this moment by police in connection with the burglary.

Đáp án:

1. is held

2. was created

3. will be presented

4. will have been arrested

5. have been marked

6. were discovered

7. was bullied

8. is being considered

9. be lowered

10. was blown

11. has been played

12. are being questioned

Task 3. Viết câu ở thể bị động.

1. Our car / service / a mechanic / at the moment.

⮚ __________________________________________________

2. A man / shoot / an air gun / outside the petrol station last night.

⮚ __________________________________________________

3. Gunpowder / invent / the Chinese.

⮚ __________________________________________________

4. At the surgery yesterday, I / examine / Dr. Peterson / and I / give / a prescription.

⮚ __________________________________________________

5. I went to see it because I / tell / it was a good film / all my friends.

⮚ __________________________________________________

6. This photograph / take / my grandfather.

⮚ __________________________________________________

7. It looked like the window / break / a hammer / some time before.

⮚ __________________________________________________

8. Our dog / give / an injection / a special syringe / the vet.

⮚ __________________________________________________

9. The winning goal in last night’s match / score / Donatello / a brilliant free kick.

⮚ __________________________________________________

10. Your cheque / send / last Friday / and / should / deliver / to you tomorrow.

⮚ __________________________________________________

Đáp án:

1. Our car is being serviced by a mechanic at the moment.

2. A man was shot with an air gun outside the petrol station last night.

3. Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese.

4. At the surgery yesterday, I was examined by Dr. Peterson and was given a prescription.

5. I went to see it because I was told it was a good film by all my friends.

6. This photograph was taken by my grandfather.

7. It looked like the window had been broken with a hammer some time before.

8. Our dog was given an injection with a special syringe by the vet.

9. The winning goal in last night’s match was scored by Donatello with a brilliant free kick.

10. Your cheque was sent last Friday and should be delivered to you tomorrow.

Task 4. Viết lại câu dùng các từ cho sẵn.

1. They have been building the new road for a long time now. (under construction)

⮚ __________________________________________________

2. They had been training the horse for the race for over a year. (in training)

⮚ __________________________________________________

3. They have been discussing the issue in Parliament. (under discussion)

⮚ __________________________________________________

4. They had been observing the criminal for the past two weeks. (under observation)

⮚ __________________________________________________

5. They have been using this plane for over 25 years now. (in use)

⮚ __________________________________________________

6. They have been developing the Cyborg D423 robot for over ten years. (in development)

⮚ __________________________________________________

Đáp án:

1. The new road has been under construction for a long time now.

2. The horse had been in training for the race for over a year.

3. The issue has been under discussion in Parliament.

4. The criminal had been under observation for the past two weeks.

5. This plane has been in use for over 25 years now.

6. The Cyborg D423 robot has been in development for over ten years.

Task 5. Viết lại câu bắt đầu bằng từ cho sẵn.

1. People say that Bali is a beautiful island.

⮚ It _________________________________________________________

2. People generally think that life won’t be found on Mars.

⮚ It _________________________________________________________

3. It is generally said that Christmas is too commercialised.

⮚ Christmas __________________________________________________

4. People often argue that prison doesn’t work.

⮚ It _________________________________________________________

5. People have suggested that the school should start to produce a magazine.

⮚ It _________________________________________________________

6. People say that crocodile tastes like squid.

⮚ Crocodile ___________________________________________________

7. It is said that the Vikings discovered America before Columbus.

⮚ The Vikings _________________________________________________

8. People think that heart disease is caused by eating the wrong things.

⮚ Heart disease ________________________________________________

Đáp án:

1. It is said that Bali is a beautiful island.

2. It is generally thought that life won’t be found on Mars.

3. Christmas is generally said to be too commercialised.

4. It is often argued that prison doesn’t work.

5. It has been suggested that the school should start to produce a magazine.

6. Crocodile is said to taste like squid.

7. The Vikings are said to have discovered America before Columbus.

8. Heart disease is thought to be caused by eating the wrong things.

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