Simple sentences and compound sentences lớp 8

Simple sentences and compound sentences lớp 8

Quảng cáo

Ngữ pháp


(Câu đơn & câu ghép)

I. Câu đơn tiếng Anh - Simple sentences

- Là câu chỉ có một mệnh đề độc lập.

Ex: Trang plays the piano. (Trang chơi đàn piano.)

- Câu đơn không phải là câu ngắn mà nó chỉ thể hiện một ý chính.

Ex: There are my books. (Đây là những quyển sách của tôi.)

- Một câu đơn có thể có nhiều hơn một chủ ngữ.

Ex: Nam and Khang are playing football. (Nam và Khang đang chơi đá bóng.)

- Một câu đơn có thể có nhiều động từ.

Ex: Trang ate peanuts and drank coffee. (Trang đã ăn đậu phộng và uống cà phê.)

II. Câu ghép tiếng Anh - Compound sentences

- Là câu chứa từ hai mệnh đề độc lập trở lên, diễn tả các ý chính có tầm quan trọng ngang nhau.

- Chúng ta sử dụng các cách sau để nối hai mệnh đề:

- sử dụng dấu chấm phẩy (;)

Ex: I met David yesterday; he’s just come out of hospital. (Tôi đã gặp David ngày hôm qua; anh ấy vừa mới xuất viện.)

- sử dụng dấu phẩy (,) và một liên từ đẳng lập (and, but, so, yet)

Ex: The bus was very crowded, so I had to stand all the way. (Xe buýt rất đông nên tôi phải đứng suốt chặng đường.)

       He loves her, but she doesn’t love him. (Anh yêu cô, nhưng cô không yêu anh.)

- sử dụng dấu chấm phẩy (;) và một trạng từ nối tiếp - từ chuyển tiếp (however, therefore, nevertheless, moreover, otherwise,...) và theo sau đó là dấu phẩy (,)

Ex: The bus was very crowded; therefore, I had to stand all the way. (Xe buýt rất đông; vì vậy, tôi đã phải đứng suốt chặng đường.)

Bài tập

Exercise 1. Determine whether each sentence is a simple sentence (S) or a compound sentence (C).

1. The cat slept on the windowsill.

2. I like to read books, but my brother prefers to watch movies.

3. Maria and her friends went to the beach for a picnic.

4. After finishing his homework, Mark played video games.

5. The sun was setting, and the sky turned a beautiful shade of orange.

Đáp án:

1. S

2. C

3. S

4. C

5. C

Exercise 2. Combine the following pairs of simple sentences into compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet).

1. She loves hiking. She doesn't like camping.

2. The concert was fantastic. The tickets were expensive.

3. I have a test tomorrow. I need to study tonight.

4. They wanted to go to the museum. They decided to visit the zoo instead.

5. Sarah enjoys playing the piano. She also likes singing.

Đáp án:

1. She loves hiking, but she doesn't like camping.

2. The concert was fantastic, but the tickets were expensive.

3. I have a test tomorrow, so I need to study tonight.

4. They wanted to go to the museum, but they decided to visit the zoo instead.

5. Sarah enjoys playing the piano, and she also likes singing.

Exercise 3. Identify the coordinating conjunctions in the following compound sentences.

1. The weather was cold, but the sun was shining.

2. I wanted to go to the party, so I finished my work early.

3. He didn't want pizza, nor did he want pasta.

4. Jenny studied hard, yet she didn't perform well on the exam.

5. Are you going to the store, or should I go?

Đáp án:

1. but

2. so

3. nor

4. yet

5. or

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence?

A. The cat is sleeping on the couch.

B. I enjoy reading books.

C. The sun was setting, and the stars began to appear.

D. She walked to the park.

2. Identify the coordinating conjunction in the compound sentence: “He wanted to go to the party, but he had to work.”

A. wanted

B. but

C. to

D. had

3. Combine the two simple sentences into a compound sentence using the correct coordinating conjunction: “She likes ice cream. She doesn't like cake.”

A. She likes ice cream, and she doesn't like cake.

B. She likes ice cream, but she doesn't like cake.

C. She likes ice cream or cake.

D. She likes ice cream; however, she doesn't like cake.

4. Identify the type of sentence: “The rain stopped, so we went for a walk.”

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

D. Compound-complex

5. Choose the correct compound sentence:

A. The dog barked loudly.

B. I enjoy playing tennis, or I prefer swimming.

C. Reading a good book is relaxing.

D. The sun sets in the west.

6. Identify the simple sentence:

A. The cat sat on the windowsill.

B. She enjoys hiking and she also enjoys camping.

C. Although it rained, the event continued.

D. After finishing his meal, he went for a walk.

7. Select the correct compound sentence:

A. I have a meeting later, but I will finish my work before.

B. She sings beautifully, nor does she play the guitar.

C. The sun sets, and the moon rises.

D. They went to the beach, so they could relax.

8. Identify the coordinating conjunction in the conjunction in the compound sentence:”He was tired, yet he couldn't sleep.”

A. tired

B. yet

C. couldn't

D. sleep

9. Combine the two simple sentences into a compound sentence using the correct coordinating conjunction: “She studied hard. She passed the exam.”

A. She studied hard, and she passed the exam.

B. She studied hard; however, she passed the exam.

C. She studied hard, nor she passed the exam.

D. She studied hard but she passed the exam.

10. Choose the correct compound sentence:

A. The cat meowed loudly.

B. I like both chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

C. Reading books is enjoyable.

D. We went to the park and we played soccer.

Đáp án:

1. C

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. A

10. D

Exercise 5. Classify as either simple (S) or compound (C).

1. I enjoy reading novels.

2. The cat slept on the windowsill, but the dog barked outside.

3. After finishing dinner, she went for a walk.

4. The movie was interesting, yet the ending was disappointing.

5. The sun was setting, and the moon was rising in the east.

Đáp án:

1. S

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. C

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