Phân biệt Though, Although, Even though, Inspite of và Despite trong tiếng Anh

Bài viết Phân biệt Though, Although, Even though, Inspite of và Despite gồm ngữ pháp Phân biệt Though, Although, Even though, Inspite of và Despite chi tiết và bài tập Phân biệt Though, Although, Even though, Inspite of và Despite có lời giải giúp học sinh nắm vững cách sử dụng Phân biệt Though, Although, Even though, Inspite of và Despite trong tiếng Anh.

Phân biệt Though, Although, Even though, Inspite of và Despite trong tiếng Anh

Lý thuyết Phân biệt Though, Although, Even though, Inspite of và Despite

Bí kíp luyện thi Part 5 TOEIC: Though/Although/Even though & Inspite of/Despite

Though, Although, Even though, In spite ofDespite đều được sử dụng đề diễn tả tương phản, đối lập. Tuy nhiên giữa chúng lại có sự khác biệt về cấu trúc mà chúng ta cần đặc biệt lưu ý trong quá trình làm bài thi TOEIC.

Phần dưới đây miêu tả cách sử dụng của từng từ (cụm từ) trên:

Cách sử dụng Though/Although/Even though

Though/Although/Even though + mệnh đề

* Có thể đứng đầu hoặc giữa câu để nối hai mệnh đề. Nếu đứng ở đầu câu thì cần có dấu phẩy ngăn giữa hai mệnh đề phụ và mệnh đề chính. Nếu đứng giữa câu thì bỏ dấu phẩy.

- Although she was hungry, she did not eat much.

= She did not eat much although she was hungry.

* Althoughthough có ý nghĩa tương đương nhau, Even though mang nghĩa nhấn mạnh hơn sự trái ngược của hai mệnh đề.

- Although the exam was difficult, I did well.

- Even though the exam was easy, I failed.

Cách sử dụng Inspite of/Despite

Despite/In spite of + (cụm) danh từ/cụm danh động từ

* Có thể đứng trước hoặc sau mệnh đề chính

- Despite/ In spite of her illness, Hoa still went to school.

= Hoa still went to school despite/ In spite of her illness.

* Despite/In spite of the fact that = Although/Though: cách sử dụng như Although/though, đằng sau cộng với một mệnh đề.

- Despite/In spite of the fact that Hoa was ill, she still went to school.

Although/Though/Even though + tính từ >< KHÔNG dùng Despite/Inspite of + tính từ

Đối với câu sử dụng although/though/even though, nếu mệnh đề đi sau chúng ở dạng:

although/though/even though + S +to be/động từ liên kết + tính từ

thì có thể rút gọn bằng cách lược bỏ chủ ngữ, trợ động từ, động từ tobe hay động từ liên kết, thành dạng:

although/though/even though + tính từ

Lưu ý chỉ được rút gọn khi chủ ngữ của mệnh chính và phụ là đồng nhất (tức là hai mệnh đề chung chủ ngữ).

- Although he is not good at Math, he has got a pretty high score in the recent exam.

--> Although not good at Math,he has got a pretty high score in the recent exam.

- We had a picnic though the weather was very bed.

--> We had a picnic though very bad. (Bất đồng chủ ngữ)

Cách rút gọn có thể sử dụng với Though/Even though nhưng phổ biến nhất vẫn là Although. Although mang tính trang trọng hơn Though, do đó trong văn viết người ta thường sử dụng Although.

Ghi chú: Cách rút gọn trên không được sử dụng cho Despite/In spite of vì sau Despite/In spite of ta chỉ dùng được danh từ, cụm danh từ hoặc cụm danh động từ mà thôi.

Bài tập Phân biệt Though, Although, Even though, Inspite of và Despite

Task 1. Điền although, despite, hoặc however sao cho phù hợp.

1. ________ the storm, over ten thousand people took part in the marathon.

2. ________ I wrote myself a note to remind me, I still forgot to call George tonight.

3. Most Egyptologists believe that the Sphinx is about 4000 years old. Some geologists, ________, argue that it must be at least 14,000 years old.

4. ________ having taken two aspirin, I had such a bad headache that I had to go home.

5. I’ve never seen a UFO. ________, that doesn’t mean that I don’t believe in them.

6. There are still two million people unemployed ________ the fact that we’re in the middle of an economic boom.

7. ________ no European country carries out capital punishment, it is widely used throughout the United States.

8. Technology has benefited humankind enormously. There are drawbacks with our reliance on technology, ________.

9. I couldn’t find my keys ________ searching for them everywhere.

10. ________ small, the kitchen is well designed.

Đáp án:

1. despite

2. Although

3. however

4. Despite

5. However

6. despite

7. Although

8. however

9. despite

10. Although

Task 2. Nối sao cho phù hợp.

1. Although

2. Despite

3. Despite the

4. Aesop is a vegetarian,

5. Despite his vegetarianism,

6. In spite

7. Despite having

8. Aesop is a vegetarian. However, he

9. Aesop is a vegetarian. He does












A. of being a vegetarian, Aesop does occasionally eat fish.

B. does occasionally eat fish.

C. Aesop does occasionally eat fish.

D. being a vegetarian, Aesop does occasionally eat fish.

E. occasionally eat fish, however.

F. Aesop’s a vegetarian, he does occasionally eat fish.

G. been a vegetarian for years, Aesop does occasionally eat fish.

H. fact that Aesop is a vegetarian, he does occasionally eat fish.

I. although he does occasionally eat fish.

Đáp án:

1. F

2. D

3. H

4. I

5. C

6. A

7. G

8. B

9. E

Task 3. Viết lại câu dùng từ gợi ý, dùng 2-5 từ.

1. Although he was exhausted, Mike kept on climbing. fact

⮚ In _________________________ he was exhausted, Mike kept on climbing.

2. Sally had been sure she would win the music competition. She came third, however. been

⮚ Despite ________________________ would win the music competition, Sally came third.

3. Doug wasn’t shortlisted for the job even though he had a great CV. spite

⮚ Doug wasn’t shortlisted for the job _________________________ a great CV.

4. Planes can still take off and land but ferries have been cancelled. whereas

⮚ Ferries have been cancelled, _________________________ able to take off and land.

5. Despite having got a good degree, Sandra couldn’t find a well-paid job. even

⮚ Sandra couldn’t find a well-paid job _________________________ a good degree.

6. Even though he’d been robbed twice, Red still enjoyed living in the city. having

⮚ Red still enjoyed living in the city _________________________ twice.

7. It’s a great film despite the plot being a little complicated. though

⮚ It’s a great film, _________________________ a little complicated.

8. Despite looking everywhere, the kids failed to find the tennis ball. although

⮚ The kids failed to find the tennis ball _________________________ everywhere.

9. Pat really enjoyed the match even though she was beaten. of

⮚ In _________________________, Pat really enjoyed the match.

10. Despite their thorough investigation of the case, the police didn’t manage to catch the culprit. investigated

⮚ Despite _________________________, the police didn’t manage to catch the culprit.

Đáp án:

1. spite of the fact (that)

2. having been sure (that) she

3. in spite of (his) having

4. whereas planes are still

5. even though she had got

6. despite having been robbed

7. (even) though the plot is

8. although they (had) looked

9. spite of being beaten

10. having investigated the case thoroughly

Task 4. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. ________ the sun was shining, it wasn’t very warm.

A. Although

B. Even

C. Despite

D. In spite of

2. ________ applying for hundreds of jobs, Ian is still out of work.

A. Despite

B. In spite

C. Though

D. Even though

3. Her voice was shaking ________ all her efforts to control it.

A. although

B. though

C. despite

D. inspite of

4. I felt he was wrong, ________ I didn’t say so at the time.

A. despite

B. in spite of

C. although

D. however

5. She was good at physics ________ the fact that she found it boring.

A. but

B. despite

C. though

D. while

6. Anne was fond of Tim, ________ he often annoyed her.

A. despite

B. even

C. even though

D. whereas

7. His clothes, ________ old and worn, looked clean and of good quality.

A. even

B. in spite of

C. though

D. while

8. ________ his age, Dick still leads an active life.

A. Despite of

B. In spite of

C. Even though

D. However

9. Strange ________ it may sound, I was pleased it was over.

A. although

B. even though

C. as though

D. though

10. Politicians have promised to improve road safety. ________ this, little has been achieved so far.

A. As if

B. Even if

C. Although

D. In spite of

Đáp án:

1. A

2. A

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. C

8. B

9. D

10. D

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