50 Bài tập Thì quá khứ hoàn thành cực hay có lời giải

Bài viết 50 Bài tập Thì quá khứ hoàn thành cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Thì quá khứ hoàn thành và trên 50 bài tập về Thì quá khứ hoàn thành chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của Thì quá khứ hoàn thành.

50 Bài tập Thì quá khứ hoàn thành cực hay có lời giải


1. Cách dùng

Thì quá khứ hoàn thành dùng để diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trước một hành động khác và cả hai hành động này đều đã xảy ra trong quá khứ. Hành động nào xảy ra trước thì dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành. Hành động xảy ra sau thì dùng thì quá khứ đơn.

2. Cấu trúc

Khẳng định (+) Phủ định (-) Nghi vấn (?)

S + had + VpII

Ví dụ:

He had gone out when I came into the house.

(Anh ấy đã đi ra ngoài khi tôi vào nhà.)

S + hadn’t + VpII

Ví dụ:

She hadn’t come home when I got there.

(Cô ấy vẫn chưa về nhà khi tôi về.)

Had + S + VpII?

Ví dụ:

Had the film ended when you arrived at the cinema? (Bộ phim đã kết thúc khi bạn tới rạp chiếu phim phải không?)

Yes, it had.

3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết

– when: khi

Ví dụ: When they arrived at the airport, her flight had taken off. (Khi họ tới sân bay, chuyến bay của cô ấy đã cất cánh.)

– before: trước khi (Trước “before” sử dụng thì quá khứ hoàn thành và sau “before” sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn.)

Ví dụ: She had done her homework before her mother asked her to do so. (Cô ấy đã làm bài tập về nhà trước khi mẹ cô ấy yêu cầu cô ấy làm như vậy.)

– After: sau khi (Trước “after” sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn và sau “after” sử dụng thì quá khứ hoàn thành.)

Ví dụ: They went home after they had eaten a big roasted chicken. (Họ về nhà sau khi đã ăn một con gà quay lớn.)

– by the time (vào thời điểm)

Ví dụ: He had cleaned the house by the time her mother came back. (Cậu ấy đã lau xong nhà vào thời điểm mẹ cậu ấy trở về.)


Task 1. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. They (come) ……….. back home after they (finish) ………………… their work.

2. She said that she ( meet) ………. Mr. Bean before.

3. Before he (go) ……….. to bed, he (read) ……………… a novel.

4. He told me he (not/wear) …………… such kind of clothes before.

5. When I came to the stadium, the match (start)…………………….

6. Before she (listen) ……….. to music, she (do)………. homework.

7. Last night, Peter (go) …….. to the supermarket before he (go) ……… home.

1. came – had finished

2. had meet

3. went – had read

4. hadn’t worn

5. had started

6. listened – had done

7. had gone – went

Task 2. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi sử dụng từ gợi ý cho sẵn.

1. David had gone home before we arrived. – After


2. We had lunch then we took a look around the shops. – Before


3. The light had gone out before we got out of the office. – When


4. After she had explained everything clearly, we started our work. – By the time


5. My father had watered all the plants in the garden by the time my mother came home. – Before


1. After David had gone home, we arrived.

2. Before we took a look around the shops, we had had lunch.

3. When we got out of the office, the light had gone out.

4. By the time we started our work, she had explained everything clearly.

5. Before my mother came home, my father had watered all the plants in the garden.

Task 3. Hoàn thành câu

1. When Hoa arrived at the theater, the film ____________(start).

2. He ____________ (live) in Laos before He went to Vietnam.

3. After Lan ____________ (eat) the cake, Lan began to feel sick.

4. If he ____________ (listen) to me, he would have got the job.

5. Linh didn’t arrive until I ____________ (leave).

6. After they ____________ (finish) lunch, they went out.

7. The tree was dead because it ____________ (be) arid all summer.

8. I ____________ (meet) him somewhere before.

9. They were late for the flight because they ____________ (forget) their passports.

10. Linh told me she ____________ (study) a lot before the exam.

1. had started

2. had lived

3. had eaten

4. had listened

5. had left

6. had finished

7. had been

8. had met

9. had forgotten

10. had studied

Task 4. Sắp xếp các câu sau và chia động từ (nếu có)

1. The/they/get/had/off/before/of/the/turn/light/office/out.

2. By/begin/time/I/my/she/,/had/leave/the/quickly/work.

3. After/finish/my/,/we/back/father/his/home/work/come.

4. Before/go/had/an/novel/my/to/brother/read/interesting/he/bed.

5. When/her/in/,/he/had/join/Linh/best friend/Bangkok/the/Ever/meet.

6. Cuong/this/before/last night/had/text/he/went/translate/out.

7. Hung/your/before/meet/had/email/he/use/you?

8. When/I/arrive/had/hadn’t/my/lunch/parents.

9. They/before/had/to/the meeting/speak/her.

10. I/that/hadn’t/see/before/was/the man/sure/I.

1. The light had turned off before they got out of the office.

2. By the time I began my work, she had left quickly.

3. After my father finished his work, we came back home.

4. Before my brother went to bed, he had read an interesting novel.

5. When Linh met her best friend in Bangkok, he had joined the Ever.

6. Cuong had translated this text before he went out last night.

7. Had Hung used your email before he met you?

8. When my parents arrived, I hadn’t had lunch.

9. They had spoken to her before the meeting.

10. I was sure that I hadn’t seen the man before.

Task 5. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai (nếu có)

1. I had finished lunch before my parents come.

2. By the time I had found the key, I hadn’t got into the house.

3. Up until that moment, my younger sister never believed in love.

4. Sunny ate dinner so she wasn’t hungry.

5. When Bob graduated in university, he was in New York for 5 years.

6. She wishes her friends didn’t go to bed so early.

7. My boyfriend didn’t meet me when I arrived.

1. come ⇒ came

2. had found ⇒ found

3. never believed ⇒ had never believed

4. ate ⇒ had eaten

5. was ⇒ had been

6. didn’t go ⇒ hadn’t gone

7. didn’t meet ⇒ hadn’t met

Task 6. Hoàn thành câu.

1. I was exhausted at the end of the test. I (write) ____________ for over three hours.

2. When thieves stole my favourite leather wallet, I was really upset. I (have) ____________ it for over five years.

3. Please step out of the truck, Mr.Đạt. Do you realise you (drive) ____________ at over 100mph?

4. We didn’t really want to go and see the film again. We (already see) ____________ it twice – so we said “no” and we went to a shopping mall instead!

5. I arrived over two hours late to the office and everyone in my company was working. Actually, they (work) ____________ for over three hours on the new project and I felt really guilty.

6. The kitchen was full of pans when we arrived. Loan was in the kitchen and she (cook) ____________ a big meal for everyone at the party.

7. It was a bit discomfiture to arrive at their house and find Linh looking so depressed. I think she (cry) ____________ before I got there.

8. No-one even noticed when he got home. They (all watch) ____________ the favorite show on television.

1. had been writing.

2. had had.

3. were driving.

4. had already seen.

5. had been working.

6. was cooking.

7. had been crying.

8. were all watching.

Task 7. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

1. By the time you came, I _______ (have) lunch.

2. Dean _______ (not/sleep) yet when his mother entered his room.

3. His little brother _______ (already/brush) his teeth, so he didn’t eat cookies.

4. If Della _______ (inform) me about the event, I would have taken part in.

5. _______ (you/drink) a glass of milk before meal?

6. Why _______ (you/not/leave) a message when you went out?

7. They weren’t there because they _______ (be) at the stadium.

8. _______ (you/visit) this place before you went here?

9. If they _______ (not/act) like that, we would not have argued with them.

10. When we arrived, he _______ (just/write) a letter to her girlfriend.

1. had had

2. hadn’t slept

3. had already brushed

4. had informed

5. Had you drunk

6. hadn’t you left

7. had been

8. Had you visited

9. hadn’t acted

10. had just written

Task 8. Hoàn thành câu dựa vào các từ gợi ý cho sẵn

1. He/not/go/us/till/finish/his homework

2. They/meet/each other/before/come/there

3. My/mother/work/farmer/before/become/teacher

4. We/watch/TV/after/I/finish/all/chores

5. Which channel/you/watch/before/tune in/this one

6. By/time/we/graduate/he/work/4 companies

7. Because/he/read/book/not/buy

8. I/just/call/her/they/cancel/interview

9. They/leave/when/I/call

10. Lesson/start/by/time/I/come

1. He didn’t go with us till he’d finished his homework.

2. They’d met each other before they came there.

3. My mother had worked as a farmer before she became a teacher.

4. We watched TV together after I’d finished all my chores.

5. Which channel had you watched before you tuned in this one?

6. By the time we graduated, he had worked for 4 companies.

7. Because he had read the book before, he didn’t buy it.

8. I had just called her before they cancelled the interview.

9. They had left when I called.

10. The lesson had started by the time I came.

Task 9. Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng từ cho trước

1. You went to Suc's house, but she wasn't there. (she/ go/ out)


2. You went back to your home town after many years. It wasn't the same asbefore. (it/ change/ a lot)


3. I invited Rachel to the party, but she couldn't come. (she/ arrange/ to do something else)


4. You went to the cinema last night. You got to the cinema late. (the film/ already/ begin)


5. It was nice to see Dan again after such a long time. (I/ not/ see/ him for five years)


6. I offered Sue something to eat, but she wasn't hungry. (she/ just/ have breakfast)


1. She had gone out

2. It had changed a lot

3. She’d arranged to do something else

4. The film had already begun

5. I hadn’t seen him for five years

6. She’just had breakfast

Task 10. Choose the correct answers

1. The teacher ________ out when I arrived in the classroom.

A. goes     B. have gone

C. has gone     D. had gone

2. I ______ my document before the power went out in the computer lab.

A. had save    B. have saved

C. had saved     D. saved

3. When they arrived we _________ the test.

A. had already started     B. have already started

C. starts     D. already starting

4. George _________ his furniture before he moved to Japan.

A. have sold    B. had sold

C. had sell     D. sells

5. Larry _________ his homework already by the time Roy came over.

A. finishes    B. had finish

C. had finished    D. have finish

1. D. had gone

2. C. had saved

3. A. had already started

4. B. had sold

5. C. had finished

Câu hỏi 1 2 3 4 5
Đáp án D C A B C

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